
4283 lines
117 KiB
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2022-02-21 23:43:58 -06:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# == Rapid Develop Macros in LibreOffice ==
# ~ https://git.cuates.net/elmau/easymacro
# ~ easymacro is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# ~ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# ~ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# ~ (at your option) any later version.
# ~ easymacro is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# ~ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# ~ GNU General Public License for more details.
# ~ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# ~ along with easymacro. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2022-03-02 14:44:58 -06:00
import csv
2022-02-23 22:49:43 -06:00
import datetime
2022-02-21 23:43:58 -06:00
import getpass
2022-02-26 22:22:11 -06:00
import hashlib
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
import io
2022-02-26 00:11:41 -06:00
import json
2022-02-21 23:43:58 -06:00
import logging
import os
import platform
2022-03-02 14:44:58 -06:00
import re
2022-02-26 22:22:11 -06:00
import shlex
import shutil
2022-02-21 23:43:58 -06:00
import socket
2022-02-27 23:28:06 -06:00
import ssl
2022-02-21 23:43:58 -06:00
import subprocess
import sys
2022-02-26 22:22:11 -06:00
import tempfile
2022-02-26 00:11:41 -06:00
import threading
2022-02-21 23:43:58 -06:00
import time
2022-02-23 22:49:43 -06:00
import traceback
2022-02-21 23:43:58 -06:00
2022-02-23 22:49:43 -06:00
from functools import wraps
2022-02-26 22:22:11 -06:00
from pathlib import Path
2022-02-23 22:49:43 -06:00
from pprint import pprint
2022-02-27 23:28:06 -06:00
from string import Template
from typing import Any, Union
from socket import timeout
from urllib import parse
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
from urllib.error import URLError, HTTPError
2022-02-21 23:43:58 -06:00
2022-03-02 14:13:47 -06:00
import mailbox
import smtplib
from smtplib import SMTPException, SMTPAuthenticationError
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.base import MIMEBase
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.utils import formatdate
from email import encoders
2022-02-21 23:43:58 -06:00
import uno
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
import unohelper
from com.sun.star.awt import Rectangle, Size, Point
2022-03-04 22:08:16 -06:00
from com.sun.star.awt import Key, KeyEvent, KeyModifier
2022-02-23 22:49:43 -06:00
from com.sun.star.awt import MessageBoxButtons as MSG_BUTTONS
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxResults import YES
2022-02-26 00:11:41 -06:00
from com.sun.star.beans import PropertyValue, NamedValue
2022-03-07 22:45:36 -06:00
from com.sun.star.beans.PropertyConcept import ALL
2022-03-03 23:45:19 -06:00
from com.sun.star.datatransfer import XTransferable, DataFlavor
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
from com.sun.star.io import IOException, XOutputStream
2022-02-28 19:02:42 -06:00
from com.sun.star.ui.dialogs import TemplateDescription
2022-02-21 23:43:58 -06:00
2022-03-09 13:18:40 -06:00
from com.sun.star.sheet import XRangeSelectionListener
from com.sun.star.lang import XEventListener
2022-03-04 22:08:16 -06:00
from com.sun.star.container import NoSuchElementException
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
2022-02-21 23:43:58 -06:00
# Global variables
OS = platform.system()
DESKTOP = os.environ.get('DESKTOP_SESSION', '')
PC = platform.node()
USER = getpass.getuser()
IS_WIN = OS == 'Windows'
IS_MAC = OS == 'Darwin'
2022-02-23 22:49:43 -06:00
2022-02-27 23:28:06 -06:00
LOG_FORMAT = '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
LOG_DATE = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S'
if IS_WIN:
logging.addLevelName(logging.ERROR, 'ERROR')
logging.addLevelName(logging.DEBUG, 'DEBUG')
logging.addLevelName(logging.INFO, 'INFO')
logging.addLevelName(logging.ERROR, '\033[1;41mERROR\033[1;0m')
logging.addLevelName(logging.DEBUG, '\x1b[33mDEBUG\033[1;0m')
logging.addLevelName(logging.INFO, '\x1b[32mINFO\033[1;0m')
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=LOG_FORMAT, datefmt=LOG_DATE)
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
2022-02-21 23:43:58 -06:00
2022-02-27 23:28:06 -06:00
_info_debug = f"Python: {sys.version}\n\n{platform.platform()}\n\n" + '\n'.join(sys.path)
2022-02-21 23:43:58 -06:00
SALT = b'00a1bfb05353bb3fd8e7aa7fe5efdccc'
2022-02-26 22:22:11 -06:00
_EVENTS = {}
PYTHON = 'python'
if IS_WIN:
PYTHON = 'python.exe'
2022-02-27 23:28:06 -06:00
'CONFIG': 'zaz-{}.json',
DIRS = {}
2022-02-28 19:02:42 -06:00
'es': {
'OK': 'Aceptar',
'Cancel': 'Cancelar',
'Select path': 'Seleccionar ruta',
'Select directory': 'Seleccionar directorio',
'Select file': 'Seleccionar archivo',
'Incorrect user or password': 'Nombre de usuario o contraseƱa invƔlidos',
'Allow less secure apps in GMail': 'Activa: Permitir aplicaciones menos segura en GMail',
2022-02-21 23:43:58 -06:00
CTX = uno.getComponentContext()
SM = CTX.getServiceManager()
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
# UNO Enum
class MessageBoxType():
2022-02-25 22:43:37 -06:00
"""Class for import enum
`See Api MessageBoxType <https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/namespacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1awt.html#ad249d76933bdf54c35f4eaf51a5b7965>`_
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType \
MBT = MessageBoxType
2022-02-23 22:49:43 -06:00
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
def create_instance(name: str, with_context: bool=False, argument: Any=None) -> Any:
"""Create a service instance
:param name: Name of service
:type name: str
:param with_context: If used context
:type with_context: bool
:param argument: If needed some argument
:type argument: Any
:return: PyUno instance
:rtype: PyUno Object
2022-02-21 23:43:58 -06:00
if with_context:
instance = SM.createInstanceWithContext(name, CTX)
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
elif argument:
instance = SM.createInstanceWithArguments(name, (argument,))
2022-02-21 23:43:58 -06:00
instance = SM.createInstance(name)
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
2022-02-21 23:43:58 -06:00
return instance
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
def get_app_config(node_name: str, key: str='') -> Any:
"""Get any key from any node from LibreOffice configuration.
:param node_name: Name of node
:type name: str
:param key: Name of key
:type key: str
:return: Any value
:rtype: Any
`See Api ConfigurationProvider <https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/servicecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1configuration_1_1ConfigurationProvider.html>`_
2022-02-21 23:43:58 -06:00
name = 'com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationProvider'
service = 'com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationAccess'
cp = create_instance(name, True)
node = PropertyValue(Name='nodepath', Value=node_name)
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
value = ''
value = cp.createInstanceWithArguments(service, (node,))
if value and value.hasByName(key):
value = value.getPropertyValue(key)
except Exception as e:
value = ''
return value
2022-02-26 22:22:11 -06:00
# Get info LibO
NAME = TITLE = get_app_config('org.openoffice.Setup/Product', 'ooName')
VERSION = get_app_config('org.openoffice.Setup/Product','ooSetupVersion')
LANGUAGE = get_app_config('org.openoffice.Setup/L10N/', 'ooLocale')
LANG = LANGUAGE.split('-')[0]
INFO_DEBUG = f"{NAME} v{VERSION} {LANGUAGE}\n\n{_info_debug}"
# Get start date from Calc configuration
node = '/org.openoffice.Office.Calc/Calculate/Other/Date'
year = get_app_config(node, 'YY')
month = get_app_config(node, 'MM')
day = get_app_config(node, 'DD')
DATE_OFFSET = datetime.date(year, month, day).toordinal()
2022-02-28 19:02:42 -06:00
def _(msg):
if LANG == 'en':
return msg
if not LANG in MESSAGES:
return msg
return MESSAGES[LANG][msg]
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
def set_app_config(node_name: str, key: str, new_value: Any) -> Any:
2022-02-25 22:43:37 -06:00
"""Update value for key in node name.
:param node_name: Name of node
:type name: str
:param key: Name of key
:type key: str
:return: True if update sucesfully
:rtype: bool
`See Api ConfigurationUpdateAccess <https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/servicecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1configuration_1_1ConfigurationUpdateAccess.html>`_
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
result = True
current_value = ''
name = 'com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationProvider'
service = 'com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationUpdateAccess'
cp = create_instance(name, True)
node = PropertyValue(Name='nodepath', Value=node_name)
update = cp.createInstanceWithArguments(service, (node,))
2022-02-21 23:43:58 -06:00
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
current_value = update.getPropertyValue(key)
update.setPropertyValue(key, new_value)
2022-02-21 23:43:58 -06:00
except Exception as e:
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
if update.hasByName(key) and current_value:
update.setPropertyValue(key, current_value)
result = False
return result
2022-02-26 22:22:11 -06:00
def debug(*messages) -> None:
"""Show messages debug
:param messages: List of messages to debug
:type messages: list[Any]
data = [str(m) for m in messages]
def error(message: Any) -> None:
"""Show message error
:param message: The message error
:type message: Any
def info(*messages) -> None:
"""Show messages info
:param messages: List of messages to debug
:type messages: list[Any]
data = [str(m) for m in messages]
def save_log(path: str, data: Any) -> None:
"""Save data in file, data append to end and automatic add current time.
:param path: Path to save log
:type path: str
:param data: Data to save in file log
:type data: Any
with open(path, 'a') as f:
f.write(f'{str(now())[:19]} - ')
pprint(data, stream=f)
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
def mri(obj: Any) -> None:
"""Inspect object with MRI Extension
2022-02-23 22:49:43 -06:00
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
:param obj: Any pyUno object
:type obj: Any
2022-02-23 22:49:43 -06:00
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
`See MRI <https://github.com/hanya/MRI/releases>`_
2022-02-23 22:49:43 -06:00
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
m = create_instance('mytools.Mri')
2022-02-23 22:49:43 -06:00
if m is None:
msg = 'Extension MRI not found'
if hasattr(obj, 'obj'):
obj = obj.obj
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
2022-02-23 22:49:43 -06:00
def catch_exception(f):
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
"""Catch exception for any function
:param f: Any Python function
:type f: Function instance
2022-02-23 22:49:43 -06:00
def func(*args, **kwargs):
return f(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
name = f.__name__
if IS_WIN:
log.error(name, exc_info=True)
return func
2022-02-21 23:43:58 -06:00
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
def msgbox(message: Any, title: str=TITLE, buttons=MSG_BUTTONS.BUTTONS_OK, \
2022-02-25 22:43:37 -06:00
type_message_box=MessageBoxType.INFOBOX) -> int:
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
"""Create message box
:param message: Any type message, all is converted to string.
:type message: Any
:param title: The title for message box
:type title: str
:param buttons: A combination of `com::sun::star::awt::MessageBoxButtons <https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/namespacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1awt_1_1MessageBoxButtons.html>`_
:type buttons: long
:param type_message_box: The `message box type <https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/namespacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1awt.html#ad249d76933bdf54c35f4eaf51a5b7965>`_
:type type_message_box: enum
2022-02-25 22:43:37 -06:00
:return: `MessageBoxResult <https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/namespacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1awt_1_1MessageBoxResults.html>`_
:rtype: int
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
`See Api XMessageBoxFactory <http://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/interfacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1awt_1_1XMessageBoxFactory.html>`_
toolkit = create_instance('com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit')
parent = toolkit.getDesktopWindow()
box = toolkit.createMessageBox(parent, type_message_box, buttons, title, str(message))
return box.execute()
2022-02-25 22:43:37 -06:00
def question(message: str, title: str=TITLE) -> bool:
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
"""Create message box question, show buttons YES and NO
:param message: Message question
:type message: str
:param title: The title for message box
:type title: str
:return: True if user click YES and False if click NO
:rtype: bool
result = msgbox(message, title, MSG_BUTTONS.BUTTONS_YES_NO, MessageBoxType.QUERYBOX)
return result == YES
2022-02-25 22:43:37 -06:00
def warning(message: Any, title: str=TITLE) -> int:
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
"""Create message box with icon warning
:param message: Any type message, all is converted to string.
:type message: Any
:param title: The title for message box
:type title: str
2022-02-25 22:43:37 -06:00
:return: MessageBoxResult
:rtype: int
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
return msgbox(message, title, type_message_box=MessageBoxType.WARNINGBOX)
2022-02-25 22:43:37 -06:00
def errorbox(message: Any, title: str=TITLE) -> int:
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
"""Create message box with icon error
:param message: Any type message, all is converted to string.
