
240 lines
7.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-07-14 12:37:45 -05:00
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::io::Write;
use clap::ArgMatches;
use chrono::{DateTime, Utc, Duration, Local};
2021-07-14 12:37:45 -05:00
use itertools::Itertools;
2021-08-24 23:01:56 -05:00
use ansi_term::Style;
2021-07-14 12:37:45 -05:00
use crate::error::{Error, Result};
use crate::database::Database;
use crate::config::Config;
2021-07-15 00:22:38 -05:00
use crate::tabulate::{Tabulate, Col, Align::*};
use crate::formatters::text::format_duration;
use crate::models::Entry;
use crate::old::{entries_or_warning, warn_if_needed};
2021-07-14 12:37:45 -05:00
use super::Command;
pub struct Args {
all: bool,
impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a ArgMatches<'a>> for Args {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(matches: &ArgMatches) -> Result<Args> {
Ok(Args {
all: matches.is_present("all"),
pub struct ListCommand {}
impl<'a> Command<'a> for ListCommand {
type Args = Args;
fn handle<D, O, E>(args: Args, db: &mut D, out: &mut O, err: &mut E, _config: &Config, now: DateTime<Utc>) -> Result<()>
2021-07-14 12:37:45 -05:00
D: Database,
O: Write,
E: Write,
let today = now.with_timezone(&Local).date().and_hms(0, 0, 0).with_timezone(&Utc);
let entries = if args.all {
2021-07-14 12:37:45 -05:00
db.entries_full(None, None)?
} else {
db.entries_all_visible(None, None)?
2021-07-14 12:37:45 -05:00
let (mut entries, needs_warning) = entries_or_warning(entries, db)?;
2021-07-15 11:48:33 -05:00
let current = db.current_sheet()?;
let last = db.last_sheet()?;
2021-07-14 12:37:45 -05:00
// introducte two fake entries to make both current and last show up
if let Some(ref current) = current {
entries.push(Entry {
id: 1, sheet: current.clone(), start: now, end: Some(now), note: None,
entries.sort_unstable_by_key(|e| e.sheet.clone());
2021-08-24 23:01:56 -05:00
let mut total_running = Duration::seconds(0);
let mut total_today = Duration::seconds(0);
let mut total = Duration::seconds(0);
let sheets: Vec<_> = entries
2021-07-14 12:37:45 -05:00
.group_by(|e| e.sheet.clone())
.map(|(key, group)| {
2021-07-15 13:11:55 -05:00
let entries: Vec<_> = group.into_iter().collect();
2021-08-24 23:01:56 -05:00
let s_running = now - entries.iter().find(|e| e.end.is_none()).map(|e| e.start).unwrap_or(now);
let s_today = entries.iter().filter(|e| e.start > today).fold(Duration::seconds(0), |acc, e| {
acc + (e.end.unwrap_or(now) - e.start)
let s_total = entries.into_iter().fold(Duration::seconds(0), |acc, e| {
acc + (e.end.unwrap_or(now) - e.start)
total_running = total_running + s_running;
total_today = total_today + s_today;
total = total + s_total;
2021-07-15 13:11:55 -05:00
2021-07-15 00:22:38 -05:00
if current.as_ref() == Some(&key) {
2021-07-15 13:11:55 -05:00
2021-08-02 19:10:34 -05:00
} else if last.as_ref() == Some(&key) {
2021-07-15 13:11:55 -05:00
} else {
2021-08-02 19:10:34 -05:00
2021-07-15 13:11:55 -05:00
2021-08-24 23:01:56 -05:00
2021-07-15 00:22:38 -05:00
2021-07-15 13:11:55 -05:00
2021-08-24 23:01:56 -05:00
2021-07-15 13:11:55 -05:00
2021-08-24 23:01:56 -05:00
2021-07-15 11:48:33 -05:00
2021-08-24 23:01:56 -05:00
2021-07-15 00:22:38 -05:00
2021-07-14 12:37:45 -05:00
2021-07-15 00:22:38 -05:00
let mut tabs = Tabulate::with_columns(vec![
2021-08-02 18:45:54 -05:00
// indicator of current or prev sheet
2021-07-15 00:22:38 -05:00
2021-07-15 11:48:33 -05:00
// sheet name
// running time
2021-08-24 23:01:56 -05:00
Col::min_width(9).and_alignment(Right).color_if(Style::new().dimmed(), |s| s == "0:00:00"),
2021-07-15 11:48:33 -05:00
// today
2021-08-24 23:01:56 -05:00
Col::min_width(9).and_alignment(Right).color_if(Style::new().dimmed(), |s| s == "0:00:00"),
2021-07-15 11:48:33 -05:00
// accumulated
2021-07-15 00:22:38 -05:00
