#!/usr/bin/env python3 import csv import datetime import getpass import json import logging import os import platform import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import threading import zipfile from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Union import uno import unohelper from com.sun.star.beans import PropertyValue, NamedValue, StringPair from com.sun.star.datatransfer import XTransferable, DataFlavor from com.sun.star.ui.dialogs import TemplateDescription from .constants import ALL from .messages import MESSAGES __all__ = [ 'ALL', 'DESKTOP', 'INFO_DEBUG', 'IS_APPIMAGE', 'IS_FLATPAK', 'IS_MAC', 'IS_WIN', 'LANG', 'LANGUAGE', 'NAME', 'OS', 'PC', 'USER', 'VERSION', 'ClipBoard', 'Color', 'LOMain', 'Macro', 'Paths', 'data_to_dict', 'dict_to_property', 'get_app_config', 'run_in_thread', ] CTX = uno.getComponentContext() SM = CTX.getServiceManager() # Global variables OS = platform.system() DESKTOP = os.environ.get('DESKTOP_SESSION', '') PC = platform.node() USER = getpass.getuser() IS_WIN = OS == 'Windows' IS_MAC = OS == 'Darwin' IS_FLATPAK = bool(os.getenv("FLATPAK_ID", "")) IS_APPIMAGE = bool(os.getenv("APPIMAGE", "")) LOG_FORMAT = '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' LOG_DATE = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S' if IS_WIN: logging.addLevelName(logging.ERROR, 'ERROR') logging.addLevelName(logging.DEBUG, 'DEBUG') logging.addLevelName(logging.INFO, 'INFO') else: logging.addLevelName(logging.ERROR, '\033[1;41mERROR\033[1;0m') logging.addLevelName(logging.DEBUG, '\x1b[33mDEBUG\033[1;0m') logging.addLevelName(logging.INFO, '\x1b[32mINFO\033[1;0m') logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=LOG_FORMAT, datefmt=LOG_DATE) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def create_instance(name: str, with_context: bool=False, arguments: Any=None) -> Any: """Create a service instance :param name: Name of service :type name: str :param with_context: If used context :type with_context: bool :param argument: If needed some argument :type argument: Any :return: PyUno instance :rtype: PyUno Object """ if with_context: instance = SM.createInstanceWithContext(name, CTX) elif arguments: instance = SM.createInstanceWithArguments(name, (arguments,)) else: instance = SM.createInstance(name) return instance def get_app_config(node_name: str, key: str='') -> Any: """Get any key from any node from LibreOffice configuration. :param node_name: Name of node :type name: str :param key: Name of key :type key: str :return: Any value :rtype: Any `See Api ConfigurationProvider `_ """ name = 'com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationProvider' service = 'com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationAccess' cp = create_instance(name, True) node = PropertyValue(Name='nodepath', Value=node_name) value = '' try: value = cp.createInstanceWithArguments(service, (node,)) if value and value.hasByName(key): value = value.getPropertyValue(key) except Exception as e: log.error(e) value = '' return value # Get info LibO NAME = TITLE = get_app_config('/org.openoffice.Setup/Product', 'ooName') VERSION = get_app_config('/org.openoffice.Setup/Product','ooSetupVersion') LANGUAGE = get_app_config('/org.openoffice.Setup/L10N/', 'ooLocale') LANG = LANGUAGE.split('-')[0] # Get start date from Calc configuration node = '/org.openoffice.Office.Calc/Calculate/Other/Date' year = get_app_config(node, 'YY') month = get_app_config(node, 'MM') day = get_app_config(node, 'DD') DATE_OFFSET = datetime.date(year, month, day).toordinal() _info_debug = f"Python: {sys.version}\n\n{platform.platform()}\n\n" + '\n'.join(sys.path) INFO_DEBUG = f"{NAME} v{VERSION} {LANGUAGE}\n\n{_info_debug}" def _(msg): if LANG == 'en': return msg if not LANG in MESSAGES: return msg return MESSAGES[LANG][msg] def dict_to_property(values: dict, uno_any: bool=False): """Convert dictionary to array of PropertyValue :param values: Dictionary of values :type values: dict :param uno_any: If return like array uno.Any :type uno_any: bool :return: Tuple of PropertyValue or array uno.Any :rtype: tuples or uno.Any """ ps = tuple([PropertyValue(Name=n, Value=v) for n, v in values.items()]) if uno_any: ps = uno.Any('[]com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue', ps) return ps