:type message: Any
:param title: The title for message box
:type title: str
2022-02-25 22:43:37 -06:00
:return: MessageBoxResult
:rtype: int
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
return msgbox(message, title, type_message_box=MessageBoxType.ERRORBOX)
2022-02-26 00:11:41 -06:00
def sleep(seconds: int):
2022-02-25 22:43:37 -06:00
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
2022-02-25 22:43:37 -06:00
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
2022-02-26 00:11:41 -06:00
def run_in_thread(fn):
"""Run any function in thread
:param fn: Any Python function (macro)
:type fn: Function instance
def run(*k, **kw):
t = threading.Thread(target=fn, args=k, kwargs=kw)
return t
return run
def dict_to_property(values: dict, uno_any: bool=False):
"""Convert dictionary to array of PropertyValue
:param values: Dictionary of values
:type values: dict
:param uno_any: If return like array uno.Any
:type uno_any: bool
:return: Tuple of PropertyValue or array uno.Any
:rtype: tuples or uno.Any
ps = tuple([PropertyValue(Name=n, Value=v) for n, v in values.items()])
if uno_any:
ps = uno.Any('[]com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue', ps)
return ps
def _property_to_dict(values):
d = {v.Name: v.Value for v in values}
return d
def data_to_dict(data) -> dict:
"""Convert tuples, list, PropertyValue, NamedValue to dictionary
:param data: Dictionary of values
:type data: array of tuples, list, PropertyValue or NamedValue
:return: Dictionary
:rtype: dict
d = {}
if not isinstance(data, (tuple, list)):
return d
if isinstance(data[0], (tuple, list)):
d = {r[0]: r[1] for r in data}
elif isinstance(data[0], (PropertyValue, NamedValue)):
d = _property_to_dict(data)
return d
2022-02-27 23:28:06 -06:00
def render(template, data):
s = Template(template)
return s.safe_substitute(**data)
def _set_properties(model, properties):
# ~ if 'X' in properties:
# ~ properties['PositionX'] = properties.pop('X')
# ~ if 'Y' in properties:
# ~ properties['PositionY'] = properties.pop('Y')
keys = tuple(properties.keys())
values = tuple(properties.values())
model.setPropertyValues(keys, values)
2022-02-27 23:28:06 -06:00
# Classes
2022-03-07 22:45:36 -06:00
class LOInspect():
2022-03-08 18:23:54 -06:00
"""Classe inspect
Inspired by `MRI <https://github.com/hanya/MRI/releases>`_
2022-03-07 22:45:36 -06:00
'INTERFACE': '-Interface-',
'SEQUENCE': '-Sequence-',
'STRUCT': '-Struct-',
def __init__(self, obj: Any, to_doc: bool=False):
2022-03-08 18:23:54 -06:00
"""Introspection objects pyUno
:param obj: Object to inspect
:type obj: Any pyUno
:param to_doc: If show info in new doc Calc
:type to_doc: bool
2022-03-07 22:45:36 -06:00
self._obj = obj
2022-03-08 18:23:54 -06:00
if hasattr(obj, 'obj'):
self._obj = obj.obj
self._properties = ()
self._methods = ()
self._interfaces = ()
self._services = ()
self._listeners = ()
introspection = create_instance('com.sun.star.beans.Introspection')
result = introspection.inspect(self._obj)
if result:
self._properties = self._get_properties(result)
self._methods = self._get_methods(result)
self._interfaces = self._get_interfaces(result)
self._services = self._get_services(self._obj)
self._listeners = self._get_listeners(result)
def _to_doc(self, to_doc: bool):
if not to_doc:
doc = LODocuments().new()
sheet = doc[0]
sheet.name = 'Properties'
sheet['A1'].data = self.properties
sheet = doc.insert('Methods')
sheet['A1'].data = self.methods
sheet = doc.insert('Interfaces')
sheet['A1'].data = self.interfaces
sheet = doc.insert('Services')
sheet['A1'].data = self.services
sheet = doc.insert('Listeners')
sheet['A1'].data = self.listeners
2022-03-07 22:45:36 -06:00
def _get_value(self, p: Any):
type_class = p.Type.typeClass.value
if type_class in self.TYPE_CLASSES:
return self.TYPE_CLASSES[type_class]
value = ''
value = getattr(self._obj, p.Name)
if type_class == 'ENUM' and value:
value = value.value
elif type_class == 'TYPE':
value = value.typeName
elif value is None:
value = '-void-'
value = '-error-'
2022-03-08 18:23:54 -06:00
return str(value)
2022-03-07 22:45:36 -06:00
def _get_attributes(self, a: Any):
PA = {1 : 'Maybe Void', 16 : 'Read Only'}
attr = ', '.join([PA.get(k, '') for k in PA.keys() if a & k])
return attr
def _get_property(self, p: Any):
name = p.Name
tipo = p.Type.typeName
value = self._get_value(p)
attr = self._get_attributes(p.Attributes)
return name, tipo, value, attr
2022-03-08 18:23:54 -06:00
def _get_properties(self, result: Any):
properties = result.getProperties(ALL)
2022-03-07 22:45:36 -06:00
data = [('Name', 'Type', 'Value', 'Attributes')]
data += [self._get_property(p) for p in properties]
return data
2022-03-08 18:23:54 -06:00
def _get_arguments(self, m: Any):
arguments = '( {} )'.format(', '.join(
[' '.join((
p.aType.Name)) for p in m.ParameterInfos]
return arguments
def _get_method(self, m: Any):
name = m.Name
arguments = self._get_arguments(m)
return_type = m.ReturnType.Name
class_name = m.DeclaringClass.Name
return name, arguments, return_type, class_name
def _get_methods(self, result: Any):
methods = result.getMethods(ALL)
data = [('Name', 'Arguments', 'Return Type', 'Class')]
data += [self._get_method(m) for m in methods]
return data
def _get_interfaces(self, result: Any):
methods = result.getMethods(ALL)
interfaces = {m.DeclaringClass.Name for m in methods}
return tuple(zip(interfaces))
def _get_services(self, obj: Any):
data = [str(s) for s in obj.getSupportedServiceNames()]
data = tuple(zip(data))
data = ()
return data
def _get_listeners(self, result: Any):
data = [l.typeName for l in result.getSupportedListeners()]
return tuple(zip(data))
2022-03-07 22:45:36 -06:00
def properties(self):
return self._properties
2022-03-08 18:23:54 -06:00
def methods(self):
return self._methods
def interfaces(self):
return self._interfaces
def services(self):
return self._services
def listeners(self):
return self._listeners
2022-03-07 22:45:36 -06:00
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
# ~ https://github.com/django/django/blob/main/django/utils/functional.py#L61
class classproperty:
2022-02-27 23:28:06 -06:00
2022-02-25 22:43:37 -06:00
def __init__(self, method=None):
self.fget = method
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
2022-02-25 22:43:37 -06:00
def __get__(self, instance, cls=None):
return self.fget(cls)
def getter(self, method):
self.fget = method
return self
class Dates(object):
"""Class for datetimes
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
2022-02-25 22:43:37 -06:00
_start = None
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
2022-02-25 22:43:37 -06:00
def now(cls):
"""Current local date and time
:return: Return the current local date and time
:rtype: datetime
2022-02-27 23:28:06 -06:00
return datetime.datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0)
2022-02-25 22:43:37 -06:00
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
2022-02-25 22:43:37 -06:00
def today(cls):
"""Current local date
:return: Return the current local date
:rtype: date
return datetime.date.today()
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
2022-02-26 22:22:11 -06:00
def time(cls):
"""Current local time
:return: Return the current local time
:rtype: datetime.time
t = cls.now.time().replace(microsecond=0)
return t
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
2022-02-25 22:43:37 -06:00
def epoch(cls):
"""Get unix time
:return: Return unix time
:rtype: int
`See Unix Time <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time>`_
n = cls.now
e = int(time.mktime(n.timetuple()))
return e
2022-02-26 00:11:41 -06:00
def date(cls, year: int, month: int, day: int):
2022-02-25 22:43:37 -06:00
"""Get date from year, month, day
:param year: Year of date
:type year: int
:param month: Month of date
:type month: int
:param day: Day of day
:type day: int
:return: Return the date
:rtype: date
`See Python date <https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#date-objects>`_
d = datetime.date(year, month, day)
return d
2022-02-26 00:11:41 -06:00
def str_to_date(cls, str_date: str, template: str, to_calc: bool=False):
2022-02-25 22:43:37 -06:00
"""Get date from string
:param str_date: Date in string
:type str_date: str
:param template: Formato of date string
:type template: str
:param to_calc: If date is for used in Calc cell
:type to_calc: bool
:return: Return date or int if used in Calc
:rtype: date or int
`See Python strptime <https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#datetime.datetime.strptime>`_
d = datetime.datetime.strptime(str_date, template).date()
if to_calc:
d = d.toordinal() - DATE_OFFSET
return d
2022-02-26 00:11:41 -06:00
def calc_to_date(cls, value: float):
2022-02-25 22:43:37 -06:00
"""Get date from calc value
:param value: Float value from cell
:type value: float
:return: Return the current local date
:rtype: date
`See Python fromordinal <https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#datetime.datetime.fromordinal>`_
d = datetime.date.fromordinal(int(value) + DATE_OFFSET)
return d
def start(cls):
"""Start counter
cls._start = cls.now
info('Start: ', cls._start)
def end(cls, get_seconds: bool=True):
"""End counter
:param get_seconds: If return value in total seconds
:type get_seconds: bool
:return: Return the timedelta or total seconds
:rtype: timedelta or int
e = cls.now
td = e - cls._start
result = str(td)
if get_seconds:
result = td.total_seconds()
info('End: ', e)
return result
2022-02-26 00:11:41 -06:00
class Json(object):
"""Class for json data
def dumps(cls, data: Any) -> str:
:param data: Any data
:type data: Any
:return: Return string json
:rtype: str
return json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
def loads(cls, data: str) -> Any:
:param data: String data
:type data: str
:return: Return any object
:rtype: Any
return json.loads(data)
class Macro(object):
"""Class for call macro
`See Scripting Framework <https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/DevGuide/Scripting/Scripting_Framework_URI_Specification>`_
def call(cls, args: dict, in_thread: bool=False):
"""Call any macro
:param args: Dictionary with macro location
:type args: dict
:param in_thread: If execute in thread
:type in_thread: bool
:return: Return None or result of call macro
:rtype: Any
result = None
if in_thread:
t = threading.Thread(target=cls._call, args=(args,))
result = cls._call(args)
return result
2022-03-04 22:08:16 -06:00
def get_url_script(cls, args: dict):
2022-02-26 00:11:41 -06:00
library = args['library']
name = args['name']
language = args.get('language', 'Python')
location = args.get('location', 'user')
module = args.get('module', '.')
if language == 'Python':
module = '.py$'
elif language == 'Basic':
module = f".{module}."
if location == 'user':
location = 'application'
url = 'vnd.sun.star.script'
url = f'{url}:{library}{module}{name}?language={language}&location={location}'
return url
def _call(cls, args: dict):
2022-03-04 22:08:16 -06:00
url = cls.get_url_script(args)
2022-02-26 00:11:41 -06:00
args = args.get('args', ())
service = 'com.sun.star.script.provider.MasterScriptProviderFactory'
factory = create_instance(service)
script = factory.createScriptProvider('').getScript(url)
result = script.invoke(args, None, None)[0]
return result
2022-02-26 22:22:11 -06:00
class Shell(object):
"""Class for subprocess
`See Subprocess <https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/subprocess.html>`_
def run(cls, command, capture=False, split=False):
"""Execute commands
:param command: Command to run
:type command: str
:param capture: If capture result of command
:type capture: bool
:param split: Some commands need split.
:type split: bool
:return: Result of command
:rtype: Any
if split:
cmd = shlex.split(command)
result = subprocess.run(cmd, capture_output=capture, text=True, shell=IS_WIN)
if capture:
result = result.stdout
result = result.returncode
if capture:
result = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True).decode()
result = subprocess.Popen(command)
return result
def popen(cls, command):
"""Execute commands and return line by line
:param command: Command to run
:type command: str
:return: Result of command
:rtype: Any
proc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), shell=IS_WIN,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
for line in proc.stdout:
yield line.decode().rstrip()
except Exception as e:
yield (e.errno, e.strerror)
class Timer(object):
"""Class for timer thread"""
class TimerThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, event, seconds, macro):
self._event = event
self._seconds = seconds
self._macro = macro
def run(self):
while not self._event.wait(self._seconds):
info('\tTimer stopped... ')
def exists(cls, name):
"""Validate in timer **name** exists
:param name: Timer name, it must be unique
:type name: str
:return: True if exists timer name
:rtype: bool
global _EVENTS
return name in _EVENTS
def start(cls, name: str, seconds: float, macro: dict):
"""Start timer **name** every **seconds** and execute **macro**
:param name: Timer name, it must be unique
:type name: str
:param seconds: Seconds for wait
:type seconds: float
:param macro: Macro for execute
:type macro: dict
global _EVENTS
_EVENTS[name] = threading.Event()
info(f"Timer '{name}' started, execute macro: '{macro['name']}'")
thread = cls.TimerThread(_EVENTS[name], seconds, macro)
def stop(cls, name: str):
"""Stop timer **name**
:param name: Timer name
:type name: str
global _EVENTS
del _EVENTS[name]
def once(cls, name: str, seconds: float, macro: dict):
"""Start timer **name** only once in **seconds** and execute **macro**
:param name: Timer name, it must be unique
:type name: str
:param seconds: Seconds for wait before execute macro
:type seconds: float
:param macro: Macro for execute
:type macro: dict
global _EVENTS
_EVENTS[name] = threading.Timer(seconds, Macro.call, (macro,))
info(f'Event: "{name}", started... execute in {seconds} seconds')
def cancel(cls, name: str):
"""Cancel timer **name** only once events.
