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2021-11-04 22:52:22 -06:00
# Meta Data for SEO
## Homepage
title = "Inicio"
titleSeparator = "-"
titleAddition = "Empresa Libre"
description = "En cada relación comercial, existe una relación humana."
## Documentation
# docsVersion = "0.1"
## Open Graph
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ogLocale = "en_US"
domainTLD = "doks.netlify.app"
titleHome = "Empresa Libre"
## Twitter Cards
#twitterSite = "@getdoks"
#twitterCreator = "@henkverlinde"
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schemaAuthorLinkedIn = "https://www.linkedin.com/in/henkverlinde/"
schemaAuthorGitHub = "https://github.com/h-enk"
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schemaLinkedIn = ""
schemaGitHub = "https://github.com/h-enk/doks"
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## Sitelinks Search Box
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## Chrome Browser
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# Images
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# Footer
footer = "Creado con <a href=\"https://gohugo.io/\">Hugo</a> y tema <a href=\"https://getdoks.org/\">Doks</a>"
# Feed
copyRight = "Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Empresa Libre"
# Alert
alert = false
alertDismissable = true
# alertText = "Introducing the Doks child theme, several DX + UX updates, and more! <a class=\"alert-link stretched-link\" href=\"https://getdoks.org/blog/doks-v0.2/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Check out Doks v0.2</a>"
alertText = "Introducing the Doks child theme, several DX + UX updates, and more! <a class=\"alert-link stretched-link\" href=\"https://getdoks.org/blog/doks-v0.2/\">Check out Doks v0.2</a>"
# Edit Page
# repoHost [Github | Gitea | GitLab] is used for building the edit link based on git hoster
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