from seafileapi.repo import Repo from seafileapi.utils import raise_does_not_exist class Repos(object): def __init__(self, client): self.client = client def create_repo(self, name, password=None): data = {'name': name} if password: data['passwd'] = password repo_json ='/api2/repos/', data=data).json() return self.get_repo(repo_json['repo_id']) @raise_does_not_exist('The requested library does not exist') def get_repo(self, repo_id): """Get the repo which has the id `repo_id`. Raises :exc:`DoesNotExist` if no such repo exists. """ repo_json = self.client.get('/api2/repos/' + repo_id).json() return Repo.from_json(self.client, repo_json) def list_repos(self): repos_json = self.client.get('/api2/repos/').json() return [Repo.from_json(self.client, j) for j in repos_json]