:param name: Timer name, it must be unique
:type name: str
global _EVENTS
if name in _EVENTS:
del _EVENTS[name]
info(f'Cancel event: "{name}", ok...')
except Exception as e:
debug(f'Cancel event: "{name}", not exists...')
class Hash(object):
"""Class for hash
def digest(cls, method: str, data: str, in_hex: bool=True):
"""Get digest from data with method
:param method: Digest method: md5, sha1, sha256, sha512, etc...
:type method: str
:param data: Data for get digest
:type data: str
:param in_hex: If True, get digest in hexadecimal, if False, get bytes
:type in_hex: bool
:return: bytes or hex digest
:rtype: bytes or str
result = ''
obj = getattr(hashlib, method)(data.encode())
if in_hex:
result = obj.hexdigest()
result = obj.digest()
return result
class Paths(object):
"""Class for paths
FILE_PICKER = 'com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.FilePicker'
FOLDER_PICKER = 'com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.FolderPicker'
REMOTE_FILE_PICKER = 'com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.RemoteFilePicker'
OFFICE_FILE_PICKER = 'com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.OfficeFilePicker'
def __init__(self, path=''):
if path.startswith('file://'):
path = str(Path(uno.fileUrlToSystemPath(path)).resolve())
self._path = Path(path)
def path(self):
"""Get base path"""
return str(self._path.parent)
def file_name(self):
"""Get file name"""
return self._path.name
def name(self):
"""Get name"""
return self._path.stem
def ext(self):
"""Get extension"""
return self._path.suffix[1:]
def size(self):
"""Get size"""
return self._path.stat().st_size
def url(self):
"""Get like URL"""
return self._path.as_uri()
def info(self):
"""Get all info like tuple"""
i = (self.path, self.file_name, self.name, self.ext, self.size, self.url)
return i
def dict(self):
"""Get all info like dict"""
data = {
'path': self.path,
'file_name': self.file_name,
'name': self.name,
'ext': self.ext,
'size': self.size,
'url': self.url,
return data
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
2022-02-26 22:22:11 -06:00
def home(self):
"""Get user home"""
return str(Path.home())
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
2022-02-26 22:22:11 -06:00
def documents(self):
"""Get user save documents"""
return self.config()
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
2022-02-26 22:22:11 -06:00
def user_profile(self):
"""Get path user profile"""
path = self.config('UserConfig')
path = str(Path(path).parent)
return path
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
2022-02-26 22:22:11 -06:00
def user_config(self):
"""Get path config in user profile"""
path = self.config('UserConfig')
return path
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
2022-02-27 23:28:06 -06:00
def python(self):
"""Get path executable python"""
if IS_WIN:
path = self.join(self.config('Module'), PYTHON)
elif IS_MAC:
path = self.join(self.config('Module'), '..', 'Resources', PYTHON)
path = sys.executable
return path
2022-02-26 22:22:11 -06:00
def to_system(cls, path:str) -> str:
"""Convert paths in URL to system
:param path: Path to convert
:type path: str
:return: Path system format
:rtype: str
if path.startswith('file://'):
path = str(Path(uno.fileUrlToSystemPath(path)).resolve())
return path
def to_url(cls, path: str) -> str:
"""Convert paths in format system to URL
:param path: Path to convert
:type path: str
:return: Path in URL
:rtype: str
if not path.startswith('file://'):
path = Path(path).as_uri()
return path
2022-02-27 23:28:06 -06:00
def config(cls, name: str='Work') -> Union[str, list]:
2022-02-26 22:22:11 -06:00
"""Return path from config
:param name: Name in service PathSettings, default get path documents
:type name: str
:return: Path in config, if exists.
2022-02-27 23:28:06 -06:00
:rtype: str or list
2022-02-26 22:22:11 -06:00
`See Api XPathSettings <http://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/interfacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1util_1_1XPathSettings.html>`_
path = create_instance('com.sun.star.util.PathSettings')
2022-02-27 23:28:06 -06:00
path = cls.to_system(getattr(path, name)).split(';')
if len(path) == 1:
path = path[0]
2022-02-26 22:22:11 -06:00
return path
def join(cls, *paths: str) -> str:
"""Join paths
:param paths: Paths to join
:type paths: list
:return: New path with joins
:rtype: str
path = str(Path(paths[0]).joinpath(*paths[1:]))
return path
def exists(cls, path: str) -> bool:
"""If exists path
:param path: Path for validate
:type path: str
:return: True if path exists, False if not.
:rtype: bool
path = cls.to_system(path)
result = Path(path).exists()
return result
def exists_app(cls, name_app: str) -> bool:
"""If exists app in system
:param name_app: Name of application
:type name_app: str
:return: True if app exists, False if not.
:rtype: bool
result = bool(shutil.which(name_app))
return result
2022-03-01 20:05:19 -06:00
def is_dir(cls, path: str):
"""Validate if path is directory
:param path: Path for validate
:type path: str
:return: True if path is directory, False if not.
:rtype: bool
return Path(path).is_dir()
def is_file(cls, path: str):
"""Validate if path is a file
:param path: Path for validate
:type path: str
:return: True if path is a file, False if not.
:rtype: bool
return Path(path).is_file()
2022-02-28 19:02:42 -06:00
def temp_file(self):
"""Make temporary file"""
return tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w')
def temp_dir(self):
"""Make temporary directory"""
return tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(ignore_cleanup_errors=True)
def get(cls, init_dir: str='', filters: str='') -> str:
"""Get path for save
:param init_dir: Initial default path
:type init_dir: str
:param filters: Filter for show type files: 'xml' or 'txt,xml'
:type filters: str
:return: Selected path
:rtype: str
`See API <https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/namespacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1ui_1_1dialogs_1_1TemplateDescription.html>`_
if not init_dir:
init_dir = cls.documents
init_dir = cls.to_url(init_dir)
file_picker = create_instance(cls.FILE_PICKER)
file_picker.setTitle(_('Select path'))
if filters:
for f in filters.split(','):
file_picker.appendFilter(f.upper(), f'*.{f.lower()}')
path = ''
if file_picker.execute():
path = cls.to_system(file_picker.getSelectedFiles()[0])
return path
def get_dir(cls, init_dir: str='') -> str:
"""Get path dir
:param init_dir: Initial default path
:type init_dir: str
:return: Selected path
:rtype: str
folder_picker = create_instance(cls.FOLDER_PICKER)
if not init_dir:
init_dir = cls.documents
init_dir = cls.to_url(init_dir)
folder_picker.setTitle(_('Select directory'))
path = ''
if folder_picker.execute():
path = cls.to_system(folder_picker.getDirectory())
return path
def get_file(cls, init_dir: str='', filters: str='', multiple: bool=False):
2022-03-01 20:05:19 -06:00
"""Get path exists file
2022-02-28 19:02:42 -06:00
2022-03-01 20:05:19 -06:00
:param init_dir: Initial default path
:type init_dir: str
:param filters: Filter for show type files: 'xml' or 'txt,xml'
:type filters: str
:param multiple: If user can selected multiple files
:type multiple: bool
:return: Selected path
:rtype: str
2022-02-28 19:02:42 -06:00
if not init_dir:
init_dir = cls.documents
init_dir = cls.to_url(init_dir)
file_picker = create_instance(cls.FILE_PICKER)
file_picker.setTitle(_('Select file'))
if filters:
2022-03-01 20:05:19 -06:00
for f in filters.split(','):
file_picker.appendFilter(f.upper(), f'*.{f.lower()}')
2022-02-28 19:02:42 -06:00
path = ''
if file_picker.execute():
files = file_picker.getSelectedFiles()
path = [cls.to_system(f) for f in files]
if not multiple:
path = path[0]
return path
2022-03-01 20:05:19 -06:00
def files(cls, path: str, pattern: str='*'):
"""Get all files in path
:param path: Path with files
:type path: str
:param pattern: For filter files, default get all.
:type pattern: str
:return: Files in path
:rtype: list
files = [str(p) for p in Path(path).glob(pattern) if p.is_file()]
return files
def walk(cls, path, filters=''):
"""Get all files in path recursively
:param path: Path with files
:type path: str
:param filters: For filter files, default get all.
:type filters: str
:return: Files in path
:rtype: list
paths = []
for folder, _, files in os.walk(path):
if filters:
pattern = re.compile(r'\.(?:{})$'.format(filters), re.IGNORECASE)
paths += [cls.join(folder, f) for f in files if pattern.search(f)]
paths += [cls.join(folder, f) for f in files]
return paths
2022-03-02 14:44:58 -06:00
def dirs(cls, path):
"""Get directories in path
:param path: Path to scan
:type path: str
:return: Directories in path
:rtype: list
dirs = [str(p) for p in Path(path).iterdir() if p.is_dir()]
return dirs
2022-03-01 20:05:19 -06:00
def walk_dirs(cls, path, tree=False):
"""Get directories recursively
:param path: Path to scan
:type path: str
:param tree: get info in a tuple (ID_FOLDER, ID_PARENT, NAME)
:type tree: bool
:return: Directories in path
:rtype: list
folders = []
if tree:
i = 0
parents = {path: 0}
for root, dirs, _ in os.walk(path):
for name in dirs:
i += 1
rn = cls.join(root, name)
if not rn in parents:
parents[rn] = i
folders.append((i, parents[root], name))
for root, dirs, _ in os.walk(path):
folders += [cls.join(root, name) for name in dirs]
return folders
2022-03-09 13:18:40 -06:00
def extension(cls, id_ext: str):
2022-03-01 20:05:19 -06:00
"""Get path extension install from id
:param id_ext: ID extension
:type id_ext: str
:return: Path extension
:rtype: str
pip = CTX.getValueByName('/singletons/com.sun.star.deployment.PackageInformationProvider')
path = Paths.to_system(pip.getPackageLocation(id_ext))
return path
def replace_ext(cls, path: str, new_ext: str):
"""Replace extension in file path
:param path: Path to file
:type path: str
:param new_ext: New extension
:type new_ext: str
:return: Path with new extension
:rtype: str
p = Paths(path)
name = f'{p.name}.{new_ext}'
path = cls.join(p.path, name)
return path
def open(cls, path: str):
"""Open any file with default program in systema
:param path: Path to file
:type path: str
:return: PID file, only Linux
:rtype: int
pid = 0
if IS_WIN:
pid = subprocess.Popen(['xdg-open', path]).pid
return pid
2022-02-27 23:28:06 -06:00
# ~ Save/read data
def save(cls, path: str, data: str, encoding: str='utf-8') -> bool:
"""Save data in path with encoding
:param path: Path to file save
:type path: str
:param data: Data to save
:type data: str
:param encoding: Encoding for save data, default utf-8
:type encoding: str
:return: True, if save corrrectly
:rtype: bool
result = bool(Path(path).write_text(data, encoding=encoding))
return result
def save_bin(cls, path: str, data: bytes) -> bool:
"""Save binary data in path
:param path: Path to file save
:type path: str
:param data: Data to save
:type data: bytes
:return: True, if save corrrectly
:rtype: bool
result = bool(Path(path).write_bytes(data))
return result
