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2014-09-26 03:02:55 -05:00
# Quarantining
2014-09-26 10:31:30 -05:00
2019-05-16 09:43:12 -05:00
Amavisd is configured to query policy from SQL database, global policy is
created during iRedMail installation, quarantining related settings are
disabled by default, you can easily enable quarantining with this tutorial.
2019-05-16 09:43:12 -05:00
## Update Amavisd policy settings
With OpenLDAP, MySQL and MariaDB backends, Amavisd queries MySQL/MariaDB
database `amavisd` to get policy, so we use MySQL commands for example in this
tutorial. Most commands work for PostgreSQL.
2014-09-26 03:02:55 -05:00
2019-05-16 09:43:12 -05:00
USE amavisd;
-- quarantine spam
UPDATE policy set spam_lover='N', bypass_spam_checks='N' WHERE policy_name='@.';
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2019-05-16 09:43:12 -05:00
-- quarantine virus
UPDATE policy set virus_lover='N', bypass_virus_checks='N' WHERE policy_name='@.';
2014-09-26 03:02:55 -05:00
2019-05-16 09:43:12 -05:00
-- quarantine email which contains banned file types
UPDATE policy set banned_files_lover='N', bypass_banned_checks='N' WHERE policy_name='@.';
2014-09-26 03:02:55 -05:00
2019-05-16 09:43:12 -05:00
-- quarantine email which has bad headers.
UPDATE policy set bad_header_lover='N', bypass_header_checks='N' WHERE policy_name='@.';
2014-09-26 03:02:55 -05:00
2019-05-16 09:43:12 -05:00
Restarting amavisd service is __NOT__ required.
2014-09-26 03:02:55 -05:00
## Configure iRedAdmin-Pro to manage quarantined mails
Update iRedAdmin-Pro config file, make sure you have correct settings for Amavisd:
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2014-09-26 03:02:55 -05:00
* on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Scientific Linux, it's `/var/www/iredadmin/`.
* on Debian, Ubuntu, it's `/opt/www/iredadmin/` or `/usr/share/apache2/iredadmin/`.
2014-09-26 03:02:55 -05:00
* on FreeBSD, it's `/usr/local/www/iredadmin/`.
* on OpenBSD, it's `/var/www/iredadmin/`.
# File:
amavisd_db_host = ''
amavisd_db_port = 3306
amavisd_db_name = 'amavisd'
amavisd_db_user = 'amavisd'
amavisd_db_password = 'password'
2014-10-10 10:51:42 -05:00
# Log basic info of inbound/outbound, no mail body stored.
2014-09-26 03:02:55 -05:00
amavisd_enable_logging = True
2014-10-10 10:51:42 -05:00
# Quarantining management
2014-09-26 03:02:55 -05:00
amavisd_enable_quarantine = True
amavisd_quarantine_port = 9998
2014-10-10 10:51:42 -05:00
# Per-recipient policy lookup
2014-09-26 03:02:55 -05:00
amavisd_enable_policy_lookup = True
Restarting Apache web server or `uwsgi` service (if you're running Nginx as
web server) is required.
2014-09-26 03:02:55 -05:00
You can now login to iRedAdmin-Pro, and manage quarantined messages via menu
2014-09-26 03:02:55 -05:00
`System -> Quarantined Mails`. Choose action in drop-down menu list to release
or delete them.
2014-09-26 10:25:47 -05:00
Screenshots attached at the bottom.
2014-09-26 03:02:55 -05:00
### Notify users about quarantined mails
iRedAdmin-Pro ships script `tools/` to notify
users which have email quarantined in SQL database.
Default notification email contains basic info of each quarantined email:
* mail subject
* sender
* recipient
* spam level (score)
* mail arrived time
The notification email message is read from (HTML) template file
`tools/notify_quarantined_recipients.html`, if you want to modify it, please
2017-02-16 04:39:26 -06:00
copy it to `tools/notify_quarantined_recipients.html.custom` then modify it.
During upgrading iRedAdmin-Pro, this custom file will be copied to
new iRedAdmin-Pro directory, so you won't lose your customization.
Several parameters are required by this script in iRedAdmin-Pro config file:
# SMTP server address, port, username, password used to send notification mail.
NOTIFICATION_SMTP_USER = 'no-reply@localhost.local'
# URL of your iRedAdmin-Pro login page which will be shown in notification
# email, so that user can login to manage quarantined emails.
# Sample: ''
2017-02-14 08:23:57 -06:00
# Note: mail domain must have self-service enabled, otherwise normal
# mail user cannot login to iRedAdmin-Pro for self-service.
NOTIFICATION_URL_SELF_SERVICE = 'https://[your_server]/iredadmin/'
# Subject of notification email. Available placeholders:
# - %(total)d -- number of quarantined mails in total
NOTIFICATION_QUARANTINE_MAIL_SUBJECT = '[Attention] You have %(total)d emails quarantined and not delivered to mailbox'
To notify user periodly, please add a cron job for root user to run
`tools/`. For example, every 6 hours ('6 hours'
is just an example, the period is totally up to you):
1 */6 * * * /usr/bin/python /var/www/iredadmin/tools/ --force-all >/dev/null
Don't forget to use the correct path to `` on your server.
You can also run this script manually to notify users. for example,
on RHEL/CentOS:
cd /var/www/iredadmin/tools/
python --force-all
`` supports few arguments:
Argument | Comment
`--force-all` | Send notification to all users which have email quarantined
`--force-all-time` | Notify users for their all quarantined emails instead of just new ones since last notification.
`--notify-backupmx` | Send notification to all recipients under backup mx domain
2014-09-26 10:25:47 -05:00
## Quarantine clean emails
2014-09-26 03:02:55 -05:00
Note: If you just want to quarantine clean emails sent from/to certain local
user, please refer to this document instead:
[Quarantine clean emails sent from/to certain local user](./quarantine.clean.mails.per-user.html)
2014-09-26 10:25:47 -05:00
If you want to quarantine clean emails into SQL database for further approval
2014-10-10 10:51:42 -05:00
or whatever reason, please follow below steps:
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2014-10-10 10:56:19 -05:00
* Update below parameters in Amavisd config file `amavisd.conf`:
2014-09-26 10:25:47 -05:00
$clean_quarantine_method = 'sql:';
$clean_quarantine_to = 'clean-quarantine';
2016-01-12 01:48:10 -06:00
* Find policy bank `ORIGINATING`, append two lines in this policy bank:
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2014-09-26 10:25:47 -05:00
2016-01-12 01:48:10 -06:00
$policy_bank{'ORIGINATING'} = {
2014-09-26 10:25:47 -05:00
clean_quarantine_method => 'sql:',
final_destiny_by_ccat => {CC_CLEAN, D_DISCARD},
2014-10-10 10:56:19 -05:00
* Restart Amavisd service.
2014-09-26 10:25:47 -05:00
Now all clean emails sent by your mail users will be quarantined into SQL
## Screenshots
2014-09-26 03:02:55 -05:00
2014-09-26 10:25:47 -05:00
* View quarantined mails:
2014-09-26 10:31:30 -05:00
2014-09-26 03:02:55 -05:00
2014-09-26 10:25:47 -05:00
* Expand quarantined mail to view mail body and headers.
2014-09-26 03:02:55 -05:00