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2022-08-11 22:33:41 -05:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import datetime
import getpass
import logging
import os
import platform
import sys
2022-08-16 22:45:11 -05:00
from typing import Any, Union
2022-08-11 22:33:41 -05:00
import uno
import unohelper
2022-08-16 22:45:11 -05:00
from com.sun.star.beans import PropertyValue, NamedValue
from com.sun.star.datatransfer import XTransferable, DataFlavor
2022-08-11 22:33:41 -05:00
__all__ = [
2022-08-17 11:42:44 -05:00
# ~ 'create_instance',
2022-08-16 22:45:11 -05:00
2022-08-11 22:33:41 -05:00
CTX = uno.getComponentContext()
SM = CTX.getServiceManager()
# Global variables
OS = platform.system()
DESKTOP = os.environ.get('DESKTOP_SESSION', '')
PC = platform.node()
USER = getpass.getuser()
IS_WIN = OS == 'Windows'
IS_MAC = OS == 'Darwin'
LOG_FORMAT = '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
LOG_DATE = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S'
if IS_WIN:
logging.addLevelName(logging.ERROR, 'ERROR')
logging.addLevelName(logging.DEBUG, 'DEBUG')
logging.addLevelName(logging.INFO, 'INFO')
logging.addLevelName(logging.ERROR, '\033[1;41mERROR\033[1;0m')
logging.addLevelName(logging.DEBUG, '\x1b[33mDEBUG\033[1;0m')
logging.addLevelName(logging.INFO, '\x1b[32mINFO\033[1;0m')
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=LOG_FORMAT, datefmt=LOG_DATE)
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
2022-08-15 23:57:31 -05:00
def create_instance(name: str, with_context: bool=False, arguments: Any=None) -> Any:
2022-08-11 22:33:41 -05:00
"""Create a service instance
:param name: Name of service
:type name: str
:param with_context: If used context
:type with_context: bool
:param argument: If needed some argument
:type argument: Any
:return: PyUno instance
:rtype: PyUno Object
if with_context:
instance = SM.createInstanceWithContext(name, CTX)
2022-08-15 23:57:31 -05:00
elif arguments:
instance = SM.createInstanceWithArguments(name, (arguments,))
2022-08-11 22:33:41 -05:00
instance = SM.createInstance(name)
return instance
def get_app_config(node_name: str, key: str='') -> Any:
"""Get any key from any node from LibreOffice configuration.
:param node_name: Name of node
:type name: str
:param key: Name of key
:type key: str
:return: Any value
:rtype: Any
`See Api ConfigurationProvider <https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/servicecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1configuration_1_1ConfigurationProvider.html>`_
name = 'com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationProvider'
service = 'com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationAccess'
cp = create_instance(name, True)
node = PropertyValue(Name='nodepath', Value=node_name)
value = ''
value = cp.createInstanceWithArguments(service, (node,))
if value and value.hasByName(key):
value = value.getPropertyValue(key)
except Exception as e:
value = ''
return value
# Get info LibO
NAME = TITLE = get_app_config('/org.openoffice.Setup/Product', 'ooName')
VERSION = get_app_config('/org.openoffice.Setup/Product','ooSetupVersion')
LANGUAGE = get_app_config('/org.openoffice.Setup/L10N/', 'ooLocale')
LANG = LANGUAGE.split('-')[0]
# Get start date from Calc configuration
node = '/org.openoffice.Office.Calc/Calculate/Other/Date'
year = get_app_config(node, 'YY')
month = get_app_config(node, 'MM')
day = get_app_config(node, 'DD')
DATE_OFFSET = datetime.date(year, month, day).toordinal()
_info_debug = f"Python: {sys.version}\n\n{platform.platform()}\n\n" + '\n'.join(sys.path)
INFO_DEBUG = f"{NAME} v{VERSION} {LANGUAGE}\n\n{_info_debug}"
def dict_to_property(values: dict, uno_any: bool=False):
"""Convert dictionary to array of PropertyValue
:param values: Dictionary of values
:type values: dict
:param uno_any: If return like array uno.Any
:type uno_any: bool
:return: Tuple of PropertyValue or array uno.Any
:rtype: tuples or uno.Any
ps = tuple([PropertyValue(Name=n, Value=v) for n, v in values.items()])
if uno_any:
ps = uno.Any('[]com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue', ps)
return ps
2022-08-16 22:45:11 -05:00
def data_to_dict(data: Union[tuple, list]) -> dict:
"""Convert tuples, list, PropertyValue, NamedValue to dictionary
:param data: Iterator of values
:type data: array of tuples, list, PropertyValue or NamedValue
:return: Dictionary
:rtype: dict
d = {}
if isinstance(data[0], (tuple, list)):
d = {r[0]: r[1] for r in data}
elif isinstance(data[0], (PropertyValue, NamedValue)):
d = {r.Name: r.Value for r in data}
return d
# ~ https://github.com/django/django/blob/main/django/utils/functional.py#L61
class classproperty:
def __init__(self, method=None):
self.fget = method
def __get__(self, instance, cls=None):
return self.fget(cls)
def getter(self, method):
self.fget = method
return self
2022-08-11 22:33:41 -05:00
class BaseObject():
def __init__(self, obj):
self._obj = obj
def __enter__(self):
return self
def obj(self):
"""Return original pyUno object"""
return self._obj
2022-08-15 23:57:31 -05:00
2022-08-17 11:42:44 -05:00
class LOMain():
"""Classe for LibreOffice"""
class commands():
"""Class for disable and enable commands
`See DispatchCommands <https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/DispatchCommands>`_
def _set_app_command(cls, command: str, disable: bool) -> bool:
"""Disable or enabled UNO command
:param command: UNO command to disable or enabled
:type command: str
:param disable: True if disable, False if active
:type disable: bool
:return: True if correctly update, False if not.