def read(cls, path: str, get_lines: bool=False, encoding: str='utf-8') -> Union[str, list]:
"""Read data in path
:param path: Path to file read
:type path: str
:param get_lines: If read file line by line
:type get_lines: bool
:return: File content
:rtype: str or list
if get_lines:
with Path(path).open(encoding=encoding) as f:
data = f.readlines()
data = Path(path).read_text(encoding=encoding)
return data
def read_bin(cls, path: str) -> bytes:
"""Read binary data in path
:param path: Path to file read
:type path: str
:return: File content
:rtype: bytes
data = Path(path).read_bytes()
return data
# ~ Import/export data
def from_json(cls, path: str) -> Any:
"""Read path file and load json data
:param path: Path to file
:type path: str
:return: Any data
:rtype: Any
data = json.loads(cls.read(path))
return data
def to_json(cls, path: str, data: str):
"""Save data in path file like json
:param path: Path to file
:type path: str
:return: True if save correctly
:rtype: bool
data = json.dumps(data, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=True)
return cls.save(path, data)
2022-03-01 20:05:19 -06:00
def from_csv(cls, path: str, args: dict={}) -> tuple:
"""Read CSV
:param path: Path to file csv
:type path: str
:param args: Any argument support for Python library
:type args: dict
:return: Data csv like tuple
:rtype: tuple
`See CSV Reader <https://docs.python.org/3.8/library/csv.html#csv.reader>`_
with open(path) as f:
rows = tuple(csv.reader(f, **args))
return rows
def to_csv(cls, path: str, data: Any, args: dict={}):
"""Write CSV
:param path: Path to file write csv
:type path: str
:param data: Data to write
:type data: Iterable
:param args: Any argument support for Python library
:type args: dict
`See CSV Writer <https://docs.python.org/3.8/library/csv.html#csv.writer>`_
with open(path, 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, **args)
def zip(cls, source: Union[str, tuple, list], target='') -> str:
path_zip = target
if not isinstance(source, (tuple, list)):
path, _, name, _ = _P(source).info
start = len(path) + 1
if not target:
path_zip = f'{path}/{name}.zip'
if isinstance(source, (tuple, list)):
files = [(f, f[len(_P(f).path)+1:]) for f in source]
elif _P.is_file(source):
files = ((source, source[start:]),)
files = [(f, f[start:]) for f in _P.walk(source)]
compression = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
with zipfile.ZipFile(path_zip, 'w', compression=compression) as z:
for f in files:
z.write(f[0], f[1])
return path_zip
def unzip(cls, source, target='', members=None, pwd=None):
path = target
if not target:
path = _P(source).path
with zipfile.ZipFile(source) as z:
if not pwd is None:
pwd = pwd.encode()
if isinstance(members, str):
members = (members,)
z.extractall(path, members=members, pwd=pwd)
def zip_content(cls, path: str):
with zipfile.ZipFile(path) as z:
names = z.namelist()
return names
def merge_zip(cls, target, zips):
with zipfile.ZipFile(target, 'w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as t:
for path in zips:
with zipfile.ZipFile(path, compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as s:
for name in s.namelist():
t.writestr(name, s.open(name).read())
except Exception as e:
return False
return True
def kill(cls, path: str):
"""Delete path
:param path: Path to file or directory
:type path: str
:return: True if delete correctly
:rtype: bool
p = Path(path)
if p.is_file():
elif p.is_dir():
result = True
except OSError as e:
result = False
return result
2022-02-27 23:28:06 -06:00
class Config(object):
"""Class for set and get configurations
def set(cls, prefix: str, value: Any, key: str='') -> bool:
"""Save data config in user config like json
:param prefix: Unique prefix for this data
:type prefix: str
:param value: Value for save
:type value: Any
:param key: Key for value
:type key: str
:return: True if save correctly
:rtype: bool
name_file = FILES['CONFIG'].format(prefix)
path = Paths.join(Paths.user_config, name_file)
data = value
if key:
data = cls.get(prefix)
data[key] = value
result = Paths.to_json(path, data)
return result
def get(cls, prefix: str, key: str='', default: Any={}) -> Any:
"""Get data config from user config like json
:param prefix: Unique prefix for this data
:type prefix: str
:param key: Key for value
:type key: str
:param default: Get if not exists key
:type default: Any
:return: data
:rtype: Any
data = {}
name_file = FILES['CONFIG'].format(prefix)
path = Paths.join(Paths.user_config, name_file)
if not Paths.exists(path):
return data
data = Paths.from_json(path)
if key:
data = data.get(key, default)
return data
class Url(object):
"""Class for simple url open
def _open(cls, url: str, data: Any=None, headers: dict={}, verify: bool=True, \
json: bool=False, timeout: int=TIMEOUT, method: str='GET') -> tuple:
"""URL Open"""
result = None
context = None
rheaders = {}
err = ''
if verify:
if not data is None and isinstance(data, str):
data = data.encode()
context = ssl._create_unverified_context()
req = Request(url, data=data, headers=headers, method=method)
response = urlopen(req, timeout=timeout, context=context)
except HTTPError as e:
err = str(e)
except URLError as e:
err = str(e.reason)
# ToDo
# ~ except timeout:
# ~ err = 'timeout'
# ~ error(err)
rheaders = dict(response.info())
result = response.read().decode()
if json:
result = Json.loads(result)
return result, rheaders, err
def get(cls, url: str, data: Any=None, headers: dict={}, verify: bool=True, \
json: bool=False, timeout: int=TIMEOUT) -> tuple:
"""Method GET
:param url: Url to open
:type url: str
:return: result, headers and error
:rtype: tuple
return cls._open(url, data, headers, verify, json, timeout)
# ToDo
def _post(cls, url: str, data: Any=None, headers: dict={}, verify: bool=True, \
json: bool=False, timeout: int=TIMEOUT) -> tuple:
"""Method POST
data = parse.urlencode(data).encode('ascii')
return cls._open(url, data, headers, verify, json, timeout, 'POST')
2022-03-01 21:26:27 -06:00
class Email(object):
"""Class for send email
2022-03-02 14:13:47 -06:00
class _SmtpServer(object):
2022-03-01 21:26:27 -06:00
def __init__(self, config):
self._server = None
self._error = ''
self._sender = ''
self._is_connect = self._login(config)
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def is_connect(self):
return self._is_connect
def error(self):
return self._error
def _login(self, config):
name = config['server']
port = config['port']
is_ssl = config['ssl']
2022-03-02 14:13:47 -06:00
starttls = config.get('starttls', False)
2022-03-01 21:26:27 -06:00
self._sender = config['user']
2022-03-02 14:13:47 -06:00
if starttls:
2022-03-01 21:26:27 -06:00
self._server = smtplib.SMTP(name, port, timeout=TIMEOUT)
elif is_ssl:
self._server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(name, port, timeout=TIMEOUT)
self._server = smtplib.SMTP(name, port, timeout=TIMEOUT)
self._server.login(self._sender, config['password'])
msg = 'Connect to: {}'.format(name)
return True
except smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError as e:
if '535' in str(e):
self._error = _('Incorrect user or password')
return False
if '534' in str(e) and 'gmail' in name:
self._error = _('Allow less secure apps in GMail')
return False
except smtplib.SMTPException as e:
self._error = str(e)
return False
except Exception as e:
self._error = str(e)
return False
return False
def _body(self, msg):
body = msg.replace('\n', '<BR>')
return body
def send(self, message):
# ~ file_name = 'attachment; filename={}'
email = MIMEMultipart()
email['From'] = self._sender
email['To'] = message['to']
email['Cc'] = message.get('cc', '')
email['Subject'] = message['subject']
email['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
if message.get('confirm', False):
email['Disposition-Notification-To'] = email['From']
email.attach(MIMEText(self._body(message['body']), 'html'))
paths = message.get('files', ())
if isinstance(paths, str):
paths = (paths,)
for path in paths:
fn = _P(path).file_name
2022-03-02 14:13:47 -06:00
# ~ print('NAME', fn)
2022-03-01 21:26:27 -06:00
part = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream')
part.add_header('Content-Disposition', f'attachment; filename="{fn}"')
receivers = (
email['To'].split(',') +
email['CC'].split(',') +
message.get('bcc', '').split(','))
self._server.sendmail(self._sender, receivers, email.as_string())
msg = 'Email sent...'
if message.get('path', ''):
self.save_message(email, message['path'])
return True
except Exception as e:
self._error = str(e)
return False
return False
def save_message(self, email, path):
mbox = mailbox.mbox(path, create=True)
msg = mailbox.mboxMessage(email)
def close(self):
msg = 'Close connection...'
def _send_email(cls, server, messages):
2022-03-02 14:13:47 -06:00
with cls._SmtpServer(server) as server:
2022-03-01 21:26:27 -06:00
if server.is_connect:
for msg in messages:
return server.error
def send(cls, server: dict, messages: Union[dict, tuple, list]):
2022-03-02 14:13:47 -06:00
"""Send email with config server, emails send in thread.
:param server: Configuration for send emails
:type server: dict
:param server: Dictionary con message or list of messages
:type server: dict or iterator
2022-03-01 21:26:27 -06:00
if isinstance(messages, dict):
messages = (messages,)
t = threading.Thread(target=cls._send_email, args=(server, messages))
2022-02-27 23:28:06 -06:00
class Color(object):
"""Class for colors
`See Web Colors <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors>`_
'aliceblue': 15792383,
'antiquewhite': 16444375,
'aqua': 65535,
'aquamarine': 8388564,
'azure': 15794175,
'beige': 16119260,
'bisque': 16770244,
'black': 0,
'blanchedalmond': 16772045,
'blue': 255,
'blueviolet': 9055202,
'brown': 10824234,
'burlywood': 14596231,
'cadetblue': 6266528,
'chartreuse': 8388352,
'chocolate': 13789470,
'coral': 16744272,
'cornflowerblue': 6591981,
'cornsilk': 16775388,
'crimson': 14423100,
'cyan': 65535,
'darkblue': 139,
'darkcyan': 35723,
'darkgoldenrod': 12092939,
'darkgray': 11119017,
'darkgreen': 25600,
'darkgrey': 11119017,
'darkkhaki': 12433259,
'darkmagenta': 9109643,
'darkolivegreen': 5597999,
'darkorange': 16747520,
'darkorchid': 10040012,
'darkred': 9109504,
'darksalmon': 15308410,
'darkseagreen': 9419919,
'darkslateblue': 4734347,
'darkslategray': 3100495,
'darkslategrey': 3100495,
'darkturquoise': 52945,
'darkviolet': 9699539,
'deeppink': 16716947,
'deepskyblue': 49151,
'dimgray': 6908265,
'dimgrey': 6908265,
'dodgerblue': 2003199,
'firebrick': 11674146,
'floralwhite': 16775920,
'forestgreen': 2263842,
'fuchsia': 16711935,
'gainsboro': 14474460,
'ghostwhite': 16316671,
'gold': 16766720,
'goldenrod': 14329120,
'gray': 8421504,
'grey': 8421504,
'green': 32768,
'greenyellow': 11403055,
'honeydew': 15794160,
'hotpink': 16738740,
'indianred': 13458524,
'indigo': 4915330,
'ivory': 16777200,
'khaki': 15787660,
'lavender': 15132410,
'lavenderblush': 16773365,
'lawngreen': 8190976,
'lemonchiffon': 16775885,
'lightblue': 11393254,
'lightcoral': 15761536,
'lightcyan': 14745599,
'lightgoldenrodyellow': 16448210,
