#![allow(clippy::type_complexity)] use std::borrow::Cow; use ansi_term::Style; fn lpad(s: &str, len: usize) -> String { let padding = " ".repeat(len.saturating_sub(s.chars().count())); padding + s } fn rpad(s: &str, len: usize) -> String { let padding = " ".repeat(len.saturating_sub(s.chars().count())); s.to_string() + &padding } fn constrained_lines(text: &str, width: usize) -> Vec> { textwrap::wrap(text, width) } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum Align { Left, Right, } use Align::*; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Col { min_width: usize, max_width: Option, align: Align, conditonal_styles: Vec<(Style, fn(&str) -> bool)>, } impl Col { pub fn new() -> Col { Col { min_width: 0, align: Align::Left, max_width: None, conditonal_styles: Vec::new(), } } pub fn min_width(size: usize) -> Col { Col { min_width: size, align: Align::Left, max_width: None, conditonal_styles: Vec::new(), } } pub fn and_alignment(self, align: Align) -> Col { Col { align, ..self } } pub fn max_width(self, size: usize) -> Col { Col { max_width: Some(size), ..self } } pub fn color_if(self, style: Style, f: fn(&str) -> bool) -> Col { let mut conditonal_styles = self.conditonal_styles; conditonal_styles.push((style, f)); Col { conditonal_styles, ..self } } } impl Default for Col { fn default() -> Col { Col::new() } } enum DataOrSep { Data(Vec), Sep(char), } pub struct Tabulate { cols: Vec, widths: Vec, data: Vec, } impl Tabulate { pub fn with_columns(cols: Vec) -> Tabulate { Tabulate { widths: cols.iter().map(|c| c.min_width).collect(), cols, data: Vec::new(), } } pub fn feed(&mut self, data: Vec) { let mut lines: Vec> = Vec::new(); for (col, ((w, d), c)) in self.widths.iter_mut().zip(data.iter()).zip(self.cols.iter()).enumerate() { for (r1, dl) in d.split('\n').enumerate() { for (r2, l) in constrained_lines(dl, c.max_width.unwrap_or(usize::MAX)).into_iter().enumerate() { let count = l.chars().count(); if count > *w { *w = count; } if let Some(line) = lines.get_mut(r1 + r2) { if let Some(pos) = line.get_mut(col) { *pos = l.into(); } else { line.push(l.into()); } } else { lines.push({ let mut prev = if (r1 + r2) == 0 { data[..col].to_vec() } else { (0..col).map(|_| "".into()).collect() }; prev.push(l.into()); prev }); } } } } for line in lines { self.data.push(DataOrSep::Data(line)); } } pub fn separator(&mut self, c: char) { self.data.push(DataOrSep::Sep(c)); } pub fn print(self, color: bool) -> String { let widths = self.widths; let cols = self.cols; self.data.into_iter().map(|row| match row { DataOrSep::Sep(c) => { if c == ' ' { "\n".into() } else { c.to_string().repeat(widths.iter().sum::() + widths.len() -1) + "\n" } }, DataOrSep::Data(d) => { d.into_iter().zip(widths.iter()).zip(cols.iter()).map(|((d, &w), c)| { let style = c.conditonal_styles.iter().find(|(_s, f)| { f(&d) }).map(|(s, _f)| s); let s = match c.align { Left => rpad(&d, w), Right => lpad(&d, w), }; if let Some(style) = style { if color { style.paint(s).to_string() } else { s } } else { s } }).collect::>().join(" ").trim_end().to_string() + "\n" }, }).collect::>().join("") } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; use crate::test_utils::Ps; use super::*; const LONG_NOTE: &str = "chatting with bob about upcoming task, district sharing of images, how the user settings currently works etc. Discussing the fingerprinting / cache busting issue with CKEDITOR, suggesting perhaps looking into forking the rubygem and seeing if we can work in our own changes, however hard that might be."; #[test] fn test_constrained_lines_long_text() { assert_eq!(constrained_lines(LONG_NOTE, 46), vec![ "chatting with bob about upcoming task,", "district sharing of images, how the user", "settings currently works etc. Discussing the", "fingerprinting / cache busting issue with", "CKEDITOR, suggesting perhaps looking into", "forking the rubygem and seeing if we can work", "in our own changes, however hard that might", "be.", ]); } #[test] fn test_constrained_lines_nowrap() { assert_eq!