def data_to_dict(data: Union[tuple, list]) -> dict: """Convert tuples, list, PropertyValue, NamedValue to dictionary :param data: Iterator of values :type data: array of tuples, list, PropertyValue or NamedValue :return: Dictionary :rtype: dict """ d = {} if isinstance(data[0], (tuple, list)): d = {r[0]: r[1] for r in data} elif isinstance(data[0], (PropertyValue, NamedValue)): d = {r.Name: r.Value for r in data} return d def run_in_thread(fn: Any) -> Any: """Run any function in thread :param fn: Any Python function (macro) :type fn: Function instance """ def run(*k, **kw): t = threading.Thread(target=fn, args=k, kwargs=kw) t.start() return t return run def set_properties(model, properties): if 'X' in properties: properties['PositionX'] = properties.pop('X') if 'Y' in properties: properties['PositionY'] = properties.pop('Y') keys = tuple(properties.keys()) values = tuple(properties.values()) model.setPropertyValues(keys, values) return def get_properties(obj): # ~ properties = obj.PropertySetInfo.Properties # ~ values = {p.Name: getattr(obj, p.Name) for p in properties} data = obj.PropertySetInfo.Properties keys = [p.Name for p in data] values = obj.getPropertyValues(keys) properties = dict(zip(keys, values)) return properties # ~ https://github.com/django/django/blob/main/django/utils/functional.py#L61 class classproperty: def __init__(self, method=None): self.fget = method def __get__(self, instance, cls=None): return self.fget(cls) def getter(self, method): self.fget = method return self class Macro(): """Class for call macro `See Scripting Framework `_ """ @classmethod def call(cls, args: dict, in_thread: bool=False): """Call any macro :param args: Dictionary with macro location :type args: dict :param in_thread: If execute in thread :type in_thread: bool :return: Return None or result of call macro :rtype: Any """ result = None if in_thread: t = threading.Thread(target=cls._call, args=(args,)) t.start() else: result = cls._call(args) return result @classmethod def get_url_script(cls, args: dict): library = args['library'] name = args['name'] language = args.get('language', 'Python') location = args.get('location', 'user') module = args.get('module', '.') if language == 'Python': module = '.py$' elif language == 'Basic': module = f".{module}." if location == 'user': location = 'application' url = 'vnd.sun.star.script' url = f'{url}:{library}{module}{name}?language={language}&location={location}' return url @classmethod def _call(cls, args: dict): url = cls.get_url_script(args) args = args.get('args', ()) service = 'com.sun.star.script.provider.MasterScriptProviderFactory' factory = create_instance(service) script = factory.createScriptProvider('').getScript(url) result = script.invoke(args, None, None)[0] return result class Color(): """Class for colors `See Web Colors `_ """ COLORS = { 'aliceblue': 15792383, 'antiquewhite': 16444375, 'aqua': 65535, 'aquamarine': 8388564, 'azure': 15794175, 'beige': 16119260, 'bisque': 16770244, 'black': 0, 'blanchedalmond': 16772045, 'blue': 255, 'blueviolet': 9055202, 'brown': 10824234, 'burlywood': 14596231, 'cadetblue': 6266528, 'chartreuse': 8388352, 'chocolate': 13789470, 'coral': 16744272, 'cornflowerblue': 6591981, 'cornsilk': 16775388, 'crimson': 14423100, 'cyan': 65535, 'darkblue': 139, 'darkcyan': 35723, 'darkgoldenrod': 12092939, 'darkgray': 11119017, 'darkgreen': 25600, 'darkgrey': 11119017, 'darkkhaki': 12433259, 'darkmagenta': 9109643, 'darkolivegreen': 5597999, 'darkorange': 16747520, 'darkorchid': 10040012, 'darkred': 9109504, 'darksalmon': 15308410, 'darkseagreen': 9419919, 'darkslateblue': 4734347, 'darkslategray': 3100495, 'darkslategrey': 3100495, 'darkturquoise': 52945, 'darkviolet': 9699539, 'deeppink': 16716947, 'deepskyblue': 49151, 'dimgray': 6908265, 'dimgrey': 6908265, 'dodgerblue': 2003199, 'firebrick': 11674146, 'floralwhite': 16775920, 'forestgreen': 2263842, 'fuchsia': 16711935, 'gainsboro': 14474460, 'ghostwhite': 16316671, 'gold': 16766720, 'goldenrod': 14329120, 'gray': 8421504, 'grey': 8421504, 'green': 32768, 'greenyellow': 11403055, 'honeydew': 15794160, 'hotpink': 16738740, 'indianred': 13458524, 'indigo': 4915330, 'ivory': 16777200, 'khaki': 15787660, 'lavender': 15132410, 'lavenderblush': 16773365, 'lawngreen': 8190976, 'lemonchiffon': 