
156 lines
5.9 KiB

use std::str::FromStr;
use std::io::Write;
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use itertools::Itertools;
use chrono::{DateTime, Utc, Offset, TimeZone, Duration};
use crate::error;
use crate::models::Entry;
fn format_duration(dur: Duration) -> String {
format!("{}:{:02}:{:02}", dur.num_hours(), dur.num_minutes() % 60, dur.num_seconds() % 60)
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")]
pub enum Formatter {
impl Formatter {
/// Prints the given entries to the specified output device.
/// the current time is given as the `now` argument and the offset from UTC
/// to the local timezone is given in `offset` to prevent this function from
/// using a secondary effect to retrieve the time and conver dates. This
/// also makes it easier to test.
pub fn print_formatted<W: Write, O: Offset>(&self, entries: Vec<Entry>, out: &mut W, now: DateTime<Utc>, offset: O) -> error::Result<()> {
match &self {
Formatter::Text => self.print_formatted_text(entries, out, now, offset)?,
Formatter::Custom(name) => {
/// Print in the default text format. Assume entries are sorted by sheet and
/// then by start
fn print_formatted_text<W: Write, O: Offset>(&self, entries: Vec<Entry>, out: &mut W, now: DateTime<Utc>, offset: O) -> error::Result<()> {
let grouped_entries = entries.into_iter().group_by(|e| e.sheet.to_string());
// Build a timezone based on the offset given to this function. This
// will later be used to properly group the entries by date in the local
// timezone.
let fixed_offset = offset.fix();
for (key, group) in grouped_entries.into_iter() {
writeln!(out, "Timesheet: {}", key)?;
writeln!(out, " Day Start End Duration Notes")?;
let entries_by_date = group.group_by(|e| fixed_offset.from_utc_datetime(&e.start.naive_utc()).date());
let mut total = Duration::seconds(0);
for (date, entries) in entries_by_date.into_iter() {
let mut daily = Duration::seconds(0);
for (i,entry) in entries.into_iter().enumerate() {
let start = fixed_offset.from_utc_datetime(&entry.start.naive_utc()).time().to_string();
let end = entry.end.map(|t| fixed_offset.from_utc_datetime(&t.naive_utc()).time().to_string()).unwrap_or(" ".into());
let duration = entry.end.unwrap_or(now) - entry.start;
daily = daily + duration;
let duration = format_duration(duration);
if i == 0 {
let date = date.format("%a %b %d, %Y").to_string();
" {date} {start} - {end} {duration} {note}",
date=date, start=start, end=end, duration=duration, note=entry.note,
} else {
" {start} - {end} {duration} {note}",
start=start, end=end, duration=duration, note=entry.note,
total = total + daily;
writeln!(out, " {}", format_duration(daily))?;
writeln!(out, " -----------------------------------------------------------")?;
writeln!(out, " Total {}", format_duration(total))?;
impl FromStr for Formatter {
type Err = error::Error;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> error::Result<Formatter> {
let lower = s.to_lowercase();
Ok(match &*lower {
"text" => Formatter::Text,
custom_format => Formatter::Custom(custom_format.into()),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::fmt;
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
use chrono::TimeZone;
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct PrettyString<'a>(pub &'a str);
/// Make diff to display string as multi-line string
impl<'a> fmt::Debug for PrettyString<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
fn test_text_output() {
let formatter = Formatter::Text;
let mut output = Vec::new();
let entries = vec![
Entry::new_sample(1, Utc.ymd(2008, 10, 3).and_hms(12, 0, 0), Some(Utc.ymd(2008, 10, 3).and_hms(14, 0, 0))),
Entry::new_sample(2, Utc.ymd(2008, 10, 3).and_hms(16, 0, 0), Some(Utc.ymd(2008, 10, 3).and_hms(18, 0, 0))),
Entry::new_sample(3, Utc.ymd(2008, 10, 5).and_hms(16, 0, 0), Some(Utc.ymd(2008, 10, 5).and_hms(18, 0, 0))),
Entry::new_sample(4, Utc.ymd(2008, 10, 5).and_hms(18, 0, 0), None),
let now = Utc.ymd(2008, 10, 5).and_hms(20, 0, 0);
let offset = Utc;
formatter.print_formatted(entries, &mut output, now, offset).unwrap();
assert_eq!(PrettyString(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&output)), PrettyString("Timesheet: default
Day Start End Duration Notes
Fri Oct 03, 2008 12:00:00 - 14:00:00 2:00:00 entry 1
16:00:00 - 18:00:00 2:00:00 entry 2
Sun Oct 05, 2008 16:00:00 - 18:00:00 2:00:00 entry 3
18:00:00 - 2:00:00 entry 4
Total 8:00:00