(constrained_lines(LONG_NOTE, LONG_NOTE.len()), vec![ LONG_NOTE, ]); } #[test] fn test_text_output() { let mut tabs = Tabulate::with_columns(vec![ Col::min_width("Fri Oct 03, 2008 ".len()).and_alignment(Left), Col::min_width("12:00:00 - 14:00:00 ".len()).and_alignment(Left), Col::min_width("Duration".len()).and_alignment(Right), Col::min_width("Notes".len()).and_alignment(Left), ]); tabs.feed(vec!["Day".into(), "Start End".into(), "Duration".into(), "Notes".into()]); tabs.feed(vec!["Fri Oct 03, 2008".into(), "12:00:00 - 14:00:00".into(), "2:00:00".into(), "entry 1".into()]); tabs.feed(vec!["".into(), "16:00:00 - 18:00:00".into(), "2:00:00".into(), "entry 2".into()]); tabs.feed(vec!["".into(), "".into(), "4:00:00".into(), "".into()]); tabs.feed(vec!["Sun Oct 05, 2008".into(), "16:00:00 - 18:00:00".into(), "2:00:00".into(), "entry 3".into()]); tabs.feed(vec!["".into(), "18:00:00 - ".into(), "2:00:00".into(), "entry 4".into()]); tabs.feed(vec!["".into(), "".into(), "4:00:00".into(), "".into()]); tabs.separator('-'); tabs.feed(vec!["Total".into(), "".into(), "8:00:00".into(), "".into()]); assert_eq!(Ps(&tabs.print(false)), Ps("\ Day Start End Duration Notes Fri Oct 03, 2008 12:00:00 - 14:00:00 2:00:00 entry 1 16:00:00 - 18:00:00 2:00:00 entry 2 4:00:00 Sun Oct 05, 2008 16:00:00 - 18:00:00 2:00:00 entry 3 18:00:00 - 2:00:00 entry 4 4:00:00 --------------------------------------------------------- Total 8:00:00 ")); } #[test] fn test_text_output_long_duration() { let mut tabs = Tabulate::with_columns(vec![ Col::min_width("Fri Oct 03, 2008 ".len()).and_alignment(Left), Col::min_width("12:00:00 - 14:00:00".len()).and_alignment(Left), Col::min_width("Duration".len()).and_alignment(Right), Col::min_width("Notes".len()).and_alignment(Left), ]); tabs.feed(vec!["Day".into(), "Start End".into(), "Duration".into(), "Notes".into()]); tabs.feed(vec!["Wed Oct 01, 2008".into(), "12:00:00 - 14:00:00+2d".into(), "50:00:00".into(), "entry 1".into()]); tabs.feed(vec!["".into(), "".into(), "50:00:00".into(), "".into()]); tabs.feed(vec!["Fri Oct 03, 2008".into(), "12:00:00 - 14:00:00".into(), "2:00:00".into(), "entry 2".into()]); tabs.feed(vec!["".into(), "".into(), "2:00:00".into(), "".into()]); tabs.separator('-'); tabs.feed(vec!["Total".into(), "".into(), "52:00:00".into(), "".into()]); assert_eq!(Ps(&tabs.print(false)), Ps("\ Day Start End Duration Notes Wed Oct 01, 2008 12:00:00 - 14:00:00+2d 50:00:00 entry 1 50:00:00 Fri Oct 03, 2008 12:00:00 - 14:00:00 2:00:00 entry 2 2:00:00 ---------------------------------------------------------- Total 52:00:00 ")); } #[test] fn test_text_output_with_ids() { let mut tabs = Tabulate::with_columns(vec![ Col::min_width(3).and_alignment(Right), Col::min_width("Fri Oct 03, 2008 ".len()).and_alignment(Left), Col::min_width("12:00:00 - 14:00:00 ".len()).and_alignment(Left), Col::min_width("Duration".len()).and_alignment(Right), Col::min_width("Notes".len()).and_alignment(Left), ]); tabs.feed(vec!["ID".into(), "Day".into(), "Start End".into(), "Duration".into(), "Notes".into()]); tabs.feed(vec!["1".into(), "Fri Oct 03, 2008".into(), "12:00:00 - 14:00:00".into(), "2:00:00".into(), "entry 1".into()]); tabs.feed(vec!["2".into(), "".into(), "16:00:00 - 18:00:00".into(), "2:00:00".into(), "entry 2".into()]); tabs.feed(vec!["".into(), "".into(), "".into(), "4:00:00".into(), "".into()]); tabs.feed(vec!["3".into(), "Sun Oct 05, 2008".into(), "16:00:00 - 18:00:00".into(), "2:00:00".into(), "entry 3".into()]); tabs.feed(vec!["4".into(), "".into(), "18:00:00 -".into(), "2:00:00".into(), "entry 4".into()]); tabs.feed(vec!["".into(), "".into(), "".into(), "4:00:00".into(), "".into()]); tabs.separator('-'); tabs.feed(vec!["".into(), "Total".into(), "".into(), "8:00:00".into()]); assert_eq!