16775885, 'lightblue': 11393254, 'lightcoral': 15761536, 'lightcyan': 14745599, 'lightgoldenrodyellow': 16448210, 'lightgray': 13882323, 'lightgreen': 9498256, 'lightgrey': 13882323, 'lightpink': 16758465, 'lightsalmon': 16752762, 'lightseagreen': 2142890, 'lightskyblue': 8900346, 'lightslategray': 7833753, 'lightslategrey': 7833753, 'lightsteelblue': 11584734, 'lightyellow': 16777184, 'lime': 65280, 'limegreen': 3329330, 'linen': 16445670, 'magenta': 16711935, 'maroon': 8388608, 'mediumaquamarine': 6737322, 'mediumblue': 205, 'mediumorchid': 12211667, 'mediumpurple': 9662683, 'mediumseagreen': 3978097, 'mediumslateblue': 8087790, 'mediumspringgreen': 64154, 'mediumturquoise': 4772300, 'mediumvioletred': 13047173, 'midnightblue': 1644912, 'mintcream': 16121850, 'mistyrose': 16770273, 'moccasin': 16770229, 'navajowhite': 16768685, 'navy': 128, 'oldlace': 16643558, 'olive': 8421376, 'olivedrab': 7048739, 'orange': 16753920, 'orangered': 16729344, 'orchid': 14315734, 'palegoldenrod': 15657130, 'palegreen': 10025880, 'paleturquoise': 11529966, 'palevioletred': 14381203, 'papayawhip': 16773077, 'peachpuff': 16767673, 'peru': 13468991, 'pink': 16761035, 'plum': 14524637, 'powderblue': 11591910, 'purple': 8388736, 'red': 16711680, 'rosybrown': 12357519, 'royalblue': 4286945, 'saddlebrown': 9127187, 'salmon': 16416882, 'sandybrown': 16032864, 'seagreen': 3050327, 'seashell': 16774638, 'sienna': 10506797, 'silver': 12632256, 'skyblue': 8900331, 'slateblue': 6970061, 'slategray': 7372944, 'slategrey': 7372944, 'snow': 16775930, 'springgreen': 65407, 'steelblue': 4620980, 'tan': 13808780, 'teal': 32896, 'thistle': 14204888, 'tomato': 16737095, 'turquoise': 4251856, 'violet': 15631086, 'wheat': 16113331, 'white': 16777215, 'whitesmoke': 16119285, 'yellow': 16776960, 'yellowgreen': 10145074, } def _get_color(self, index): if isinstance(index, tuple): color = (index[0] << 16) + (index[1] << 8) + index[2] else: if index[0] == '#': r, g, b = bytes.fromhex(index[1:]) color = (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b else: color = self.COLORS.get(index.lower(), -1) return color def __call__(self, index): return self._get_color(index) def __getitem__(self, index): return self._get_color(index) class BaseObject(): def __init__(self, obj): self._obj = obj def __enter__(self): return self @property def obj(self): """Return original pyUno object""" return self._obj class LOMain(): """Classe for LibreOffice""" class commands(): """Class for disable and enable commands `See DispatchCommands `_ https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/servicecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1configuration_1_1ConfigurationProvider.html """ @classmethod def _set_app_command(cls, command: str, disable: bool) -> bool: """Disable or enabled UNO command :param command: UNO command to disable or enabled :type command: str :param disable: True if disable, False if active :type disable: bool :return: True if correctly update, False if not. :rtype: bool """ NEW_NODE_NAME = f'zaz_disable_command_{command.lower()}' name = 'com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationProvider' # ~ name = 'com.sun.star.configuration.theDefaultProvider' service = 'com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationUpdateAccess' node_name = '/org.openoffice.Office.Commands/Execute/Disabled' cp = create_instance(name, True) node = PropertyValue(Name='nodepath', Value=node_name) update = cp.createInstanceWithArguments(service, (node,)) result = True try: if disable: new_node = update.createInstanceWithArguments(()) new_node.setPropertyValue('Command', command) if not update.hasByName(NEW_NODE_NAME): update.insertByName(NEW_NODE_NAME, new_node) else: update.removeByName(NEW_NODE_NAME) update.commitChanges() except Exception as e: print(e) result = False return result @classmethod def disable(cls, command: str) -> bool: """Disable UNO command :param command: UNO command to disable :type command: str :return: True if correctly disable, False if not. :rtype: bool """ return cls._set_app_command(command, True) @classmethod def enabled(cls, command: str) -> bool: """Enabled UNO command :param command: UNO command to enabled :type command: str :return: True if correctly disable, False if not. :rtype: bool """ return cls._set_app_command(command, False) @classmethod def fonts(cls): """Get all font visibles in LibreOffice :return: tuple of FontDescriptors :rtype: tuple `See API FontDescriptor `_ """ toolkit = create_instance('com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit') device = toolkit.createScreenCompatibleDevice(0, 0) return device.FontDescriptors @classmethod def filters(cls): """Get all support filters `See Help ConvertFilters `_ `See API FilterFactory `_ """ factory = create_instance('com.sun.star.document.FilterFactory') rows = [data_to_dict(factory[name]) for name in factory] for row in rows: row['UINames'] = data_to_dict(row['UINames']) return rows @classmethod def dispatch(cls, frame: Any, command: str, args: dict={}) -> None: """Call dispatch, used only if not exists directly in API :param frame: doc or frame instance :type frame: pyUno :param command: Command to execute :type command: str :param args: Extra argument for command :type args: dict `See DispatchCommands <`See DispatchCommands `_>`_ """ dispatch = create_instance('com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper') if hasattr(frame, 'frame'): frame = frame.frame url = command if not command.startswith('.uno:'): url = f'.uno:{command}' opt = dict_to_property(args) dispatch.executeDispatch(frame, url, '', 0, opt) return class ClipBoard(object): SERVICE = 'com.sun.star.datatransfer.clipboard.SystemClipboard' TEXT = 'text/plain;charset=utf-16' IMAGE = 'application/x-openoffice-bitmap;windows_formatname="Bitmap"' class TextTransferable(unohelper.Base, XTransferable): def __init__(self, text): df = DataFlavor() df.MimeType = ClipBoard.TEXT df.HumanPresentableName = 'encoded text utf-16' self.flavors = (df,) self._data = text def getTransferData(self, flavor): return self._data def getTransferDataFlavors(self): return self.flavors @classmethod def set(cls, value): ts = cls.TextTransferable(value) sc = create_instance(cls.SERVICE) sc.setContents(ts, None) return @classproperty def contents(cls): df = None text = '' sc = create_instance(cls.SERVICE) transferable = sc.getContents() data = transferable.getTransferDataFlavors() for df in data: if df.MimeType == cls.TEXT: break if df: text = transferable.getTransferData(df) return text @classmethod def get(cls): return cls.contents class Paths(object): """Class for paths """ FILE_PICKER = 'com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.FilePicker' FOLDER_PICKER = 'com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.FolderPicker' REMOTE_FILE_PICKER = 'com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.RemoteFilePicker' OFFICE_FILE_PICKER = 'com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.OfficeFilePicker' def __init__(self, path=''): if path.startswith('file://'): path = str(Path(uno.fileUrlToSystemPath(path)).resolve()) self._path = Path(path) @property def path(self): """Get base path""" return str(self._path.parent) @property def file_name(self): """Get file name""" return self._path.name @property def name(self): """Get name""" return self._path.stem @property def ext(self): """Get extension""" return self._path.suffix[1:] @property def size(self): """Get size""" return self._path.stat().st_size @property def url(self): """Get like URL""" return self._path.as_uri() @property def info(self): """Get all info like tuple""" i = (self.path, self.file_name, self.name, self.ext, self.size, self.url) return i @property def dict(self): """Get all info like dict""" data = { 'path': self.path, 'file_name': self.file_name, 'name': self.name, 'ext': self.ext, 'size': self.size, 'url': self.url, } return data @classproperty def home(self): """Get user home""" return str(Path.home()) @classproperty def documents(self): """Get user save documents""" return self.config() @classproperty def user_profile(self): """Get path user profile""" path = self.config('UserConfig') path = str(Path(path).parent) return path @classproperty def user_config(self): """Get path config in user profile""" path = self.config('UserConfig') return path @classproperty def python(self): """Get path executable python""" if IS_WIN: path = self.join(self.config('Module'), PYTHON) elif IS_MAC: path = self.join(self.config('Module'), '..', 'Resources', PYTHON) else: path = sys.executable