:rtype: bool
NEW_NODE_NAME = f'zaz_disable_command_{command.lower()}'
name = 'com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationProvider'
service = 'com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationUpdateAccess'
node_name = '/org.openoffice.Office.Commands/Execute/Disabled'
cp = create_instance(name, True)
node = PropertyValue(Name='nodepath', Value=node_name)
update = cp.createInstanceWithArguments(service, (node,))
result = True
if disable:
new_node = update.createInstanceWithArguments(())
new_node.setPropertyValue('Command', command)
update.insertByName(NEW_NODE_NAME, new_node)
except Exception as e:
result = False
return result
def disable(cls, command: str) -> bool:
"""Disable UNO command
:param command: UNO command to disable
:type command: str
:return: True if correctly disable, False if not.
:rtype: bool
return cls._set_app_command(command, True)
def enabled(cls, command) -> bool:
"""Enabled UNO command
:param command: UNO command to enabled
:type command: str
:return: True if correctly disable, False if not.
:rtype: bool
return cls._set_app_command(command, False)
2022-08-17 11:42:44 -05:00
def fonts(cls):
"""Get all font visibles in LibreOffice
:return: tuple of FontDescriptors
:rtype: tuple
`See API FontDescriptor <https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/structcom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1awt_1_1FontDescriptor.html>`_
toolkit = create_instance('com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit')
device = toolkit.createScreenCompatibleDevice(0, 0)
return device.FontDescriptors
def filters(cls):
"""Get all support filters
`See Help ConvertFilters <https://help.libreoffice.org/latest/en-US/text/shared/guide/convertfilters.html>`_
`See API FilterFactory <https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/servicecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1document_1_1FilterFactory.html>`_
factory = create_instance('com.sun.star.document.FilterFactory')
rows = [data_to_dict(factory[name]) for name in factory]
for row in rows:
row['UINames'] = data_to_dict(row['UINames'])
return rows
def dispatch(cls, frame: Any, command: str, args: dict={}) -> None:
"""Call dispatch, used only if not exists directly in API
:param frame: doc or frame instance
:type frame: pyUno
:param command: Command to execute
:type command: str
:param args: Extra argument for command
:type args: dict
`See DispatchCommands <`See DispatchCommands <https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/DispatchCommands>`_>`_
dispatch = create_instance('com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper')
if hasattr(frame, 'frame'):
frame = frame.frame
url = command
if not command.startswith('.uno:'):
url = f'.uno:{command}'
opt = dict_to_property(args)
dispatch.executeDispatch(frame, url, '', 0, opt)
class ClipBoard(object):
SERVICE = 'com.sun.star.datatransfer.clipboard.SystemClipboard'
CLIPBOARD_FORMAT_TEXT = 'text/plain;charset=utf-16'
class TextTransferable(unohelper.Base, XTransferable):
def __init__(self, text):
df = DataFlavor()
df.HumanPresentableName = 'encoded text utf-16'
self.flavors = (df,)
self._data = text
def getTransferData(self, flavor):
return self._data
def getTransferDataFlavors(self):
return self.flavors
def set(cls, value):
ts = cls.TextTransferable(value)
sc = create_instance(cls.SERVICE)
sc.setContents(ts, None)
def contents(cls):
df = None
text = ''
sc = create_instance(cls.SERVICE)
transferable = sc.getContents()
data = transferable.getTransferDataFlavors()
for df in data:
if df.MimeType == cls.CLIPBOARD_FORMAT_TEXT:
if df:
text = transferable.getTransferData(df)
return text
def get(cls):
return cls.contents