'lightgray': 13882323,
'lightgreen': 9498256,
'lightgrey': 13882323,
'lightpink': 16758465,
'lightsalmon': 16752762,
'lightseagreen': 2142890,
'lightskyblue': 8900346,
'lightslategray': 7833753,
'lightslategrey': 7833753,
'lightsteelblue': 11584734,
'lightyellow': 16777184,
'lime': 65280,
'limegreen': 3329330,
'linen': 16445670,
'magenta': 16711935,
'maroon': 8388608,
'mediumaquamarine': 6737322,
'mediumblue': 205,
'mediumorchid': 12211667,
'mediumpurple': 9662683,
'mediumseagreen': 3978097,
'mediumslateblue': 8087790,
'mediumspringgreen': 64154,
'mediumturquoise': 4772300,
'mediumvioletred': 13047173,
'midnightblue': 1644912,
'mintcream': 16121850,
'mistyrose': 16770273,
'moccasin': 16770229,
'navajowhite': 16768685,
'navy': 128,
'oldlace': 16643558,
'olive': 8421376,
'olivedrab': 7048739,
'orange': 16753920,
'orangered': 16729344,
'orchid': 14315734,
'palegoldenrod': 15657130,
'palegreen': 10025880,
'paleturquoise': 11529966,
'palevioletred': 14381203,
'papayawhip': 16773077,
'peachpuff': 16767673,
'peru': 13468991,
'pink': 16761035,
'plum': 14524637,
'powderblue': 11591910,
'purple': 8388736,
'red': 16711680,
'rosybrown': 12357519,
'royalblue': 4286945,
'saddlebrown': 9127187,
'salmon': 16416882,
'sandybrown': 16032864,
'seagreen': 3050327,
'seashell': 16774638,
'sienna': 10506797,
'silver': 12632256,
'skyblue': 8900331,
'slateblue': 6970061,
'slategray': 7372944,
'slategrey': 7372944,
'snow': 16775930,
'springgreen': 65407,
'steelblue': 4620980,
'tan': 13808780,
'teal': 32896,
'thistle': 14204888,
'tomato': 16737095,
'turquoise': 4251856,
'violet': 15631086,
'wheat': 16113331,
'white': 16777215,
'whitesmoke': 16119285,
'yellow': 16776960,
'yellowgreen': 10145074,
def _get_color(self, index):
if isinstance(index, tuple):
color = (index[0] << 16) + (index[1] << 8) + index[2]
if index[0] == '#':
r, g, b = bytes.fromhex(index[1:])
color = (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b
color = self.COLORS.get(index.lower(), -1)
return color
def __call__(self, index):
return self._get_color(index)
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self._get_color(index)
COLOR_ON_FOCUS = Color()('LightYellow')
2022-02-26 22:22:11 -06:00
2022-03-03 23:45:19 -06:00
class ClipBoard(object):
SERVICE = 'com.sun.star.datatransfer.clipboard.SystemClipboard'
CLIPBOARD_FORMAT_TEXT = 'text/plain;charset=utf-16'
class TextTransferable(unohelper.Base, XTransferable):
def __init__(self, text):
df = DataFlavor()
df.HumanPresentableName = 'encoded text utf-16'
self.flavors = (df,)
self._data = text
def getTransferData(self, flavor):
return self._data
def getTransferDataFlavors(self):
return self.flavors
def set(cls, value):
ts = cls.TextTransferable(value)
sc = create_instance(cls.SERVICE)
sc.setContents(ts, None)
def contents(cls):
df = None
text = ''
sc = create_instance(cls.SERVICE)
transferable = sc.getContents()
data = transferable.getTransferDataFlavors()
for df in data:
if df.MimeType == cls.CLIPBOARD_FORMAT_TEXT:
if df:
text = transferable.getTransferData(df)
return text
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
class IOStream(object):
"""Classe for input/output stream"""
class OutputStream(unohelper.Base, XOutputStream):
def __init__(self):
self._buffer = b''
self.closed = 0
def buffer(self):
return self._buffer
def closeOutput(self):
self.closed = 1
def writeBytes(self, seq):
if seq.value:
self._buffer = seq.value
def flush(self):
def buffer(cls):
return io.BytesIO()
def input(cls, buffer):
service = 'com.sun.star.io.SequenceInputStream'
stream = create_instance(service, True)
return stream
def output(cls):
return cls.OutputStream()
2022-03-09 13:18:40 -06:00
class EventsListenerBase(unohelper.Base, XEventListener):
def __init__(self, controller, name, window=None):
self._controller = controller
self._name = name
self._window = window
def name(self):
return self._name
def disposing(self, event):
self._controller = None
if not self._window is None:
class EventsRangeSelectionListener(EventsListenerBase, XRangeSelectionListener):
def __init__(self, controller):
super().__init__(controller, '')
def done(self, event):
range_selection = event.RangeDescriptor
event_name = 'range_selection_done'
if hasattr(self._controller, event_name):
getattr(self._controller, event_name)(range_selection)
def aborted(self, event):
range_selection = event.RangeDescriptor
event_name = 'range_selection_aborted'
if hasattr(self._controller, event_name):
getattr(self._controller, event_name)()
class LOShapes(object):
_type = 'ShapeCollection'
def __init__(self, obj):
self._obj = obj
def __len__(self):
return self.obj.Count
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def __iter__(self):
self._index = 0
return self
def __next__(self):
s = self.obj[self._index]
shape = LOShape(s)
except IndexError:
raise StopIteration
self._index += 1
return shape
def __str__(self):
return 'Shapes'
def obj(self):
return self._obj
class LOShape(object):
IMAGE = 'com.sun.star.drawing.GraphicObjectShape'
def __init__(self, obj):
self._obj = obj
def __str__(self):
return f'Shape: {self.name}'
def obj(self):
return self._obj
def properties(self):
2022-04-09 22:23:13 -05:00
# ~ properties = self.obj.PropertySetInfo.Properties
# ~ data = {p.Name: getattr(self.obj, p.Name) for p in properties}
data = self.obj.PropertySetInfo.Properties
keys = [p.Name for p in data]
values = self.obj.getPropertyValues(keys)
data = dict(zip(keys, values))
return data
def properties(self, values):
_set_properties(self.obj, values)
def shape_type(self):
return self.obj.ShapeType
def name(self):
return self.obj.Name
def name(self, value):
self.obj.Name = value
def is_image(self):
return self.shape_type == self.IMAGE
def is_shape(self):
return self.shape_type != self.IMAGE
def size(self):
s = self.obj.Size
return s
def size(self, value):
self.obj.Size = value
def width(self):
s = self.obj.Size
return s.Width
def width(self, value):
s = self.size
s.Width = value
self.size = s
def height(self):
s = self.obj.Size
return s.Height
def height(self, value):
s = self.size
s.Height = value
self.size = s
def position(self):
return self.obj.Position
def x(self):
return self.position.X
def y(self):
return self.position.Y
def string(self):
return self.obj.String
def string(self, value):
self.obj.String = value
def title(self):
return self.obj.Title
def title(self, value):
self.obj.Title = value
def description(self):
return self.obj.Description
def description(self, value):
self.obj.Description = value
2022-03-04 22:08:16 -06:00
class LOShortCuts(object):
"""Classe for manager shortcuts"""
KEYS = {getattr(Key, k): k for k in dir(Key)}
'shift': KeyModifier.SHIFT,
'ctrl': KeyModifier.MOD1,
'alt': KeyModifier.MOD2,
'ctrlmac': KeyModifier.MOD3,
0: '',
1: 'shift',
2: 'ctrl',
4: 'alt',
8: 'ctrlmac',
3: 'shift+ctrl',
5: 'shift+alt',
9: 'shift+ctrlmac',
6: 'ctrl+alt',
10: 'ctrl+ctrlmac',
12: 'alt+ctrlmac',
7: 'shift+ctrl+alt',
11: 'shift+ctrl+ctrlmac',
13: 'shift+alt+ctrlmac',
14: 'ctrl+alt+ctrlmac',
15: 'shift+ctrl+alt+ctrlmac',
def __init__(self, app: str=''):
self._app = app
service = 'com.sun.star.ui.GlobalAcceleratorConfiguration'
if app:
service = 'com.sun.star.ui.ModuleUIConfigurationManagerSupplier'
type_app = LODocuments.TYPES[app]
manager = create_instance(service, True)
uicm = manager.getUIConfigurationManager(type_app)
self._config = uicm.ShortCutManager
self._config = create_instance(service)
def __getitem__(self, index):
return LOShortCuts(index)
def __contains__(self, item):
cmd = self.get_by_shortcut(item)
return bool(cmd)
def __iter__(self):
self._i = -1
return self
def __next__(self):
self._i += 1
event = self._config.AllKeyEvents[self._i]
event = self._get_info(event)
except IndexError:
raise StopIteration
return event
def to_key_event(cls, shortcut: str):
"""Convert from string shortcut (Shift+Ctrl+Alt+LETTER) to KeyEvent"""
key_event = KeyEvent()
keys = shortcut.split('+')
for m in keys[:-1]:
key_event.Modifiers += cls.MODIFIERS[m.lower()]
key_event.KeyCode = getattr(Key, keys[-1].upper())
except Exception as e:
key_event = None
return key_event
def get_url_script(cls, command: Union[str, dict]) -> str:
"""Get uno command or url for macro"""
url = command
if isinstance(url, str) and not url.startswith('.uno:'):
url = f'.uno:{command}'
elif isinstance(url, dict):
url = Macro.get_url_script(command)
return url
def _get_shortcut(self, k):
"""Get shortcut for key event"""
# ~ print(k.KeyCode, str(k.KeyChar), k.KeyFunc, k.Modifiers)
shortcut = f'{self.COMBINATIONS[k.Modifiers]}+{self.KEYS[k.KeyCode]}'
return shortcut
def _get_info(self, key):
"""Get shortcut and command"""
cmd = self._config.getCommandByKeyEvent(key)
shortcut = self._get_shortcut(key)
return shortcut, cmd
def get_all(self):
"""Get all events key"""
events = [(self._get_info(k)) for k in self._config.AllKeyEvents]
return events
def get_by_command(self, command: Union[str, dict]):
"""Get shortcuts by command"""
url = LOShortCuts.get_url_script(command)
key_events = self._config.getKeyEventsByCommand(url)
shortcuts = [self._get_shortcut(k) for k in key_events]
return shortcuts
def get_by_shortcut(self, shortcut: str):
"""Get command by shortcut"""
command = ''
key_event = LOShortCuts.to_key_event(shortcut)
if key_event:
command = self._config.getCommandByKeyEvent(key_event)
return command
def set(self, shortcut: str, command: Union[str, dict]) -> bool:
"""Set shortcut to command
:param shortcut: Shortcut like Shift+Ctrl+Alt+LETTER
:type shortcut: str
:param command: Command tu assign, 'UNOCOMMAND' or dict with macro info
:type command: str or dict
:return: True if set sucesfully
:rtype: bool
result = True
url = LOShortCuts.get_url_script(command)
key_event = LOShortCuts.to_key_event(shortcut)
self._config.setKeyEvent(key_event, url)
except Exception as e:
result = False
return result
def remove_by_shortcut(self, shortcut: str):
"""Remove by shortcut"""
key_event = LOShortCuts.to_key_event(shortcut)
result = True
except NoSuchElementException:
debug(f'No exists: {shortcut}')
result = False
return result
def remove_by_command(self, command: Union[str, dict]):
"""Remove by shortcut"""
url = LOShortCuts.get_url_script(command)
def reset(self):
"""Reset configuration"""
2022-03-06 22:19:26 -06:00
class LOMenuDebug():
"""Classe for debug info menu"""
2022-03-05 23:17:18 -06:00
2022-03-06 22:19:26 -06:00
def _get_info(cls, menu, index):
"""Get every option menu"""
line = f"({index}) {menu.get('CommandURL', '----------')}"
2022-03-05 23:17:18 -06:00
submenu = menu.get('ItemDescriptorContainer', None)
if not submenu is None:
line += cls._get_submenus(submenu)
return line
def _get_submenus(cls, menu, level=1):
2022-03-06 22:19:26 -06:00
"""Get submenus"""
2022-03-05 23:17:18 -06:00
line = ''
for i, v in enumerate(menu):
data = data_to_dict(v)
cmd = data.get('CommandURL', '----------')
line += f'\n{" " * level}ā”œā”€ ({i}) {cmd}'
submenu = data.get('ItemDescriptorContainer', None)
if not submenu is None:
line += cls._get_submenus(submenu, level + 1)
return line