return path @classmethod def to_url(cls, path: str) -> str: """Convert paths in format system to URL :param path: Path to convert :type path: str :return: Path in URL :rtype: str """ if not path.startswith('file://'): path = Path(path).as_uri() return path @classmethod def to_system(cls, path:str) -> str: """Convert paths in URL to system :param path: Path to convert :type path: str :return: Path system format :rtype: str """ if path.startswith('file://'): path = str(Path(uno.fileUrlToSystemPath(path)).resolve()) return path @classmethod def config(cls, name: str='Work') -> Union[str, list]: """Return path from config :param name: Name in service PathSettings, default get path documents :type name: str :return: Path in config, if exists. :rtype: str or list `See Api XPathSettings `_ """ path = create_instance('com.sun.star.util.PathSettings') path = cls.to_system(getattr(path, name)).split(';') if len(path) == 1: path = path[0] return path @classmethod def join(cls, *paths: str) -> str: """Join paths :param paths: Paths to join :type paths: list :return: New path with joins :rtype: str """ path = str(Path(paths[0]).joinpath(*paths[1:])) return path @classmethod def exists(cls, path: str) -> bool: """If exists path :param path: Path for validate :type path: str :return: True if path exists, False if not. :rtype: bool """ path = cls.to_system(path) result = Path(path).exists() return result @classmethod def exists_app(cls, name_app: str) -> bool: """If exists app in system :param name_app: Name of application :type name_app: str :return: True if app exists, False if not. :rtype: bool """ result = bool(shutil.which(name_app)) return result @classmethod def is_dir(cls, path: str): """Validate if path is directory :param path: Path for validate :type path: str :return: True if path is directory, False if not. :rtype: bool """ return Path(path).is_dir() @classmethod def is_file(cls, path: str): """Validate if path is a file :param path: Path for validate :type path: str :return: True if path is a file, False if not. :rtype: bool """ return Path(path).is_file() @classmethod def is_symlink(cls, path: str): return Path(path).is_symlink() @classmethod def temp_file(self): """Make temporary file""" return tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') @classmethod def temp_dir(self): """Make temporary directory""" return tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(ignore_cleanup_errors=True) @classmethod def get(cls, init_dir: str='', filters: str='', multiple: bool=False, filter_group: tuple=()) -> Union[str, list]: """Get path for open :param init_dir: Initial default path :type init_dir: str :param filters: Filter for show type files: 'xml' or 'txt,xml' :type filters: str :param multiple: If user can selected multiple files :type multiple: bool :return: Selected path or paths :rtype: str or list `See API `_ """ paths = '' if not init_dir: init_dir = cls.documents init_dir = cls.to_url(init_dir) file_picker = create_instance(cls.FILE_PICKER) file_picker.setTitle(_('Select path')) file_picker.setDisplayDirectory(init_dir) file_picker.initialize((TemplateDescription.FILEOPEN_SIMPLE,)) file_picker.setMultiSelectionMode(multiple) if filters: for f in filters.split(','): file_picker.appendFilter(f.upper(), f'*.{f.lower()}') if filter_group: for t, v in filter_group: sp = StringPair() sp.First = t sp.Second = v file_picker.appendFilterGroup(t, ((sp),)) if file_picker.execute(): paths = [cls.to_system(p) for p in file_picker.getSelectedFiles()] if not multiple: paths = paths[0] return paths @classmethod def get_dir(cls, init_dir: str='') -> str: """Get path dir :param init_dir: Initial default path :type init_dir: str :return: Selected path :rtype: str """ folder_picker = create_instance(cls.FOLDER_PICKER) if not init_dir: init_dir = cls.documents init_dir = cls.to_url(init_dir) folder_picker.setTitle(_('Select directory')) folder_picker.setDisplayDirectory(init_dir) path = '' if folder_picker.execute(): path = cls.to_system(folder_picker.getDirectory()) return path @classmethod def get_for_save(cls, init_dir: str='', filters: str=''): """Get path for save :param init_dir: Initial default path :type init_dir: str :param filters: Filter for show type files: 'xml' or 'txt,xml' :type filters: str :return: Selected path :rtype: str """ if not init_dir: init_dir = cls.documents init_dir = cls.to_url(init_dir) file_picker = create_instance(cls.FILE_PICKER) file_picker.setTitle(_('Select file')) file_picker.setDisplayDirectory(init_dir) file_picker.initialize((TemplateDescription.FILESAVE_SIMPLE,)) if filters: for f in filters.split(','): file_picker.appendFilter(f.upper(), f'*.