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Raw Normal View History

2022-08-28 15:48:47 -05:00
use std::io::Write;
use std::fmt::Write as _;
2022-08-28 15:48:47 -05:00
use std::collections::HashMap;
use crate::tabulate::{Tabulate, Col, Align::*};
use chrono::{Local, Datelike, Date, Duration};
use ansi_term::{Style, Color::{Green, Red, White, Fixed}};
use crate::commands::Facts;
use crate::models::Entry;
use crate::error::Result;
use crate::config::WeekDay;
struct Dates {
current: Date<Local>,
end: Date<Local>,
impl Dates {
fn range(from: Date<Local>, to: Date<Local>) -> Dates {
Dates {
current: from,
end: to,
impl Iterator for Dates {
type Item = Date<Local>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.current > self.end {
} else {
let val = self.current;
self.current = self.current + Duration::days(1);
/// Takes a floating-point amount of hours and returns an integer representing
/// the number of whole blocks of size `block_minutes` that fit the amount of
/// hours.
fn hour_blocks(hours: f64, block_minutes: usize) -> usize {
(hours * 60.0) as usize / block_minutes
fn week_total(week_accumulated: f64, weekly_goal_hours: f64) -> String {
let formatted_hours = if weekly_goal_hours == 0.0 {
} else if week_accumulated >= weekly_goal_hours {
} else {
formatted_hours + &if weekly_goal_hours == 0.0 {
} else {
2022-08-28 15:48:47 -05:00
pub fn print_formatted<W: Write>(entries: Vec<Entry>, out: &mut W, facts: &Facts) -> Result<()> {
if entries.is_empty() {
writeln!(out, "No entries to display")?;
2022-08-28 15:48:47 -05:00
return Ok(());
let mut tabs = Tabulate::with_columns(vec![
Col::new().and_alignment(Right), // date
Col::new().and_alignment(Right), // day of week
Col::new().and_alignment(Left), // chart
Col::new().and_alignment(Left), // hours
// Lets group entries by their date and compute some values
let mut entries_by_date = HashMap::new();
let mut first_date = None;
let mut last_date = None;
for entry in entries.into_iter() {
let entrys_date = entry.start.with_timezone(&Local).date();
let hours = entry.hours(facts.now);
if first_date.is_none() {
first_date = Some(entrys_date);
} else {
first_date = first_date.map(|d| d.min(entrys_date));
if last_date.is_none() {
last_date = Some(entrys_date);
} else {
last_date = last_date.map(|d| d.max(entrys_date));
let e = entries_by_date.entry(entrys_date).or_insert(0.0);
*e += hours;
"Date", "Day", "Chart", "Hours",
tabs.separator(' ');
let start_of_week = facts.config.week_start;
let mut week_accumulated = 0.0;
let dates = Dates::range(first_date.unwrap(), last_date.unwrap());
let daily_goal_hours = facts.config.formatters.chart.daily_goal_hours;
let weekly_goal_hours = facts.config.formatters.chart.weekly_goal_hours as f64;
let block_size_minutes = facts.config.formatters.chart.character_equals_minutes;
for (i, date) in dates.enumerate() {
let hours = *entries_by_date.get(&date).unwrap_or(&0.0);
let current_day = WeekDay::from(date.weekday());
if current_day == start_of_week && i != 0 {
tabs.separator(' ');
week_total(week_accumulated, weekly_goal_hours),
2022-08-28 15:48:47 -05:00
tabs.separator(' ');
week_accumulated = 0.0;
week_accumulated += hours;
2022-08-28 15:48:47 -05:00
let daily_goal_blocks = hour_blocks(daily_goal_hours as f64, block_size_minutes);
let chart_print = {
// first print at most `daily_goal_blocks` characters in green
let total_blocks = hour_blocks(hours, block_size_minutes);
let greens = daily_goal_blocks.min(total_blocks);
let mut out = if greens > 0 {
Style::new().on(Green).paint(" ".repeat(greens)).to_string()
} else {
if greens < daily_goal_blocks {
// print the missing blocks in gray
write!(&mut out, "{}", Style::new().on(White).paint(" ".repeat(daily_goal_blocks - greens))).unwrap();
2022-08-28 15:48:47 -05:00
} else if total_blocks > daily_goal_blocks {
write!(&mut out, "{}", Style::new().on(Fixed(10)).paint(" ".repeat(total_blocks - daily_goal_blocks))).unwrap();
2022-08-28 15:48:47 -05:00
if i == 0 || current_day == start_of_week || date.day() == 1 {
format!("{} {:>2}", date.format("%b"), date.day())
} else {
// last week wasn't shown, so lets show it