def __call__(cls, menu):
2022-03-06 22:19:26 -06:00
for i, m in enumerate(menu):
2022-03-05 23:17:18 -06:00
data = data_to_dict(m)
2022-03-06 22:19:26 -06:00
print(cls._get_info(data, i))
class LOMenuBase():
"""Classe base for menus"""
NODE = 'private:resource/menubar/menubar'
config = None
menus = None
app = ''
def _get_index(cls, parent: Any, name: Union[int, str]=''):
"""Get index menu from name
:param parent: Menu parent
:type parent: pyUno
:param name: Menu name for search if is str
:type name: int or str
:return: Index of menu
:rtype: int
index = None
if isinstance(name, str) and name:
for i, m in enumerate(parent):
menu = data_to_dict(m)
if menu.get('CommandURL', '') == name:
index = i
elif isinstance(name, str):
index = len(parent) - 1
elif isinstance(name, int):
index = name
return index
def _get_command_url(cls, menu: dict):
"""Get url from command and set shortcut
:param menu: Menu data
:type menu: dict
:return: URL command
:rtype: str
shortcut = menu.pop('ShortCut', '')
command = menu['CommandURL']
url = LOShortCuts.get_url_script(command)
if shortcut:
LOShortCuts(cls.app).set(shortcut, command)
return url
def _save(cls, parent: Any, menu: dict, index: int):
"""Insert menu
:param parent: Menu parent
:type parent: pyUno
:param menu: New menu data
:type menu: dict
:param index: Position to insert
:type index: int
# ~ Some day
# ~ self._menus.insertByIndex(index, new_menu)
properties = dict_to_property(menu, True)
uno.invoke(parent, 'insertByIndex', (index, properties))
cls.config.replaceSettings(cls.NODE, cls.menus)
def _insert_submenu(cls, parent: Any, menus: list):
"""Insert submenus recursively
:param parent: Menu parent
:type parent: pyUno
:param menus: List of menus
:type menus: list
for i, menu in enumerate(menus):
submenu = menu.pop('Submenu', False)
if submenu:
idc = cls.config.createSettings()
menu['ItemDescriptorContainer'] = idc
menu['Type'] = 0
if menu['Label'][0] == '-':
menu['Type'] = 1
menu['CommandURL'] = cls._get_command_url(menu)
cls._save(parent, menu, i)
if submenu:
cls._insert_submenu(idc, submenu)
def _get_first_command(cls, command):
url = command
if isinstance(command, dict):
url = Macro.get_url_script(command)
return url
def insert(cls, parent: Any, menu: dict, after: Union[int, str]=''):
"""Insert new menu
:param parent: Menu parent
:type parent: pyUno
:param menu: New menu data
:type menu: dict
:param after: After menu insert
:type after: int or str
index = cls._get_index(parent, after) + 1
submenu = menu.pop('Submenu', False)
menu['Type'] = 0
idc = cls.config.createSettings()
menu['ItemDescriptorContainer'] = idc
menu['CommandURL'] = cls._get_first_command(menu['CommandURL'])
cls._save(parent, menu, index)
if submenu:
cls._insert_submenu(idc, submenu)
def remove(cls, parent: Any, name: Union[str, dict]):
"""Remove name in parent
:param parent: Menu parent
:type parent: pyUno
:param menu: Menu name
:type menu: str
if isinstance(name, dict):
name = Macro.get_url_script(name)
index = cls._get_index(parent, name)
if index is None:
debug(f'Not found: {name}')
uno.invoke(parent, 'removeByIndex', (index,))
cls.config.replaceSettings(cls.NODE, cls.menus)
2022-03-05 23:17:18 -06:00
2022-03-04 22:08:16 -06:00
class LOMenu(object):
2022-03-06 22:19:26 -06:00
"""Classe for individual menu"""
2022-03-05 13:20:21 -06:00
2022-03-06 22:19:26 -06:00
def __init__(self, config: Any, menus: Any, app: str, menu: Any):
:param config: Configuration Mananer
:type config: pyUno
:param menus: Menu bar main
:type menus: pyUno
:param app: Name LibreOffice module
:type app: str
:para menu: Particular menu
:type menu: pyUno
2022-03-05 13:20:21 -06:00
self._config = config
2022-03-06 22:19:26 -06:00
self._menus = menus
self._app = app
self._parent = menu
def __contains__(self, name):
"""If exists name in menu"""
exists = False
for m in self._parent:
menu = data_to_dict(m)
cmd = menu.get('CommandURL', '')
if name == cmd:
exists = True
return exists
def __getitem__(self, index):
"""Index access"""
if isinstance(index, int):
menu = data_to_dict(self._parent[index])
for m in self._parent:
menu = data_to_dict(m)
cmd = menu.get('CommandURL', '')
if cmd == index:
obj = LOMenu(self._config, self._menus, self._app,
return obj
2022-03-05 13:20:21 -06:00
2022-03-05 23:17:18 -06:00
def debug(self):
2022-03-06 22:19:26 -06:00
"""Debug menu"""
def insert(self, menu: dict, after: Union[int, str]='', save: bool=True):
"""Insert new menu
:param menu: New menu data
:type menu: dict
:param after: Insert in after menu
:type after: int or str
:param save: For persistente save
:type save: bool
LOMenuBase.config = self._config
LOMenuBase.menus = self._menus
LOMenuBase.app = self._app
LOMenuBase.insert(self._parent, menu, after)
if save:
def remove(self, menu: str):
"""Remove menu
:param menu: Menu name
:type menu: str
LOMenuBase.config = self._config
LOMenuBase.menus = self._menus
LOMenuBase.remove(self._parent, menu)
2022-03-05 23:17:18 -06:00
2022-03-05 13:20:21 -06:00
class LOMenuApp(object):
2022-03-06 22:19:26 -06:00
"""Classe for manager menu by LibreOffice module"""
2022-03-04 22:08:16 -06:00
NODE = 'private:resource/menubar/menubar'
'file': '.uno:PickList',
2022-03-05 13:20:21 -06:00
'picklist': '.uno:PickList',
2022-03-04 22:08:16 -06:00
'tools': '.uno:ToolsMenu',
'help': '.uno:HelpMenu',
2022-03-05 13:20:21 -06:00
'window': '.uno:WindowList',
2022-03-04 22:08:16 -06:00
'edit': '.uno:EditMenu',
'view': '.uno:ViewMenu',
'insert': '.uno:InsertMenu',
'format': '.uno:FormatMenu',
'styles': '.uno:FormatStylesMenu',
2022-03-05 13:20:21 -06:00
'formatstyles': '.uno:FormatStylesMenu',
2022-03-04 22:08:16 -06:00
'sheet': '.uno:SheetMenu',
'data': '.uno:DataMenu',
'table': '.uno:TableMenu',
2022-03-05 13:20:21 -06:00
'formatform': '.uno:FormatFormMenu',
2022-03-04 22:08:16 -06:00
'page': '.uno:PageMenu',
'shape': '.uno:ShapeMenu',
'slide': '.uno:SlideMenu',
2022-03-05 13:20:21 -06:00
'slideshow': '.uno:SlideShowMenu',
2022-03-04 22:08:16 -06:00
2022-03-06 22:19:26 -06:00
def __init__(self, app: str):
:param app: LibreOffice Module: calc, writer, draw, impress, math, main
:type app: str
2022-03-04 22:08:16 -06:00
self._app = app
self._config = self._get_config()
self._menus = self._config.getSettings(self.NODE, True)
def _get_config(self):
2022-03-06 22:19:26 -06:00
"""Get config manager"""
2022-03-04 22:08:16 -06:00
service = 'com.sun.star.ui.ModuleUIConfigurationManagerSupplier'
type_app = LODocuments.TYPES[self._app]
manager = create_instance(service, True)
config = manager.getUIConfigurationManager(type_app)
return config
def debug(self):
2022-03-06 22:19:26 -06:00
"""Debug menu"""
2022-03-05 13:20:21 -06:00
def __contains__(self, name):
2022-03-06 22:19:26 -06:00
"""If exists name in menu"""
2022-03-05 13:20:21 -06:00
exists = False
for m in self._menus:
menu = data_to_dict(m)
cmd = menu.get('CommandURL', '')
if name == cmd:
exists = True
return exists
def __getitem__(self, index):
2022-03-06 22:19:26 -06:00
"""Index access"""
2022-03-05 13:20:21 -06:00
if isinstance(index, int):
2022-03-05 23:17:18 -06:00
menu = data_to_dict(self._menus[index])
2022-03-05 13:20:21 -06:00
for m in self._menus:
menu = data_to_dict(m)
cmd = menu.get('CommandURL', '')
2022-03-06 22:19:26 -06:00
if cmd == index or cmd == self.MENUS[index.lower()]:
2022-03-05 13:20:21 -06:00
2022-03-06 22:19:26 -06:00
obj = LOMenu(self._config, self._menus, self._app,
return obj
2022-03-05 13:20:21 -06:00
2022-03-06 22:19:26 -06:00
def insert(self, menu: dict, after: Union[int, str]='', save: bool=True):
"""Insert new menu
2022-03-04 22:08:16 -06:00
2022-03-06 22:19:26 -06:00
:param menu: New menu data
:type menu: dict
:param after: Insert in after menu
:type after: int or str
:param save: For persistente save
:type save: bool
LOMenuBase.config = self._config
LOMenuBase.menus = self._menus
LOMenuBase.app = self._app
LOMenuBase.insert(self._menus, menu, after)
if save:
2022-03-05 13:20:21 -06:00
2022-03-06 22:19:26 -06:00
def remove(self, menu: str):
"""Remove menu
2022-03-05 13:20:21 -06:00
2022-03-06 22:19:26 -06:00
:param menu: Menu name
:type menu: str
LOMenuBase.config = self._config
LOMenuBase.menus = self._menus
LOMenuBase.remove(self._menus, menu)
2022-03-04 22:08:16 -06:00
class LOMenus(object):
"""Classe for manager menus"""
def __getitem__(self, index):
2022-03-06 22:19:26 -06:00
"""Index access"""
2022-03-05 13:20:21 -06:00
return LOMenuApp(index)
2022-03-04 22:08:16 -06:00
2022-03-09 13:18:40 -06:00
class LOEvents():
def __init__(self, obj):
self._obj = obj
def __contains__(self, item):
return self.obj.hasByName(item)
def __getitem__(self, index):
"""Index access"""
return self.obj.getByName(index)
def __setitem__(self, name: str, macro: dict):
"""Set macro to event
:param name: Event name
:type name: str
:param macro: Macro execute in event
:type name: dict
pv = '[]com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue'
args = ()
if macro:
url = Macro.get_url_script(macro)
args = dict_to_property(dict(EventType='Script', Script=url))
uno.invoke(self.obj, 'replaceByName', (name, uno.Any(pv, args)))
def obj(self):
return self._obj
def names(self):
return self.obj.ElementNames
def remove(self, name):
pv = '[]com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue'
uno.invoke(self.obj, 'replaceByName', (name, uno.Any(pv, ())))
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
class LOMain():
"""Classe for LibreOffice"""
2022-03-04 22:08:16 -06:00
class commands():
2022-03-02 22:14:23 -06:00
"""Class for disable and enable commands
`See DispatchCommands <https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/DispatchCommands>`_
def _set_app_command(cls, command: str, disable: bool):
"""Disable or enabled UNO command
:param command: UNO command to disable or enabled
:type command: str
:param disable: True if disable, False if active
:type disable: bool
:return: True if correctly update, False if not.
:rtype: bool
NEW_NODE_NAME = f'zaz_disable_command_{command.lower()}'
name = 'com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationProvider'
service = 'com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationUpdateAccess'
node_name = '/org.openoffice.Office.Commands/Execute/Disabled'
cp = create_instance(name, True)
node = PropertyValue(Name='nodepath', Value=node_name)
update = cp.createInstanceWithArguments(service, (node,))
result = True
if disable:
new_node = update.createInstanceWithArguments(())
new_node.setPropertyValue('Command', command)
update.insertByName(NEW_NODE_NAME, new_node)
except Exception as e:
result = False
return result
def disable(cls, command: str):
"""Disable UNO command
:param command: UNO command to disable
:type command: str
:return: True if correctly disable, False if not.
:rtype: bool
return cls._set_app_command(command, True)
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
2022-03-02 22:14:23 -06:00
def enabled(cls, command):
"""Enabled UNO command
:param command: UNO command to enabled
:type command: str
:return: True if correctly disable, False if not.
