
375 lines
13 KiB

use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::io::{BufRead, Write};
use clap::ArgMatches;
use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};
use crate::database::{Database, DBVersion};
use crate::error::{Error, Result};
use crate::commands::{Facts, Command};
use crate::timeparse::parse_time;
use crate::old::{entries_or_warning, time_or_warning, warn_if_needed};
use crate::formatters::text;
use crate::editor;
use crate::io::Streams;
pub struct Args {
id: Option<u64>,
start: Option<DateTime<Utc>>,
end: Option<DateTime<Utc>>,
append: bool,
r#move: Option<String>,
note: Option<String>,
impl Args {
/// returns true only if no argument was passed other that possibly --id.
/// This means that an edit was requested without specifying what to edit,
/// therefore let's edit the note because why not
fn none_given(&self) -> bool {
!(self.start.is_some() || self.end.is_some() || self.r#move.is_some() || self.note.is_some())
impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a ArgMatches<'a>> for Args {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(matches: &'a ArgMatches) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(Args {
id: matches.value_of("id").map(|i| i.parse().unwrap()),
start: matches.value_of("start").map(parse_time).transpose()?,
end: matches.value_of("end").map(parse_time).transpose()?,
append: matches.is_present("append"),
r#move: matches.value_of("move").map(|s| s.into()),
note: matches.value_of("note").map(|s| s.into()),
pub struct EditCommand {}
impl<'a> Command<'a> for EditCommand {
type Args = Args;
fn handle<D, I, O, E>(args: Args, streams: &mut Streams<D, I, O, E>, facts: &Facts) -> Result<()>
D: Database,
I: BufRead,
O: Write,
E: Write,
let current_sheet = streams.db.current_sheet()?;
let needs_warning = streams.db.version()? == DBVersion::Timetrap;
let entry = if let Some(id) = args.id {
if let Some(entry) = streams.db.entry_by_id(id)? {
} else {
writeln!(streams.out, "Entry with id \"{}\" does not exist. Perhaps it was deleted", id)?;
return Ok(());
} else if let Some(entry) = streams.db.last_entry_of_sheet(&current_sheet)? {
} else {
writeln!(streams.out, "No entries to edit in sheet \"{}\".", current_sheet)?;
return Ok(());
// normalize the entry in case it comes from an old database
let entry = entries_or_warning(vec![entry], &streams.db)?.0.into_iter().next().unwrap();
// try really hard to obtain the note
let note = if let Some(new_note) = args.note {
// either from the command's args
if args.append {
Some(entry.note.unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_owned()) + &facts.config.append_notes_delimiter + &new_note)
} else {
} else if args.none_given() {
// or from the editor if no arguments where given
Some(editor::get_string(facts.config.note_editor.as_deref(), entry.note)?)
} else {
// or just use watever was previously there is the user is editing
// something else
time_or_warning(args.start.unwrap_or(entry.start), &streams.db)?.0,
args.end.or(entry.end).map(|e| time_or_warning(e, &streams.db)).transpose()?.map(|o| o.0),
let updated_entry = entries_or_warning(vec![streams.db.entry_by_id(entry.id)?.unwrap()], &streams.db)?.0;
&mut streams.out,
warn_if_needed(&mut streams.err, needs_warning, &facts.env)?;
mod tests {
use std::fs;
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
use chrono::{Duration, TimeZone};
use tempfile::NamedTempFile;
use crate::database::SqliteDatabase;
use crate::config::Config;
use super::*;
fn edit_last_note() {
std::env::set_var("TZ", "CST+6");
let mut streams = Streams::fake(b"");
let args = Args {
note: Some("new note".into()),
let now = Utc.ymd(2021, 8, 3).and_hms(20, 29, 0);
let an_hour_ago = now - Duration::hours(1);
let facts = Facts::new().with_now(now);
streams.db.entry_insert(an_hour_ago, Some(now), Some("a note".into()), "default").unwrap();
streams.db.entry_insert(an_hour_ago, Some(now), Some("should be left intact".into()), "sheet1").unwrap();
EditCommand::handle(args, &mut streams, &facts).unwrap();
let entry2 = streams.db.entry_by_id(2).unwrap().unwrap();
assert_eq!(entry2.note, Some("should be left intact".into()));
assert_eq!(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&streams.out), "Timesheet: default
ID Day Start End Duration Notes
1 Tue Aug 03, 2021 13:29:00 - 14:29:00 1:00:00 new note
Total 1:00:00
assert_eq!(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&streams.err), "");
fn edit_with_id() {
std::env::set_var("TZ", "CST+6");
let mut streams = Streams::fake(b"");
let args = Args {
id: Some(2),
note: Some("new note".into()),
let now = Utc.ymd(2021, 8, 3).and_hms(20, 29, 0);
let an_hour_ago = now - Duration::hours(1);
let facts = Facts::new().with_now(now);
streams.db.entry_insert(an_hour_ago, Some(now), Some("a note".into()), "default").unwrap();