tabs.separator(' ');
week_total(week_accumulated, weekly_goal_hours),
2022-08-28 15:48:47 -05:00
mod tests {
use pretty_assertions::assert_str_eq;
use chrono::{Utc, TimeZone, Duration};
use crate::config::{Config, FormattersSettings, ChartFormatterSettings};
2022-08-28 15:48:47 -05:00
use super::*;
fn sample_printing() {
std::env::set_var("TZ", "CST+6");
let day1 = Utc.ymd(2022, 8, 15).and_hms(12, 0, 0);
let day2 = Utc.ymd(2022, 8, 16).and_hms(12, 0, 0);
let day3 = Utc.ymd(2022, 8, 17).and_hms(12, 0, 0);
let day4 = Utc.ymd(2022, 8, 18).and_hms(12, 0, 0);
let entries = vec![
Entry::new_sample(1, day1, Some(day1 + Duration::hours(5))),
Entry::new_sample(2, day2, Some(day2 + Duration::minutes(60 * 3 + 30))),
Entry::new_sample(3, day3, Some(day3 + Duration::hours(4))),
Entry::new_sample(4, day4, Some(day4 + Duration::hours(2))),
let mut out = Vec::new();
let config = Config {
formatters: FormattersSettings {
chart: ChartFormatterSettings {
daily_goal_hours: 4,
weekly_goal_hours: 20,
extra: HashMap::new(),
let facts = Facts::new().with_config(config);
2022-08-28 15:48:47 -05:00
print_formatted(entries, &mut out, &facts).unwrap();
assert_str_eq!(String::from_utf8_lossy(&out), " Date Day Chart Hours
2022-08-28 15:48:47 -05:00
Aug 15 Mon \u{1b}[42m \u{1b}[0m\u{1b}[48;5;10m \u{1b}[0m 5.0
16 Tue \u{1b}[42m \u{1b}[0m\u{1b}[47m \u{1b}[0m 3.5
17 Wed \u{1b}[42m \u{1b}[0m 4.0
18 Thu \u{1b}[42m \u{1b}[0m\u{1b}[47m \u{1b}[0m 2.0
2022-08-28 15:48:47 -05:00
Week \u{1b}[31m14.5\u{1b}[0m/20.0
2022-08-28 15:48:47 -05:00
/// If entries span more than one week, both are shown with a weekly result
2022-08-28 15:48:47 -05:00
fn partitioned_week() {
std::env::set_var("TZ", "CST+6");
let day1 = Utc.ymd(2022, 8, 28).and_hms(12, 0, 0);
let day2 = Utc.ymd(2022, 8, 29).and_hms(12, 0, 0);
2022-08-28 15:48:47 -05:00
let entries = vec![
Entry::new_sample(1, day1, Some(day1 + Duration::hours(5))),
Entry::new_sample(2, day2, Some(day2 + Duration::hours(3))),
2022-08-28 15:48:47 -05:00
let mut out = Vec::new();
let facts = Facts::new();
print_formatted(entries, &mut out, &facts).unwrap();
assert_str_eq!(String::from_utf8_lossy(&out), " Date Day Chart Hours
2022-08-28 15:48:47 -05:00
Aug 28 Sun \u{1b}[48;5;10m \u{1b}[0m 5.0
2022-08-28 15:48:47 -05:00
Week 5.0
2022-08-28 15:48:47 -05:00
Aug 29 Mon \u{1b}[48;5;10m \u{1b}[0m 3.0
2022-08-28 15:48:47 -05:00
Week 3.0
2022-08-28 15:48:47 -05:00
fn empty_search() {
let entries = Vec::new();
let mut out = Vec::new();
let facts = Facts::new();
print_formatted(entries, &mut out, &facts).unwrap();
assert_str_eq!(String::from_utf8_lossy(&out), "No entries to display\n");
2022-08-28 15:48:47 -05:00
fn days_without_hours_appear() {
std::env::set_var("TZ", "CST+6");
let day1 = Utc.ymd(2022, 8, 15).and_hms(12, 0, 0);
let day3 = Utc.ymd(2022, 8, 17).and_hms(12, 0, 0);
let entries = vec![
Entry::new_sample(1, day1, Some(day1 + Duration::hours(5))),
Entry::new_sample(3, day3, Some(day3 + Duration::hours(4))),
let mut out = Vec::new();
let facts = Facts::new();
print_formatted(entries, &mut out, &facts).unwrap();
assert_str_eq!(String::from_utf8_lossy(&out), " Date Day Chart Hours
Aug 15 Mon \u{1b}[48;5;10m \u{1b}[0m 5.0
16 Tue 0.0
17 Wed \u{1b}[48;5;10m \u{1b}[0m 4.0
Week 9.0
fn display_without_goals_set() {
std::env::set_var("TZ", "CST+6");
let day1 = Utc.ymd(2022, 8, 15).and_hms(12, 0, 0);
let day2 = Utc.ymd(2022, 8, 16).and_hms(12, 0, 0);
let day3 = Utc.ymd(2022, 8, 17).and_hms(12, 0, 0);
let day4 = Utc.ymd(2022, 8, 18).and_hms(12, 0, 0);
let entries = vec![
Entry::new_sample(1, day1, Some(day1 + Duration::hours(5))),
Entry::new_sample(2, day2, Some(day2 + Duration::minutes(60 * 3 + 30))),
Entry::new_sample(3, day3, Some(day3 + Duration::hours(4))),
Entry::new_sample(4, day4, Some(day4 + Duration::hours(2))),
let mut out = Vec::new();
let facts = Facts::new();
print_formatted(entries, &mut out, &facts).unwrap();
assert_str_eq!(String::from_utf8_lossy(&out), " Date Day Chart Hours
Aug 15 Mon \u{1b}[48;5;10m \u{1b}[0m 5.0
16 Tue \u{1b}[48;5;10m \u{1b}[0m 3.5
17 Wed \u{1b}[48;5;10m \u{1b}[0m 4.0
18 Thu \u{1b}[48;5;10m \u{1b}[0m 2.0
Week 14.5
2022-08-28 15:48:47 -05:00