:rtype: bool
return cls._set_app_command(command, False)
2022-03-03 23:45:19 -06:00
2022-03-02 22:14:23 -06:00
def cmd(cls):
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
"""Disable or enable commands"""
2022-03-04 22:08:16 -06:00
return cls.commands
2022-03-02 22:14:23 -06:00
2022-03-03 23:45:19 -06:00
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
def desktop(cls):
2022-03-02 22:14:23 -06:00
"""Create desktop instance
:return: Desktop instance
:rtype: pyUno
obj = create_instance('com.sun.star.frame.Desktop', True)
return obj
def dispatch(cls, frame: Any, command: str, args: dict={}) -> None:
"""Call dispatch, used only if not exists directly in API
:param frame: doc or frame instance
:type frame: pyUno
:param command: Command to execute
:type command: str
:param args: Extra argument for command
:type args: dict
`See DispatchCommands <`See DispatchCommands <https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/DispatchCommands>`_>`_
dispatch = create_instance('com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper')
if hasattr(frame, 'frame'):
frame = frame.frame
url = command
if not command.startswith('.uno:'):
url = f'.uno:{command}'
opt = dict_to_property(args)
dispatch.executeDispatch(frame, url, '', 0, opt)
def fonts(cls):
"""Get all font visibles in LibreOffice
:return: tuple of FontDescriptors
:rtype: tuple
`See API FontDescriptor <https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/structcom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1awt_1_1FontDescriptor.html>`_
toolkit = create_instance('com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit')
device = toolkit.createScreenCompatibleDevice(0, 0)
return device.FontDescriptors
def filters(cls):
"""Get all support filters
`See Help ConvertFilters <https://help.libreoffice.org/latest/en-US/text/shared/guide/convertfilters.html>`_
`See API FilterFactory <https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/servicecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1document_1_1FilterFactory.html>`_
factory = create_instance('com.sun.star.document.FilterFactory')
rows = [data_to_dict(factory[name]) for name in factory]
for row in rows:
row['UINames'] = data_to_dict(row['UINames'])
return rows
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
class LODocument():
def __init__(self, obj):
self._obj = obj
self._cc = obj.getCurrentController()
self._undo = True
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def obj(self):
"""Return original pyUno object"""
return self._obj
def type(self):
"""Get type document"""
return self._type
def frame(self):
"""Get frame document"""
return self._cc.getFrame()
def title(self):
"""Get title document"""
return self.obj.getTitle()
def title(self, value):
def uid(self):
"""Get Runtime UID"""
return self.obj.RuntimeUID
def is_saved(self):
"""Get is saved"""
return self.obj.hasLocation()
def is_modified(self):
"""Get is modified"""
return self.obj.isModified()
def is_read_only(self):
"""Get is read only"""
return self.obj.isReadonly()
def path(self):
"""Get path in system files"""
return Paths.to_system(self.obj.URL)
def dir(self):
"""Get directory from path"""
return Paths(self.path).path
def file_name(self):
"""Get only file name"""
return Paths(self.path).file_name
def name(self):
"""Get name without extension"""
return Paths(self.path).name
def visible(self):
"""Get windows visible"""
w = self.frame.ContainerWindow
return w.isVisible()
def visible(self, value):
w = self.frame.ContainerWindow
def zoom(self):
"""Get current zoom value"""
return self._cc.ZoomValue
def zoom(self, value):
self._cc.ZoomValue = value
def status_bar(self):
"""Get status bar"""
bar = self._cc.getStatusIndicator()
return bar
def selection(self):
"""Get current selecction"""
sel = self.obj.CurrentSelection
return sel
def table_auto_formats(self):
taf = create_instance('com.sun.star.sheet.TableAutoFormats')
return taf.ElementNames
def save(self, path: str='', args: dict={}) -> bool:
"""Save document
:param path: Path to save document
:type path: str
:param args: Optional: Extra argument for save
:type args: dict
:return: True if save correctly, False if not
:rtype: bool
if not path:
return True
path_save = Paths.to_url(path)
opt = dict_to_property(args)
self.obj.storeAsURL(path_save, opt)
except Exception as e:
return False
return True
def close(self):
"""Close document"""
def to_pdf(self, path: str='', args: dict={}):
"""Export to PDF
:param path: Path to export document
:type path: str
:param args: Optional: Extra argument for export
:type args: dict
:return: None if path or stream in memory
:rtype: bytes or None
`See PDF Export <https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Macros/Python_Guide/PDF_export_filter_data>`_
stream = None
path_pdf = 'private:stream'
filter_name = f'{self.type}_pdf_Export'
filter_data = dict_to_property(args, True)
filters = {
'FilterName': filter_name,
'FilterData': filter_data,
if path:
path_pdf = Paths.to_url(path)
stream = IOStream.output()
filters['OutputStream'] = stream
opt = dict_to_property(filters)
self.obj.storeToURL(path_pdf, opt)
except Exception as e:
if not stream is None:
stream = stream.buffer
return stream
def export(self, path: str='', filter_name: str='', args: dict={}):
"""Export to others formats
:param path: Path to export document
:type path: str
:param filter_name: Filter name to export
:type filter_name: str
:param args: Optional: Extra argument for export
:type args: dict
:return: None if path or stream in memory
:rtype: bytes or None
'xlsx': 'Calc MS Excel 2007 XML',
'xls': 'MS Excel 97',
'docx': 'MS Word 2007 XML',
'doc': 'MS Word 97',
'rtf': 'Rich Text Format',
stream = None
path_target = 'private:stream'
filter_name = FILTERS.get(filter_name, filter_name)
filter_data = dict_to_property(args, True)
filters = {
'FilterName': filter_name,
'FilterData': filter_data,
if path:
path_target = Paths.to_url(path)
stream = IOStream.output()
filters['OutputStream'] = stream
opt = dict_to_property(filters)
self.obj.storeToURL(path_target, opt)
except Exception as e:
if not stream is None:
stream = stream.buffer
return stream
def _create_instance(self, name):
obj = self.obj.createInstance(name)
return obj
def set_focus(self):
"""Send focus to windows"""
w = self.frame.ComponentWindow
def copy(self):
"""Copy current selection"""
LOMain.dispatch(self.frame, 'Copy')
def paste(self):
"""Paste current content in clipboard"""
sc = create_instance('com.sun.star.datatransfer.clipboard.SystemClipboard')
transferable = sc.getContents()
def paste_special(self):
"""Insert contents, show dialog box Paste Special"""
LOMain.dispatch(self.frame, 'InsertContents')
def paste_values(self):
"""Paste only values"""
args = {
'Flags': 'SVDT',
# ~ 'FormulaCommand': 0,
# ~ 'SkipEmptyCells': False,
# ~ 'Transpose': False,
# ~ 'AsLink': False,
# ~ 'MoveMode': 4,
LOMain.dispatch(self.frame, 'InsertContents', args)
def clear_undo(self):
"""Clear history undo"""
class LODocMain():
2022-03-04 22:08:16 -06:00
"""Classe for start module"""
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
_type = 'main'
def __init__(self, obj):
self._obj = obj
def obj(self):
return self._obj
def type(self):
return self._type
2022-04-09 22:23:13 -05:00
class LOCellStyle(LOBaseObject):
def __init__(self, obj):
def name(self):
return self.obj.Name
def properties(self):
properties = self.obj.PropertySetInfo.Properties
data = {p.Name: getattr(self.obj, p.Name) for p in properties}
return data
def properties(self, values):
_set_properties(self.obj, values)
class LOCellStyles(object):
def __init__(self, obj, doc):
self._obj = obj
self._doc = doc
def __len__(self):
return len(self.obj)
def __getitem__(self, index):
return LOCellStyle(self.obj[index])
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.obj[key] = value
def __delitem__(self, key):
if not isinstance(key, str):
key = key.Name
del self.obj[key]
def __contains__(self, item):
return item in self.obj
def obj(self):
return self._obj
def names(self):
return self.obj.ElementNames
def new(self, name: str):
obj = self._doc.create_instance('com.sun.star.style.CellStyle')
self.obj[name] = obj
return LOCellStyle(obj)
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
class LODocCalc(LODocument):
2022-03-07 21:36:41 -06:00
"""Classe for Calc module"""
2022-03-15 00:44:35 -06:00
TYPE_RANGES = ('ScCellObj', 'ScCellRangeObj')
RANGES = 'ScCellRangesObj'
SHAPE = 'com.sun.star.drawing.SvxShapeCollection'
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
_type = 'calc'
def __init__(self, obj):
2022-03-07 21:36:41 -06:00
self._sheets = obj.Sheets
2022-03-09 13:18:40 -06:00
self._listener_range_selection = None
2022-03-07 21:36:41 -06:00
def __getitem__(self, index):
2022-03-07 22:45:36 -06:00
"""Index access"""
2022-03-07 21:36:41 -06:00
return LOCalcSheet(self._sheets[index])
2022-03-08 22:24:10 -06:00
def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any):
"""Insert new sheet"""
self._sheets[key] = value
2022-03-07 21:36:41 -06:00
def __len__(self):
return self._sheets.Count
def __contains__(self, item):
return item in self._sheets
2022-03-15 00:44:35 -06:00
def __iter__(self):
self._i = 0
return self
def __next__(self):
sheet = LOCalcSheet(self._sheets[self._i])
except Exception as e:
raise StopIteration
self._i += 1
return sheet
2022-04-09 22:23:13 -05:00
def __str__(self):
return f'Calc: {self.title}'
2022-03-15 00:44:35 -06:00
def selection(self):
sel = self.obj.CurrentSelection
type_obj = sel.ImplementationName
if type_obj in self.TYPE_RANGES:
sel = LOCalcRange(sel)
elif type_obj == self.RANGES:
sel = LOCalcRanges(sel)
elif type_obj == self.SHAPE:
if len(sel) == 1:
sel = LOShape(sel[0])
sel = LOShapes(sel)
2022-03-15 00:44:35 -06:00
return sel
2022-03-07 21:36:41 -06:00
def headers(self):
2022-03-07 22:45:36 -06:00
"""Get true if is visible columns/rows headers"""
2022-03-07 21:36:41 -06:00
return self._cc.ColumnRowHeaders
def headers(self, value):
2022-03-07 22:45:36 -06:00
"""Set visible columns/rows headers"""
2022-03-07 21:36:41 -06:00
self._cc.ColumnRowHeaders = value
def tabs(self):
2022-03-07 22:45:36 -06:00
"""Get true if is visible tab sheets"""
2022-03-07 21:36:41 -06:00
return self._cc.SheetTabs
def tabs(self, value):
2022-03-07 22:45:36 -06:00
"""Set visible tab sheets"""
2022-03-07 21:36:41 -06:00
self._cc.SheetTabs = value
def names(self):
2022-03-07 22:45:36 -06:00
"""Get all sheet names"""
2022-03-07 21:36:41 -06:00
names = self.obj.Sheets.ElementNames
return names
def active(self):
2022-03-07 22:45:36 -06:00
"""Get active sheet"""
2022-03-07 21:36:41 -06:00
return LOCalcSheet(self._cc.ActiveSheet)
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
2022-03-08 22:24:10 -06:00
def new_sheet(self):
sheet = self._create_instance('com.sun.star.sheet.Spreadsheet')
return sheet
2022-03-09 13:18:40 -06:00
def events(self):
return LOEvents(self.obj.Events)
2022-04-09 22:23:13 -05:00
def cs(self):
return self.cell_styles
def cell_styles(self):
obj = self.obj.StyleFamilies['CellStyles']
return LOCellStyles(obj, self)
2022-03-08 22:24:10 -06:00
def activate(self, sheet: Any):
"""Activate sheet
:param sheet: Sheet to activate
:type sheet: str, pyUno or LOCalcSheet
obj = sheet
if isinstance(sheet, LOCalcSheet):
obj = sheet.obj
elif isinstance(sheet, str):
obj = self._sheets[sheet]
2022-03-08 18:23:54 -06:00
def insert(self, name: Union[str, list, tuple]):
"""Insert new sheet
:param name: Name new sheet, or iterable with names.
:type name: str, list or tuple
2022-03-08 22:24:10 -06:00
:return: New last instance sheet.
2022-03-08 18:23:54 -06:00
:rtype: LOCalcSheet
names = name
if isinstance(name, str):
names = (name,)
for n in names:
self._sheets[n] = self._create_instance('com.sun.star.sheet.Spreadsheet')
return LOCalcSheet(self._sheets[n])
2022-03-08 22:24:10 -06:00
def remove(self, name: str):
"""Remove sheet by name
:param name: Name sheet will remove
:type name: str
if isinstance(name, LOCalcSheet):
name = name.name
def move(self, name:str, pos: int=-1):
"""Move sheet name to position
:param name: Name sheet to move
:type name: str
:param pos: New position, if pos=-1 move to end
:type pos: int
index = pos
if pos < 0:
index = len(self)
if isinstance(name, LOCalcSheet):
name = name.name
self._sheets.moveByName(name, index)
def _get_new_name_sheet(self, name):
i = 1
new_name = f'{name}_{i}'
while new_name in self:
i += 1
new_name = f'{name}_{i}'
return new_name
def copy_sheet(self, name: Any, new_name: str='', pos: int=-1):
"""Copy sheet by name
if isinstance(name, LOCalcSheet):
name = name.name
index = pos
if pos < 0:
index = len(self)
if not new_name:
new_name = self._get_new_name_sheet(name)
self._sheets.copyByName(name, new_name, index)
return LOCalcSheet(self._sheets[new_name])
def copy_from(self, doc: Any, source: Any=None, target: Any=None, pos: int=-1):
"""Copy sheet from document
index = pos
if pos < 0:
index = len(self)
names = source
if not source:
names = doc.names
elif isinstance(source, str):
names = (source,)
elif isinstance(source, LOCalcSheet):
names = (source.name,)
new_names = target
if not target:
new_names = names
elif isinstance(target, str):
new_names = (target,)
for i, name in enumerate(names):
self._sheets.importSheet(doc.obj, name, index + i)
self[index + i].name = new_names[i]
return LOCalcSheet(self._sheets[index])
def sort(self, reverse=False):
"""Sort sheets by name
:param reverse: For order in reverse
:type reverse: bool
names = sorted(self.names, reverse=reverse)
for i, n in enumerate(names):
self.move(n, i)
2022-03-09 13:18:40 -06:00
def start_range_selection(self, controllers: Any, args: dict={}):
"""Start select range selection by user
