use std::convert::TryFrom; use std::io::{BufRead, Write}; use clap::ArgMatches; use chrono::{Utc, Duration, Local}; use itertools::Itertools; use ansi_term::Style; use crate::error::{Error, Result}; use crate::database::Database; use crate::tabulate::{Tabulate, Col, Align::*}; use crate::formatters::text::format_duration; use crate::models::Entry; use crate::old::{entries_or_warning, warn_if_needed}; use crate::io::Streams; use super::{Command, Facts}; #[derive(Default)] pub struct Args { all: bool, } impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a ArgMatches<'a>> for Args { type Error = Error; fn try_from(matches: &ArgMatches) -> Result { Ok(Args { all: matches.is_present("all"), }) } } pub struct ListCommand {} impl<'a> Command<'a> for ListCommand { type Args = Args; fn handle(args: Args, streams: &mut Streams, facts: &Facts) -> Result<()> where D: Database, I: BufRead, O: Write, E: Write, { let today =, 0, 0).with_timezone(&Utc); let entries = if args.all { streams.db.entries_full(None, None)? } else { streams.db.entries_all_visible(None, None)? }; let (mut entries, needs_warning) = entries_or_warning(entries, &streams.db)?; let current = streams.db.current_sheet()?; let last = streams.db.last_sheet()?; // introducte two fake entries to make both current and last show up entries.push(Entry { id: 1, sheet: current.clone(), start:, end: Some(, note: None, }); entries.sort_unstable_by_key(|e| e.sheet.clone()); let mut total_running = Duration::seconds(0); let mut total_today = Duration::seconds(0); let mut total = Duration::seconds(0); let sheets: Vec<_> = entries .into_iter() .group_by(|e| e.sheet.clone()) .into_iter() .map(|(key, group)| { let entries: Vec<_> = group.into_iter().collect(); let s_running = - entries.iter().find(|e| e.end.is_none()).map(|e| e.start).unwrap_or(; let s_today = entries.iter().filter(|e| e.start > today).fold(Duration::seconds(0), |acc, e| { acc + (e.end.unwrap_or( - e.start) }); let s_total = entries.into_iter().fold(Duration::seconds(0), |acc, e| { acc + (e.end.unwrap_or( - e.start) }); total_running = total_running + s_running; total_today = total_today + s_today; total = total + s_total; ( if current == key { "*" } else if last.as_ref() == Some(&key) { "-" } else { "" }, key, format_duration(s_running), format_duration(s_today), format_duration(s_total), ) }) .collect(); let mut tabs = Tabulate::with_columns(vec![ // indicator of current or prev sheet Col::new().min_width(1).and_alignment(Right), // sheet name Col::new().min_width(9).and_alignment(Left), // running time Col::new().min_width(9).and_alignment(Right) .color_if(Style::new().dimmed(), |s| s == "0:00:00") .color_if(Style::new().bold(), |s| s != "0:00:00"), // today Col::new().min_width(9).and_alignment(Right) .color_if(Style::new().dimmed(), |s| s == "0:00:00") .color_if(Style::new().bold(), |s| s != "0:00:00"), // accumulated Col::new().min_width(12).and_alignment(Right), ]); tabs.feed(vec!["", "Timesheet", "Running", "Today", "Total Time"]); tabs.separator(' '); for sheet in sheets { tabs.feed(vec![sheet.0.to_string(), sheet.1, sheet.2, sheet.3, sheet.4]); } tabs.separator('-'); tabs.feed(vec![ "".to_string(), "".to_string(), format_duration(total_running), format_duration(total_today), format_duration(total), ]); streams.out.write_all(tabs.print(facts.env.stdout_is_tty).as_bytes())?; warn_if_needed(&mut streams.err, needs_warning, &facts.env)?; Ok(()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use chrono::{Utc, TimeZone}; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; use crate::database::{SqliteDatabase, Database}; use super::*; #[test] fn list_sheets() { std::env::set_var("TZ", "CST+6"); let args = Default::default(); let mut streams = Streams::fake(b""); streams.db.set_current_sheet("sheet2").unwrap(); streams.db.set_last_sheet("sheet4").unwrap(); streams.db.entry_insert(Utc.ymd(2021, 1, 1).and_hms(0, 0, 0), Some(Utc.ymd(2021, 1, 1).and_hms(1, 0, 0)), None, "_archived").unwrap(); streams.db.entry_insert(Utc.ymd(2021, 1, 1).and_hms(0, 0, 0), Some(Utc.ymd(2021, 1, 1).and_hms(10,13, 55)), None, "sheet1").unwrap(); streams.db.entry_insert(Utc.ymd(2021, 1, 1).and_hms(0, 0, 0), Some(Utc.ymd(2021, 1, 1).and_hms(7, 39, 18)), None, "sheet3").unwrap(); streams.db.entry_insert(Utc.ymd(2021, 1, 1).and_hms(12, 0, 0), Some(Utc.ymd(2021, 1, 1).and_hms(13, 52, 45)), None, "sheet3").unwrap(); streams.db.entry_insert(Utc.ymd(2021, 1, 1).and_hms(12, 0, 0), None, None, "sheet4").unwrap(); let now = Utc.ymd(2021, 1, 1).and_hms(13, 52, 45); let facts = Facts::new().with_now(now); ListCommand::handle(args, &mut streams, &facts).unwrap(); assert_eq!(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&streams.out), " Timesheet Running Today Total Time sheet1 0:00:00 0:00:00 10:13:55 * sheet2 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00 sheet3 0:00:00 1:52:45 9:32:03 - sheet4 1:52:45 1:52:45 1:52:45 -------------------------------------------- 1:52:45 3:45:30 21:38:43 "); // now show all the sheets streams.reset_io(); let args = Args { all: true, }; ListCommand::handle(args, &mut streams, &facts).unwrap(); assert_eq!(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&streams.out), " Timesheet Running Today Total Time _archived 0:00:00 0:00:00 1:00:00 sheet1 0:00:00 0:00:00 10:13:55 * sheet2 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00 sheet3 0:00:00 1:52:45 9:32:03 - sheet4 1:52:45 1:52:45 1:52:45 -------------------------------------------- 1:52:45 3:45:30 22:38:43 "); } #[test] fn old_database() { let args = Default::default(); let mut streams = Streams::fake(b"").with_db( SqliteDatabase::from_path("assets/test_list_old_database.db").unwrap() ); let now = Local.ymd(2021, 7, 16).and_hms(11, 30, 45); let facts = Facts::new().with_now(now.with_timezone(&Utc)); ListCommand::handle(args, &mut streams, &facts).unwrap(); assert_eq!(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&streams.out), " Timesheet Running Today Total Time * default 0:10:24 0:10:26 0:10:26 -------------------------------------------- 0:10:24 0:10:26 0:10:26 "); assert_eq!( String::from_utf8_lossy(&streams.err), "[WARNING] You are using the old timetrap format, it is advised that you update your database using t migrate\n" ); } }