Tools for debug =============== INFO_DEBUG ---------- Show info debug, show in message box. If you have any problem in your code, you can `open issue`_ in this project, always copy the information of **INFO_DEBUG** in your ticket. .. code-block:: python import easymacro as app def info(): app.msgbox(app.INFO_DEBUG) return .. image:: _static/images/install_01.png | Show in shell. .. code-block:: python import easymacro as app def info(): app.debug(app.INFO_DEBUG) return .. code-block:: console mau@oficina ~> soffice --calc 25/02/2022 16:44:24 - DEBUG - LibreOffice v7.3 en-US Python: 3.10.2 (main, Jan 15 2022, 19:56:27) [GCC 11.1.0] Linux-5.16.11-arch1-1-x86_64-with-glibc2.35 /usr/lib/libreoffice/program /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/python3.10 /usr/lib/python3.10/lib-dynload /home/mau/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/ /home/mau/.config/libreoffice/4/user/Scripts/python/pythonpath Log error --------- Show message error in shell. .. code-block:: python import easymacro as app def test_error(): msg = 'My error 500' app.error(msg) return .. image:: _static/images/toolsdebug_01.png Log debug --------- Show message debug in shell. .. code-block:: python import easymacro as app def test_debug(): msg = 'Verify this data...' app.debug(msg) return .. image:: _static/images/toolsdebug_02.png Log info -------- Show message info in shell. .. code-block:: python import easymacro as app def test_info(): msg = 'Start process...' return .. image:: _static/images/toolsdebug_03.png Log to file ----------- Save log to file, automatic add date and time. .. code-block:: python import easymacro as app def log(): app.save_log('/home/mau/log.txt', 'PyUNO') app.save_log('/home/mau/log.txt', 'Damed World') return .. image:: _static/images/toolsdebug_04.png Message Box ----------- Show any data in message box .. code-block:: python import easymacro as app def message(): msg = 'Please, save the planet' app.msgbox(msg) msg = ('one', 2, 'three') app.msgbox(msg) msg = {'name': 'Teresa'} app.msgbox(msg) app.msgbox(app) return .. image:: _static/images/toolsdebug_05.png Catch exceptions ---------------- Sometimes, for difficult errors, you can catch exceptions. .. code-block:: python import easymacro as app @app.catch_exception def test(): r = 1 / 0 return .. image:: _static/images/toolsdebug_06.png .. warning:: Not, not used you this function in production. Call MRI -------- `MRI`_ is the best extension for debug any object in LibreOffice, you need install before call it. .. code-block:: python import easymacro as app def error(): obj = app.mri(obj) return .. image:: _static/images/toolsdebug_07.png .. _MRI: .. _open issue: