A command line time tracking application. Docs at https://tiempo.categulario.xyz
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Abraham Toriz 3fc5ac5111 document in readme about t configure 2021-08-14 11:30:20 -05:00
assets current time management across commands 2021-07-16 12:45:27 -05:00
completions/bash autocomplete sheet names in t k 2021-07-30 17:54:35 -05:00
src reorganize fields in config 2021-08-14 11:14:45 -05:00
.gitignore specify in readme how to use a development database 2021-08-11 20:25:21 -05:00
.gitlab-ci.yml install clippy in CI 2021-08-02 19:33:10 -05:00
Cargo.lock finish ical format 2021-07-30 12:01:44 -05:00
Cargo.toml finish ical format 2021-07-30 12:01:44 -05:00
README.md document in readme about t configure 2021-08-14 11:30:20 -05:00



A timetrap compatible command line time tracking application.


First of all, you can abbreviate all commands to their first letter, so t in and t i are equivalent.

Managing entries

Register the start of an activity in the default timesheet with:

t in 'Doing some coding'

which sets the activity's start time to the current time. Later when you're done use

t out

to mark it as finished. If you forgot to start the activity before you can do so with:

t i --at '20 min ago'

the same applies for t out.

Edit an entry with

t edit [options]

where the options are

-i, --id <id:i>           Alter entry with id <id> instead of the running entry
-s, --start <time:qs>     Change the start time to <time>
-e, --end <time:qs>       Change the end time to <time>
-a, --append              Append to the current note instead of replacing it
                          the delimiter between appended notes is
                          configurable (see configure)
-m, --move <sheet>        Move to another sheet

You can remove an entry with

t kill --id 123

or an entire timesheet with

t kill somesheet

check bellow to see how to get the ids.

Displaying entries

At any point in time you can check your time spent in the current or other timesheet with:

t display [options] [SHEET | all | full]

the available options are

-v, --ids                 Print database ids (for use with edit)
-s, --start <date:qs>     Include entries that start on this date or later
-e, --end <date:qs>       Include entries that start on this date or earlier
-f, --format <format>     The output format.  Valid built-in formats are
                          ical, csv, json, ids, factor, and text (default).
                          Check the docs on defining custom formats bellow.
-g, --grep <regexp>       Include entries where the note matches this regexp

Some shortcuts available are:

today - Display entries that started today

t today [--ids] [--format FMT] [SHEET | all]

yesterday - Display entries that started yesterday

t yesterday [--ids] [--format FMT] [SHEET | all]

week - Entries of this week so far. The default start of the week is Monday (configurable).

t week [--ids] [--end DATE] [--format FMT] [SHEET | all]

month - Entries of this month or a specified one.

t month [--ids] [--start MONTH] [--format FMT] [SHEET | all]

Using different timesheets

You can organize your activities in different timesheets by first switching to an existing one, then starting an activity:

t sheet somename
t in 'some activity'

which will also create the timesheet if it doesn't exist.

List all existing timesheets using

t list [all]

(defaults to not showing archive timesheets with names preceded by an underscore)

Advanced management

You can archive entries from a timesheet using:

t archive [--start DATE] [--end DATE] [SHEET]

which defaults to archiving all entries in the current sheet, or you can be more specific using these options:

-s, --start <date:qs>     Include entries that start on this date or later
-e, --end <date:qs>       Include entries that start on this date or earlier
-g, --grep <regexp>       Include entries where the note matches this regexp.

This subcommand will move the selected entries to a hidden timesheet named _[SHEET] (the name of the timesheet preceded by an underscore).

It is possible to access directly the sqlite database using

t backend


tiempo keeps a config file, whose location you can learn usign t configure. It is also possible to edit the config file in-place passing arguments to t configure like this:

t c --append-notes-delimiter ';'

it will print the resulting config file. Beware that it wont keep comments added to the file.

Specifying times

Some arguments accept a time as value, like t in's --at or t d --start. These are the accepted formats:

Something similar to ISO format will be parsed as a time in the computer's timezone.

  • 2021-01-13 a date
  • 2019-05-03 11:13 a date with portions of a time

ISO format with offset or UTC will be parsed as a time in the specified timezone. Use Z for UTC and an offset for everything else

  • 2021-01-13Z
  • 2005-10-14 19:20:35+05:00

something that looks like an hour will be parsed as a time in the current day in the computer's timezone. Add Z or an offset to specify the timezone.

  • 11:30
  • 23:50:45 (with seconds)

some human times, for now restricted to time ago:

  • an hour ago
  • a minute ago
  • 50 min ago
  • 1h30m ago
  • two hours thirty minutes ago

Why did you write this instead of improving timetrap?

  • timetrap is hard to install, hard to keep updated (because of ruby). Once this tools is finished you can get (or build) a binary, put it somewhere, and it will just work forever in that machine.
  • timetrap is slow (no way around it, because of ruby), some commands take up to a second. Tiempo always feels snappy.
  • needed major refactor to fix the timezone problem (in a language I'm not proficient with). I was aware of this problem and designed tiempo to store timestamps in UTC while at the same time being able to work with a database made by timetrap without messing up.

Other advantages

  • Columns are always aligned
  • Fixed some input inconsistencies
  • cli interface is much better (ask -h for any command)
  • man page (to do)
  • end times are printed with +1d to indicate that the activity ended the next day

How to build

You need rust, then clone the repo and simply run

cargo test

to check that everything is working, and then

cargo build --release

to have a binary at target/release/t that you can then move to a directory in your PATH or use it by its absoulte or relative paths.


t --help

to see the options.

Development database

When developing I prefer not to mess with my own database, so I use this .env file:

export TIMETRAP_CONFIG_FILE=/absolute/path/to/repo/dev_config.toml
PS1="$ "

and when I want to test some commands against such config file I just source it:

source .env
cargo run -- in 'hola'

Special Thanks

To timetrap for existing. It is the tool I was looking for and whose design I took as reference, keeping compatibility when possible.