{f.lower()}') path = '' if file_picker.execute(): files = file_picker.getSelectedFiles() path = [cls.to_system(f) for f in files][0] return path @classmethod def files(cls, path: str, pattern: str='*'): """Get all files in path :param path: Path with files :type path: str :param pattern: For filter files, default get all. :type pattern: str :return: Files in path :rtype: list """ files = [str(p) for p in Path(path).glob(pattern) if p.is_file()] return files @classmethod def walk(cls, path, filters=''): """Get all files in path recursively :param path: Path with files :type path: str :param filters: For filter files, default get all. :type filters: str :return: Files in path :rtype: list """ paths = [] for folder, _, files in os.walk(path): if filters: pattern = re.compile(r'\.(?:{})$'.format(filters), re.IGNORECASE) paths += [cls.join(folder, f) for f in files if pattern.search(f)] else: paths += [cls.join(folder, f) for f in files] return paths @classmethod def dirs(cls, path): """Get directories in path :param path: Path to scan :type path: str :return: Directories in path :rtype: list """ dirs = [str(p) for p in Path(path).iterdir() if p.is_dir()] return dirs @classmethod def walk_dirs(cls, path, tree=False): """Get directories recursively :param path: Path to scan :type path: str :param tree: get info in a tuple (ID_FOLDER, ID_PARENT, NAME) :type tree: bool :return: Directories in path :rtype: list """ folders = [] if tree: i = 0 parents = {path: 0} for root, dirs, _ in os.walk(path): for name in dirs: i += 1 rn = cls.join(root, name) if not rn in parents: parents[rn] = i folders.append((i, parents[root], name)) else: for root, dirs, _ in os.walk(path): folders += [cls.join(root, name) for name in dirs] return folders @classmethod def extension(cls, id_ext: str): """Get path extension install from id :param id_ext: ID extension :type id_ext: str :return: Path extension :rtype: str """ pip = CTX.getValueByName('/singletons/com.sun.star.deployment.PackageInformationProvider') path = Paths.to_system(pip.getPackageLocation(id_ext)) return path @classmethod def replace_ext(cls, path: str, new_ext: str): """Replace extension in file path :param path: Path to file :type path: str :param new_ext: New extension :type new_ext: str :return: Path with new extension :rtype: str """ if not new_ext.startswith('.'): new_ext = f'.{new_ext}' return Path(path).with_suffix(new_ext) @classmethod def with_suffix(cls, path: str, new_ext: str): return cls.replace_ext(path, new_ext) @classmethod def open(cls, path: str): """Open any file with default program in system :param path: Path to file :type path: str :return: PID file, only Linux :rtype: int """ pid = 0 if IS_WIN: os.startfile(path) else: pid = subprocess.Popen(['xdg-open', path]).pid return pid # ~ Save/read data @classmethod def save(cls, path: str, data: str, encoding: str='utf-8') -> bool: """Save data in path with encoding :param path: Path to file save :type path: str :param data: Data to save :type data: str :param encoding: Encoding for save data, default utf-8 :type encoding: str :return: True, if save corrrectly :rtype: bool """ result = bool(Path(path).write_text(data, encoding=encoding)) return result @classmethod def save_bin(cls, path: str, data: bytes) -> bool: """Save binary data in path :param path: Path to file save :type path: str :param data: Data to save :type data: bytes :return: True, if save corrrectly :rtype: bool """ result = bool(Path(path).write_bytes(data)) return result @classmethod def read(cls, path: str, get_lines: bool=False, encoding: str='utf-8') -> Union[str, list]: """Read data in path :param path: Path to file read :type path: str :param get_lines: If read file line by line :type get_lines: bool :return: File content :rtype: str or list """ if get_lines: with Path(path).open(encoding=encoding) as f: data = f.readlines() else: data = Path(path).read_text(encoding=encoding) return