`See Api RangeSelectionArguments <https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/servicecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1sheet_1_1RangeSelectionArguments.html>`_
2022-03-13 22:45:15 -06:00
if args:
args['CloseOnMouseRelease'] = args.get('CloseOnMouseRelease', True)
2022-03-09 13:18:40 -06:00
args = dict(
Title = 'Please select a range',
CloseOnMouseRelease = True)
properties = dict_to_property(args)
self._listener_range_selection = EventsRangeSelectionListener(controllers(self))
def remove_range_selection_listener(self):
if not self._listener_range_selection is None:
2022-03-15 00:44:35 -06:00
def select(self, rango: Any):
obj = rango
if hasattr(rango, 'obj'):
obj = rango.obj
def ranges(self):
2022-03-15 20:39:12 -06:00
obj = self._create_instance('com.sun.star.sheet.SheetCellRanges')
2022-03-15 00:44:35 -06:00
return LOCalcRanges(obj)
def get_ranges(self, address: str):
ranges = self.ranges
ranges.add([sheet[address] for sheet in self])
return ranges
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
2022-03-04 22:08:16 -06:00
class LOCalcSheet(object):
def __init__(self, obj):
self._obj = obj
def __getitem__(self, index):
return LOCalcRange(self.obj[index])
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def __str__(self):
2022-03-15 00:44:35 -06:00
return f'Sheet: {self.name}'
2022-03-04 22:08:16 -06:00
2022-03-07 21:36:41 -06:00
def obj(self):
return self._obj
2022-03-13 22:45:15 -06:00
def doc(self):
return LODocCalc(self.obj.DrawPage.Forms.Parent)
2022-03-07 21:36:41 -06:00
def name(self):
return self._obj.Name
def name(self, value):
self._obj.Name = value
def code_name(self):
return self._obj.CodeName
def code_name(self, value):
self._obj.CodeName = value
def visible(self):
return self._obj.IsVisible
def visible(self, value):
self._obj.IsVisible = value
2022-03-14 23:21:25 -06:00
def color(self):
return self._obj.TabColor
def color(self, value):
self._obj.TabColor = Color()(value)
2022-03-15 00:44:35 -06:00
def events(self):
return LOEvents(self.obj.Events)
def used_area(self):
cursor = self.create_cursor()
return self[cursor.AbsoluteName]
2022-03-07 21:36:41 -06:00
def is_protected(self):
return self._obj.isProtected()
2022-03-14 23:21:25 -06:00
def password(self):
return ''
def password(self, value):
def unprotect(self, value):
return True
return False
2022-03-13 22:45:15 -06:00
def move(self, pos: int=-1):
index = pos
if pos < 0:
index = len(self.doc)
self.doc.move(self.name, index)
def remove(self):
def copy(self, new_name: str='', pos: int=-1):
index = pos
if pos < 0:
index = len(self.doc)
new_sheet = self.doc.copy_sheet(self.name, new_name, index)
return new_sheet
def copy_to(self, doc: Any, target: str='', pos: int=-1):
index = pos
if pos < 0:
index = len(doc)
new_name = target or self.name
sheet = doc.copy_from(self.doc, self.name, new_name, index)
return sheet
2022-03-14 23:21:25 -06:00
def activate(self):
2022-03-15 00:44:35 -06:00
def create_cursor(self, rango: Any=None):
if rango is None:
cursor = self.obj.createCursor()
obj = rango
if hasattr(rango, 'obj'):
obj = rango.obj
cursor = self.obj.createCursorByRange(obj)
return cursor
class LOCalcRanges(object):
def __init__(self, obj):
self._obj = obj
2022-03-15 20:39:12 -06:00
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def __len__(self):
return self._obj.Count
def __iter__(self):
self._index = 0
return self
def __next__(self):
r = self.obj[self._index]
rango = LOCalcRange(r)
except IndexError:
raise StopIteration
self._index += 1
return rango
def __contains__(self, item):
return self._obj.hasByName(item.name)
def __getitem__(self, index):
r = self.obj[index]
rango = LOCalcRange(r)
return rango
def __str__(self):
s = f'Ranges: {self.names}'
return s
2022-03-15 00:44:35 -06:00
def obj(self):
return self._obj
def names(self):
return self.obj.ElementNames
2022-03-15 20:39:12 -06:00
def data(self):
rows = [r.data for r in self]
return rows
def data(self, values):
for i, data in enumerate(values):
self[i].data = data
def style(self):
return ''
def style(self, value):
for r in self:
r.style = value
def add(self, rangos: Any):
2022-03-15 00:44:35 -06:00
if isinstance(rangos, LOCalcRange):
rangos = (rangos,)
for r in rangos:
self.obj.addRangeAddress(r.range_address, False)
2022-03-15 20:39:12 -06:00
def remove(self, rangos: Any):
if isinstance(rangos, LOCalcRange):
rangos = (rangos,)
for r in rangos:
2022-03-04 22:08:16 -06:00
class LOCalcRange(object):
2022-03-08 18:23:54 -06:00
CELL = 'ScCellObj'
2022-03-04 22:08:16 -06:00
def __init__(self, obj):
self._obj = obj
2022-03-08 18:23:54 -06:00
self._is_cell = obj.ImplementationName == self.CELL
2022-03-15 00:44:35 -06:00
def __getitem__(self, index):
return LOCalcRange(self.obj[index])
def __iter__(self):
self._r = 0
self._c = 0
return self
def __next__(self):
rango = self[self._r, self._c]
except Exception as e:
raise StopIteration
self._c += 1
if self._c == self.obj.Columns.Count:
self._c = 0
self._r +=1
return rango
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def __str__(self):
s = f'Range: {self.name}'
if self.is_cell:
s = f'Cell: {self.name}'
return s
2022-03-08 18:23:54 -06:00
def obj(self):
return self._obj
2022-03-15 00:44:35 -06:00
def is_cell(self):
return self._is_cell
def name(self):
return self.obj.AbsoluteName
def address(self):
return self.obj.CellAddress
def range_address(self):
return self.obj.RangeAddress
2022-03-08 18:23:54 -06:00
def sheet(self):
return LOCalcSheet(self.obj.Spreadsheet)
2022-04-09 22:23:13 -05:00
def doc(self):
doc = self.obj.Spreadsheet.DrawPage.Forms.Parent
return LODocCalc(doc)
def cursor(self):
cursor = self.obj.Spreadsheet.createCursorByRange(self.obj)
return cursor
2022-03-15 20:39:12 -06:00
def style(self):
return self.obj.CellStyle
def style(self, value):
self.obj.CellStyle = value
2022-03-08 18:23:54 -06:00
2022-04-09 22:23:13 -05:00
def data(self):
return self.obj.getDataArray()
def data(self, values):
if self._is_cell:
self.to_size(len(values[0]), len(values)).data = values
2022-03-08 18:23:54 -06:00
def to_size(self, cols: int, rows: int):
cursor = self.cursor
cursor.collapseToSize(cols, rows)
rango = self.obj.Spreadsheet[cursor.AbsoluteName]
return LOCalcRange(rango)
2022-03-04 22:08:16 -06:00
2022-04-09 22:23:13 -05:00
class LOWriterTextRange(object):
def __init__(self, obj, doc):
self._obj = obj
self._doc = doc
def obj(self):
return self._obj
def text(self):
return self.obj.Text
def cursor(self):
return self.text.createTextCursorByRange(self.obj)
def insert_comment(self, content: str, author: str='', dt: Any=None):
# ~ range.Text.insertTextContent(cursor, comment, False)
comment = self._doc._create_instance('com.sun.star.text.textfield.Annotation')
comment.Content = content
comment.Author = author
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
class LODocWriter(LODocument):
_type = 'writer'
2022-04-09 22:23:13 -05:00
TEXT_RANGES = 'SwXTextRanges'
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
def __init__(self, obj):
self._view_settings = self._cc.ViewSettings
2022-04-09 22:23:13 -05:00
def selection(self):
sel = self.obj.CurrentSelection
type_obj = sel.ImplementationName
if type_obj == self.TEXT_RANGES:
if len(sel) == 1:
sel = LOWriterTextRange(sel[0], self)
return sel
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
def zoom(self):
return self._view_settings.ZoomValue
def zoom(self, value):
self._view_settings.ZoomValue = value
class LODocDrawImpress(LODocument):
def __init__(self, obj):
class LODocDraw(LODocDrawImpress):
_type = 'draw'
def __init__(self, obj):
class LODocImpress(LODocDrawImpress):
_type = 'impress'
def __init__(self, obj):
class LODocMath(LODocDrawImpress):
_type = 'math'
def __init__(self, obj):
class LODocBase(LODocument):
_type = 'base'
def __init__(self, obj):
class LODocIDE(LODocument):
_type = 'basicide'
def __init__(self, obj):
class LODocuments():
"""Classe for documents
2022-03-04 22:08:16 -06:00
'calc': 'com.sun.star.sheet.SpreadsheetDocument',
'writerr': 'com.sun.star.text.TextDocument',
'draw': 'com.sun.star.drawing.DrawingDocument',
'impress': 'com.sun.star.presentation.PresentationDocument',
'math': 'com.sun.star.formula.FormulaProperties',
'ide': 'com.sun.star.script.BasicIDE',
'base': 'com.sun.star.sdb.OfficeDatabaseDocument',
'main': 'com.sun.star.frame.StartModule',
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
_classes = {
'com.sun.star.sheet.SpreadsheetDocument': LODocCalc,
'com.sun.star.text.TextDocument': LODocWriter,
'com.sun.star.drawing.DrawingDocument': LODocDraw,
'com.sun.star.presentation.PresentationDocument': LODocImpress,
'com.sun.star.formula.FormulaProperties': LODocMath,
'com.sun.star.script.BasicIDE': LODocIDE,
'com.sun.star.sdb.OfficeDatabaseDocument': LODocBase,
'com.sun.star.frame.StartModule': LODocMain
# ~ BASE: 'com.sun.star.sdb.DocumentDataSource',
_desktop = LOMain.desktop
def __len__(self):
# ~ len(self._desktop.Components)
for i, _ in enumerate(self._desktop.Components):
return i + 1
def __getitem__(self, index):
# ~ self._desktop.Components[index]
obj = None
for i, doc in enumerate(self._desktop.Components):
if isinstance(index, int) and i == index:
obj = self._get_class_doc(doc)
elif isinstance(index, str) and doc.Title == index:
obj = self._get_class_doc(doc)
return obj
def __contains__(self, item):
doc = self[item]
return not doc is None
def __iter__(self):
self._i = -1
return self
def __next__(self):
self._i += 1
doc = self[self._i]
if doc is None:
raise StopIteration
return doc
def _get_class_doc(self, doc):
"""Identify type doc"""
main = 'com.sun.star.frame.StartModule'
if doc.supportsService(main):
return self._classes[main](doc)
mm = create_instance('com.sun.star.frame.ModuleManager')
type_module = mm.identify(doc)
return self._classes[type_module](doc)
def active(self):
"""Get active doc"""
doc = self._desktop.getCurrentComponent()
obj = self._get_class_doc(doc)
return obj
def new(self, type_doc: str='calc', args: dict={}):
"""Create new document
:param type_doc: The type doc to create, default is Calc
:type type_doc: str
:param args: Extra argument
:type args: dict
:return: New document
:rtype: Custom classe
url = f'private:factory/s{type_doc}'
opt = dict_to_property(args)
doc = self._desktop.loadComponentFromURL(url, '_default', 0, opt)
obj = self._get_class_doc(doc)
return obj
def open(self, path: str, args: dict={}):
""" Open document from path
:param path: Path to document
:type path: str
:param args: Extra argument
Usually options:
Hidden: True or False
AsTemplate: True or False
ReadOnly: True or False
Password: super_secret
MacroExecutionMode: 4 = Activate macros
Preview: True or False
:type args: dict
`See API XComponentLoader <http://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/interfacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1frame_1_1XComponentLoader.html>`_
`See API MediaDescriptor <http://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/servicecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1document_1_1MediaDescriptor.html>`_
url = Paths.to_url(path)
opt = dict_to_property(args)
doc = self._desktop.loadComponentFromURL(url, '_default', 0, opt)
if doc is None:
obj = self._get_class_doc(doc)
return obj
2022-02-25 22:43:37 -06:00
def __getattr__(name):
classes = {
2022-03-07 22:45:36 -06:00
'inspect': LOInspect,
2022-02-26 00:11:41 -06:00
'dates': Dates,
'json': Json,
'macro': Macro,
2022-02-26 22:22:11 -06:00
'shell': Shell,
'timer': Timer,
'hash': Hash,
'path': Paths,
2022-02-27 23:28:06 -06:00
'config': Config,
'url': Url,
2022-03-01 21:26:27 -06:00
'email': Email,
2022-02-27 23:28:06 -06:00
'color': Color(),
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
'io': IOStream,
2022-03-03 23:45:19 -06:00
'clipboard': ClipBoard,
2022-03-04 22:08:16 -06:00
'shortcuts': LOShortCuts(),
2022-03-05 13:20:21 -06:00
'menus': LOMenus(),
2022-03-03 23:32:55 -06:00
'lo': LOMain,
'command': LOMain.cmd,
'docs': LODocuments(),
'active': LODocuments().active,
2022-02-25 22:43:37 -06:00
if name in classes:
return classes[name]
raise AttributeError(f"module '{__name__}' has no attribute '{name}'")
2022-02-24 23:59:04 -06:00
2022-02-21 23:43:58 -06:00
class LOServer(object):
2022-02-25 22:43:37 -06:00
"""Started LibeOffice like server
2022-02-21 23:43:58 -06:00
HOST = 'localhost'
PORT = '8100'
ARG = f'socket,host={HOST},port={PORT};urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext'
CMD = ['soffice',
'--headless', '--norestore', '--invisible',
def __init__(self):
self._server = None
self._ctx = None
self._sm = None
def _init_values(self):
global CTX
global SM
if not self.is_running:
ctx = uno.getComponentContext()
service = 'com.sun.star.bridge.UnoUrlResolver'
resolver = ctx.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(service, ctx)
self._ctx = resolver.resolve('uno:{}'.format(self.ARG))
self._sm = self._ctx.getServiceManager()
CTX = self._ctx
SM = self._sm
def is_running(self):
s = socket.create_connection((self.HOST, self.PORT), 5.0)
debug('LibreOffice is running...')
return True
except ConnectionRefusedError:
return False
def _start_server(self):
if self.is_running:
for i in range(3):
self._server = subprocess.Popen(self.CMD,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
if self.is_running:
def stop(self):
2022-02-25 22:43:37 -06:00
"""Stop server
2022-02-21 23:43:58 -06:00
if self._server is None:
print('Search pgrep soffice')
debug('LibreOffice is stop...')
2022-02-25 22:43:37 -06:00
def _create_instance(self, name, with_context=True):
2022-02-21 23:43:58 -06:00
if with_context:
instance = self._sm.createInstanceWithContext(name, self._ctx)
instance = self._sm.createInstance(name)
return instance