streams.db.entry_insert(an_hour_ago, Some(now), Some("should be left intact".into()), "sheet1").unwrap();
EditCommand::handle(args, &mut streams, &facts).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&streams.out), "Timesheet: sheet1
ID Day Start End Duration Notes
2 Tue Aug 03, 2021 13:29:00 - 14:29:00 1:00:00 new note
Total 1:00:00
assert_eq!(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&streams.err), "");
fn edit_start() {
std::env::set_var("TZ", "CST+6");
let mut streams = Streams::fake(b"");
let now = Utc.ymd(2021, 8, 3).and_hms(20, 29, 0);
let args = Args {
start: Some(now - Duration::minutes(30)),
let an_hour_ago = now - Duration::hours(1);
let facts = Facts::new().with_now(now);
streams.db.entry_insert(an_hour_ago, Some(now), Some("a note".into()), "default").unwrap();
EditCommand::handle(args, &mut streams, &facts).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&streams.out), "Timesheet: default
ID Day Start End Duration Notes
1 Tue Aug 03, 2021 13:59:00 - 14:29:00 0:30:00 a note
Total 0:30:00
assert_eq!(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&streams.err), "");
fn edit_end() {
std::env::set_var("TZ", "CST+6");
let mut streams = Streams::fake(b"");
let now = Utc.ymd(2021, 8, 3).and_hms(20, 29, 0);
let args = Args {
end: Some(now - Duration::minutes(30)),
let an_hour_ago = now - Duration::hours(1);
let facts = Facts::new().with_now(now);
streams.db.entry_insert(an_hour_ago, Some(now), Some("a note".into()), "default").unwrap();
EditCommand::handle(args, &mut streams, &facts).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&streams.out), "Timesheet: default
ID Day Start End Duration Notes
1 Tue Aug 03, 2021 13:29:00 - 13:59:00 0:30:00 a note
Total 0:30:00
assert_eq!(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&streams.err), "");
fn edit_append() {
std::env::set_var("TZ", "CST+6");
let mut streams = Streams::fake(b"");
let args = Args {
note: Some("new note".into()),
append: true,
let now = Utc.ymd(2021, 8, 3).and_hms(20, 29, 0);
let an_hour_ago = now - Duration::hours(1);
let facts = Facts::new().with_now(now);
streams.db.entry_insert(an_hour_ago, Some(now), Some("a note".into()), "default").unwrap();
EditCommand::handle(args, &mut streams, &facts).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&streams.out), "Timesheet: default
ID Day Start End Duration Notes
1 Tue Aug 03, 2021 13:29:00 - 14:29:00 1:00:00 a note new note
Total 1:00:00
assert_eq!(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&streams.err), "");
fn edit_move() {
std::env::set_var("TZ", "CST+6");
let mut streams = Streams::fake(b"");
let now = Utc.ymd(2021, 8, 3).and_hms(20, 29, 0);
let args = Args {
r#move: Some("new sheet".to_owned()),
let an_hour_ago = now - Duration::hours(1);
let facts = Facts::new().with_now(now);
streams.db.entry_insert(an_hour_ago, Some(now), Some("a note".into()), "default").unwrap();
EditCommand::handle(args, &mut streams, &facts).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&streams.out), "Timesheet: new sheet
ID Day Start End Duration Notes
1 Tue Aug 03, 2021 13:29:00 - 14:29:00 1:00:00 a note
Total 1:00:00
assert_eq!(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&streams.err), "");
fn non_default_delimiter() {
std::env::set_var("TZ", "CST+6");
let mut streams = Streams::fake(b"");
let args = Args {
note: Some("new note".into()),
append: true,
let now = Utc.ymd(2021, 8, 3).and_hms(20, 29, 0);
let an_hour_ago = now - Duration::hours(1);
let facts = Facts::new().with_now(now).with_config(Config {
append_notes_delimiter: ";".to_owned(),
streams.db.entry_insert(an_hour_ago, Some(now), Some("a note".into()), "default").unwrap();
EditCommand::handle(args, &mut streams, &facts).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&streams.out), "Timesheet: default
ID Day Start End Duration Notes
1 Tue Aug 03, 2021 13:29:00 - 14:29:00 1:00:00 a note;new note
Total 1:00:00
assert_eq!(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&streams.err), "");
fn copy_db(path: &str) -> NamedTempFile {
let tmpfile = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
fs::copy(path, &tmpfile).unwrap();
fn warn_old() {
std::env::set_var("TZ", "CST+6");
let database_file = copy_db("assets/test_old_db.db");
let mut streams = Streams::fake(b"").with_db(
let now = Utc.ymd(2021, 8, 3).and_hms(20, 29, 0);
let new_end = Utc.ymd(2021, 6, 29).and_hms(14, 26, 52);
let args = Args {
end: Some(new_end),
let facts = Facts::new().with_now(now);
EditCommand::handle(args, &mut streams, &facts).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&streams.out), "Timesheet: default
ID Day Start End Duration Notes
1 Tue Jun 29, 2021 06:26:49 - 08:26:52 2:00:02 lets do some rust
Total 2:00:02
"[WARNING] You are using the old timetrap format, it is advised that you update your database using t migrate. To supress this warning set TIEMPO_SUPRESS_TIMETRAP_WARNING=1\n"