
310 lines
10 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
#~ import falcon
#~ from models.main import get_cp
#~ class AppPostalCode(object):
#~ def on_get(self, req, resp):
#~ values = req.params
#~ req.context['result'] = get_cp(values['cp'])
#~ resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200
#~ https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/blob/v1.2.3/requests/structures.py#L37
import re
import smtplib
import collections
from collections import OrderedDict
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.base import MIMEBase
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email import encoders
from email.utils import formatdate
class CaseInsensitiveDict(collections.MutableMapping):
"""A case-insensitive ``dict``-like object.
Implements all methods and operations of
``collections.MutableMapping`` as well as dict's ``copy``. Also
provides ``lower_items``.
All keys are expected to be strings. The structure remembers the
case of the last key to be set, and ``iter(instance)``,
``keys()``, ``items()``, ``iterkeys()``, and ``iteritems()``
will contain case-sensitive keys. However, querying and contains
testing is case insensitive::
cid = CaseInsensitiveDict()
cid['Accept'] = 'application/json'
cid['aCCEPT'] == 'application/json' # True
list(cid) == ['Accept'] # True
For example, ``headers['content-encoding']`` will return the
value of a ``'Content-Encoding'`` response header, regardless
of how the header name was originally stored.
If the constructor, ``.update``, or equality comparison
operations are given keys that have equal ``.lower()``s, the
behavior is undefined.
def __init__(self, data=None, **kwargs):
self._store = OrderedDict()
if data is None:
data = {}
self.update(data, **kwargs)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
# Use the lowercased key for lookups, but store the actual
# key alongside the value.
self._store[key.lower()] = (key, value)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._store[key.lower()][1]
def __delitem__(self, key):
del self._store[key.lower()]
def __iter__(self):
return (casedkey for casedkey, mappedvalue in self._store.values())
def __len__(self):
return len(self._store)
def lower_items(self):
"""Like iteritems(), but with all lowercase keys."""
return (
(lowerkey, keyval[1])
for (lowerkey, keyval)
in self._store.items()
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, collections.Mapping):
other = CaseInsensitiveDict(other)
return NotImplemented
# Compare insensitively
return dict(self.lower_items()) == dict(other.lower_items())
# Copy is required
def copy(self):
return CaseInsensitiveDict(self._store.values())
def __repr__(self):
return str(dict(self.items()))
class NumLet(object):
def __init__(self, value, moneda, **args):
self._letras = self._letters(value, moneda)
def letras(self):
return self._letras.upper()
#~ def _letters(self, numero, moneda='peso', texto_inicial='-(',
#~ texto_final='/100 m.n.)-', fraccion_letras=False, fraccion=''):
def _letters(self, numero, moneda='peso'):
texto_inicial = ''
texto_final = '/100 m.n.)-'
fraccion_letras = False
fraccion = ''
enletras = texto_inicial
numero = abs(numero)
numtmp = '%015d' % numero
if numero < 1:
enletras += 'cero ' + self._plural(moneda) + ' '
enletras += self._numlet(numero)
if numero == 1 or numero < 2:
enletras += moneda + ' '
elif int(''.join(numtmp[3:])) == 0 or int(''.join(numtmp[9:])) == 0:
enletras += 'de ' + self._plural(moneda) + ' '
enletras += self._plural(moneda) + ' '
decimal = '%0.2f' % numero
decimal = decimal.split('.')[1]
#~ decimal = int((numero-int(numero))*100)
if fraccion_letras:
if decimal == 0:
enletras += 'con cero ' + self._plural(fraccion)
elif decimal == 1:
enletras += 'con un ' + fraccion
enletras += 'con ' + self._numlet(int(decimal)) + self.plural(fraccion)
enletras += decimal
enletras += texto_final
return enletras
def _numlet(self, numero):
numtmp = '%015d' % numero
letras = ''
leyenda = ''
for co1 in range(0,5):
inicio = co1*3
cen = int(numtmp[inicio:inicio+1][0])
dec = int(numtmp[inicio+1:inicio+2][0])
uni = int(numtmp[inicio+2:inicio+3][0])
letra3 = self.centena(uni, dec, cen)
letra2 = self.decena(uni, dec)
letra1 = self.unidad(uni, dec)
if co1 == 0:
if (cen+dec+uni) == 1:
leyenda = 'billon '
elif (cen+dec+uni) > 1:
leyenda = 'billones '
elif co1 == 1:
if (cen+dec+uni) >= 1 and int(''.join(numtmp[6:9])) == 0:
leyenda = "mil millones "
elif (cen+dec+uni) >= 1:
leyenda = "mil "
elif co1 == 2:
if (cen+dec) == 0 and uni == 1:
leyenda = 'millon '
elif cen > 0 or dec > 0 or uni > 1:
leyenda = 'millones '
elif co1 == 3:
if (cen+dec+uni) >= 1:
leyenda = 'mil '
elif co1 == 4:
if (cen+dec+uni) >= 1:
leyenda = ''
letras += letra3 + letra2 + letra1 + leyenda
letra1 = ''
letra2 = ''
letra3 = ''
leyenda = ''
return letras
def centena(self, uni, dec, cen):
letras = ''
numeros = ["","","doscientos ","trescientos ","cuatrocientos ","quinientos ","seiscientos ","setecientos ","ochocientos ","novecientos "]
if cen == 1:
if (dec+uni) == 0:
letras = 'cien '
letras = 'ciento '
elif cen >= 2 and cen <= 9:
letras = numeros[cen]
return letras
def decena(self, uni, dec):
letras = ''
numeros = ["diez ","once ","doce ","trece ","catorce ","quince ","dieci","dieci","dieci","dieci"]
decenas = ["","","","treinta ","cuarenta ","cincuenta ","sesenta ","setenta ","ochenta ","noventa "]
if dec == 1:
letras = numeros[uni]
elif dec == 2:
if uni == 0:
letras = 'veinte '
elif uni > 0:
letras = 'veinti'
elif dec >= 3 and dec <= 9:
letras = decenas[dec]
if uni > 0 and dec > 2:
letras = letras+'y '
return letras
def unidad(self, uni, dec):
letras = ''
numeros = ["","un ","dos ","tres ","cuatro ","cinco ","seis ","siete ","ocho ","nueve "]
if dec != 1:
if uni > 0 and uni <= 5:
letras = numeros[uni]
if uni >= 6 and uni <= 9:
letras = numeros[uni]
return letras
def _plural(self, palabra):
if re.search('[aeiou]$', palabra):
return re.sub('$', 's', palabra)
return palabra + 'es'
class SendMail(object):
def __init__(self, config):
self._config = config
self._server = None
self._error = ''
self._is_connect = self._login()
def is_connect(self):
return self._is_connect
def error(self):
return self._error
def _login(self):
if self._config['ssl']:
self._server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(
self._config['puerto'], timeout=10)
self._server = smtplib.SMTP(
self._config['puerto'], timeout=10)
self._server.login(self._config['usuario'], self._config['contra'])
return True
except smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError as e:
if '535' in str(e):
self._error = 'Nombre de usuario o contraseña inválidos'
return False
if '534' in str(e) and 'gmail' in self._config['servidor']:
self._error = 'Necesitas activar el acceso a otras ' \
'aplicaciones en tu cuenta de GMail'
return False
except smtplib.SMTPException as e:
self._error = str(e)
return False
except Exception as e:
self._error = str(e)
return False
def send(self, options):
message = MIMEMultipart()
message['From'] = self._config['usuario']
message['To'] = options['para']
message['CC'] = options['copia']
message['Subject'] = options['asunto']
message['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
message.attach(MIMEText(options['mensaje'], 'html'))
for f in options['files']:
part = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream')
"attachment; filename={}".format(f[1]))
receivers = options['para'].split(',') + options['copia'].split(',')
self._config['usuario'], receivers, message.as_string())
return ''
except Exception as e:
return str(e)
def close(self):