data @classmethod def read_bin(cls, path: str) -> bytes: """Read binary data in path :param path: Path to file read :type path: str :return: File content :rtype: bytes """ data = Path(path).read_bytes() return data # ~ Import/export data @classmethod def save_json(cls, path: str, data: str): """Save data in path file like json :param path: Path to file :type path: str :return: True if save correctly :rtype: bool """ data = json.dumps(data, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=True) return cls.save(path, data) @classmethod def read_json(cls, path: str) -> Any: """Read path file and load json data :param path: Path to file :type path: str :return: Any data :rtype: Any """ data = json.loads(cls.read(path)) return data @classmethod def save_csv(cls, path: str, data: Any, args: dict={}): """Write CSV :param path: Path to file write csv :type path: str :param data: Data to write :type data: Iterable :param args: Any argument support for Python library :type args: dict `See CSV Writer `_ """ with open(path, 'w') as f: writer = csv.writer(f, **args) writer.writerows(data) return @classmethod def read_csv(cls, path: str, args: dict={}) -> list: """Read CSV :param path: Path to file csv :type path: str :param args: Any argument support for Python library :type args: dict :return: Data csv like tuple :rtype: tuple `See CSV Reader `_ """ with open(path) as f: rows = list(csv.reader(f, **args)) return rows @classmethod def kill(cls, path: str) -> bool: """Delete path :param path: Path to file or directory :type path: str :return: True if delete correctly :rtype: bool """ result = False p = Path(path) try: if p.is_file(): p.unlink() result = True elif p.is_dir(): shutil.rmtree(path) result = True except OSError as e: log.error(e) return result @classmethod def copy(cls, source: str, target: str='', name: str='') -> str: """Copy files :param source: Path source :type source: str :param target: Path target :type target: str :param name: New name in target :type name: str :return: Path target :rtype: str """ p, f, n, e, _, _ = Paths(source).info if target: p = target e = f'.{e}' if name: e = '' n = name path_new = cls.join(p, f'{n}{e}') shutil.copy(source, path_new) return path_new @classmethod def zip(cls, source: Union[str, tuple, list], target: str='') -> str: """Zip files or directories :param source: Path source file or directory or list of files. :type source: str or tuple or list :param target: Path target :type target: str :return: Path target :rtype: str """ path_zip = target if not isinstance(source, (tuple, list)): path = Paths(source) start = len(path.path) + 1 if not target: path_zip = f'{path.path}/{path.name}.zip' if isinstance(source, (tuple, list)): files = [(f, f[len(Paths(f).path)+1:]) for f in source] elif Paths.is_file(source): files = ((source, source[start:]),) else: files = [(f, f[start:]) for f in Paths.walk(source)] compression = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED with zipfile.ZipFile(path_zip, 'w', compression=compression) as z: for f in files: z.write(f[0], f[1]) return path_zip @classmethod def unzip(cls, source: str, target: str='', members=None, pwd=None): """Unzip files :param source: Path source file zip. :type source: str :param target: Path target folder for extrac content zip. :type target: str :param members: Tuple of files in zip for extract. :type members: tuple :param pwd: Password of zip. :type pwd: str """ path = target if not target: path = Paths(source).path with zipfile.ZipFile(source) as z: if not pwd is None: pwd = pwd.encode() if isinstance(members, str): members = (members,) z.extractall(path, members=members, pwd=pwd) return @classmethod def zip_content(cls, path: str) -> list: """Get files in zip :param path: Path source file zip. :type path: str :return: Content files :rtype: list """ with zipfile.ZipFile(path) as z: names = z.namelist() return names @classmethod def merge_zip(cls, target, zips): try: with zipfile.ZipFile(target, 'w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as t: for path in zips: with zipfile.ZipFile(path, compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as s: for name in s.namelist(): t.writestr(name, s.open(name).read()) except Exception as e: error(e) return False return True