(Ps(&tabs.print(false)), Ps(" ID Day Start End Duration Notes 1 Fri Oct 03, 2008 12:00:00 - 14:00:00 2:00:00 entry 1 2 16:00:00 - 18:00:00 2:00:00 entry 2 4:00:00 3 Sun Oct 05, 2008 16:00:00 - 18:00:00 2:00:00 entry 3 4 18:00:00 - 2:00:00 entry 4 4:00:00 ------------------------------------------------------------- Total 8:00:00 ")); } #[test] fn test_text_output_long_note_with_ids() { let mut tabs = Tabulate::with_columns(vec![ Col::min_width(2).and_alignment(Right), Col::min_width("Fri Oct 03, 2008 ".len()).and_alignment(Left), Col::min_width("12:00:00 - 14:00:00 ".len()).and_alignment(Left), Col::min_width("Duration".len()).and_alignment(Right), Col::min_width("Notes".len()).max_width(44).and_alignment(Left), ]); tabs.feed(vec!["ID".into(), "Day".into(), "Start End".into(), "Duration".into(), "Notes".into()]); tabs.feed(vec!["60000".into(), "Sun Oct 05, 2008".into(), "16:00:00 - 18:00:00".into(), "2:00:00".into(), LONG_NOTE.into()]); tabs.feed(vec!["".into(), "".into(), "".into(), "2:00:00".into(), "".into()]); tabs.separator('-'); tabs.feed(vec!["".into(), "Total".into(), "".into(), "2:00:00".into()]); assert_eq!(Ps(&tabs.print(false)), Ps(" ID Day Start End Duration Notes 60000 Sun Oct 05, 2008 16:00:00 - 18:00:00 2:00:00 chatting with bob about upcoming task, district sharing of images, how the user settings currently works etc. Discussing the fingerprinting / cache busting issue with CKEDITOR, suggesting perhaps looking into forking the rubygem and seeing if we can work in our own changes, however hard that might be. 2:00:00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2:00:00 ")); } #[test] fn test_text_output_note_with_line_breaks() { let mut tabs = Tabulate::with_columns(vec![ Col::min_width("Fri Oct 03, 2008 ".len()).and_alignment(Left), Col::min_width("12:00:00 - 14:00:00 ".len()).and_alignment(Left), Col::min_width("Duration".len()).and_alignment(Right), Col::min_width("Notes".len()).and_alignment(Left), ]); tabs.feed(vec!["Day".into(), "Start End".into(), "Duration".into(), "Notes".into()]); tabs.feed(vec!["Sun Oct 05, 2008".into(), "16:00:00 - 18:00:00".into(), "2:00:00".into(), "first line\nand a second line".into()]); tabs.feed(vec!["".into(), "".into(), "2:00:00".into(), "".into()]); tabs.separator('-'); tabs.feed(vec!["Total".into(), "".into(), "2:00:00".into(), "".into()]); assert_eq!(Ps(&tabs.print(false)), Ps("\ Day Start End Duration Notes Sun Oct 05, 2008 16:00:00 - 18:00:00 2:00:00 first line and a second line 2:00:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2:00:00 ")); } #[test] fn note_with_accents() { let mut tabs = Tabulate::with_columns(vec![ Col::min_width("Fri Oct 03, 2008 ".len()).and_alignment(Left), Col::min_width("12:00:00 - 14:00:00 ".len()).and_alignment(Left), Col::min_width("Duration".len()).and_alignment(Right), Col::min_width("Notes".len()).and_alignment(Left), ]); tabs.feed(vec!["Day".into(), "Start End".into(), "Duration".into(), "Notes".into()]); tabs.feed(vec!["Sun Oct 05, 2008".into(), "16:00:00 - 18:00:00".into(), "2:00:00".into(), "quiúbole".into()]); tabs.feed(vec!["".into(), "".into(), "2:00:00".into(), "".into()]); tabs.separator('-'); tabs.feed(vec!["Total".into(), "".into(), "2:00:00".into(), "".into()]); assert_eq!(Ps(&tabs.print(false)), Ps("\ Day Start End Duration Notes Sun Oct 05, 2008 16:00:00 - 18:00:00 2:00:00 quiúbole 2:00:00 ---------------------------------------------------------- Total 2:00:00 ")); } #[test] fn tabulate_a_blank_row() { let mut tabs = Tabulate::with_columns(vec![ Col::new() ]); tabs.feed(vec!["Hola".into()]); tabs.separator(' '); tabs.feed(vec!["adiós".into()]); tabs.separator('-'); tabs.feed(vec!["ta güeno".into()]); assert_eq!(Ps(&tabs.print(false)), Ps("\ Hola adiós -------- ta güeno ")); } #[test] fn add_a_color_condition() { let mut tabs = Tabulate::with_columns(vec![ Col::new().color_if(Style::new().dimmed(), |val| { val == "key" }), Col::new(), ]); tabs.feed(vec!["foo".into(), "key".into()]); tabs.feed(vec!["key".into(), "foo".into()]); assert_eq!(tabs.print(true), format!("\ foo key {} foo ", Style::new().dimmed().paint("key"))); } }