2021-07-15 11:48:33 -05:00
tabs.feed(vec!["".into(), "Timesheet".into(), "Running".into(), "Today".into(), "Total Time".into()]);
tabs.separator(' ');
2021-07-15 11:48:33 -05:00
2021-07-14 12:37:45 -05:00
for sheet in sheets {
2021-07-15 11:48:33 -05:00
tabs.feed(vec![sheet.0, sheet.1, sheet.2, sheet.3, sheet.4]);
2021-07-14 12:37:45 -05:00
2021-08-24 23:01:56 -05:00
2021-07-15 00:22:38 -05:00
warn_if_needed(err, needs_warning)?;
2021-07-14 12:37:45 -05:00
mod tests {
use chrono::{Utc, TimeZone};
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
2021-08-24 23:01:56 -05:00
use ansi_term::{Color::Yellow, Style};
2021-07-14 12:37:45 -05:00
use crate::database::{SqliteDatabase, Database};
2021-08-03 20:56:40 -05:00
use crate::test_utils::Ps;
2021-07-14 12:37:45 -05:00
use super::*;
fn list_sheets() {
std::env::set_var("TZ", "CST+6");
2021-07-14 12:37:45 -05:00
let args = Default::default();
let mut db = SqliteDatabase::from_memory().unwrap();
let mut out = Vec::new();
let mut err = Vec::new();
let config = Default::default();
2021-07-15 11:48:49 -05:00
db.entry_insert(Utc.ymd(2021, 1, 1).and_hms(0, 0, 0), Some(Utc.ymd(2021, 1, 1).and_hms(1, 0, 0)), None, "_archived".into()).unwrap();
db.entry_insert(Utc.ymd(2021, 1, 1).and_hms(0, 0, 0), Some(Utc.ymd(2021, 1, 1).and_hms(10,13, 55)), None, "sheet1".into()).unwrap();
db.entry_insert(Utc.ymd(2021, 1, 1).and_hms(0, 0, 0), Some(Utc.ymd(2021, 1, 1).and_hms(7, 39, 18)), None, "sheet3".into()).unwrap();
db.entry_insert(Utc.ymd(2021, 1, 1).and_hms(12, 0, 0), Some(Utc.ymd(2021, 1, 1).and_hms(13, 52, 45)), None, "sheet3".into()).unwrap();
db.entry_insert(Utc.ymd(2021, 1, 1).and_hms(12, 0, 0), None, None, "sheet4".into()).unwrap();
2021-07-14 12:37:45 -05:00
let now = Utc.ymd(2021, 1, 1).and_hms(13, 52, 45);
2021-07-14 12:37:45 -05:00
ListCommand::handle(args, &mut db, &mut out, &mut err, &config, now).unwrap();
2021-07-14 12:37:45 -05:00
2021-08-24 23:01:56 -05:00
assert_eq!(Ps(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&out)), Ps(&format!(" Timesheet Running Today Total Time
2021-08-24 23:01:56 -05:00
sheet1 {0} {0} 10:13:55
* sheet2 {0} {0} 0:00:00
sheet3 {0} 1:52:45 9:32:03
- sheet4 1:52:45 1:52:45 1:52:45
2021-08-24 23:01:56 -05:00
1:52:45 3:45:30 21:38:43
", Style::new().dimmed().paint(" 0:00:00"))));
2021-07-14 12:37:45 -05:00
// now show all the sheets
let mut out = Vec::new();
let mut err = Vec::new();
let args = Args {
all: true,
ListCommand::handle(args, &mut db, &mut out, &mut err, &config, now).unwrap();
2021-08-24 23:01:56 -05:00
assert_eq!(Ps(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&out)), Ps(&format!(" Timesheet Running Today Total Time
2021-08-24 23:01:56 -05:00
_archived {0} {0} 1:00:00
sheet1 {0} {0} 10:13:55
* sheet2 {0} {0} 0:00:00
sheet3 {0} 1:52:45 9:32:03
- sheet4 1:52:45 1:52:45 1:52:45
2021-08-24 23:01:56 -05:00
1:52:45 3:45:30 22:38:43
", Style::new().dimmed().paint(" 0:00:00"))));
2021-07-14 12:37:45 -05:00
2021-07-15 11:48:33 -05:00
fn old_database() {
let args = Default::default();
let mut db = SqliteDatabase::from_path("assets/test_list_old_database.db").unwrap();
let mut out = Vec::new();
let mut err = Vec::new();
let config = Default::default();
let now = Local.ymd(2021, 7, 16).and_hms(11, 30, 45);
ListCommand::handle(args, &mut db, &mut out, &mut err, &config, now.with_timezone(&Utc)).unwrap();
2021-08-03 20:56:40 -05:00
assert_eq!(Ps(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&out)), Ps(" Timesheet Running Today Total Time
* default 0:10:24 0:10:26 0:10:26
2021-08-24 23:01:56 -05:00
0:10:24 0:10:26 0:10:26
format!("{} You are using the old timetrap format, it is advised that you update your database using t migrate\n", Yellow.bold().paint("[WARNING]")),
2021-07-15 11:48:33 -05:00
2021-07-14 12:37:45 -05:00