2020-03-01 23:18:26 -06:00

842 lines
29 KiB

//~ Empresa Libre
//~ Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Mauricio Baeza Servin (web@correolibre.net)
//~ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//~ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//~ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//~ (at your option) any later version.
//~ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//~ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//~ GNU General Public License for more details.
//~ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//~ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
var grid_cfdi_cliente_cols = [
{id: 'index', header: '#', adjust: 'data', css: 'right',
footer: {content: 'countRows', colspan: 3, css: 'right'}},
{id: "id", header:"ID", hidden:true},
{id: "serie", header: ["Serie", {content: "selectFilter"}], adjust: "header",
{id: 'folio', header: ['Folio'], adjust: 'data', sort: 'int',
css: 'right'},
{id: 'uuid', header: ['UUID', {content: 'textFilter'}], width: 250,
sort: 'string'},
{id: "fecha", header: ["Fecha y Hora"], width: 150, sort: 'string'},
{id: "tipo_comprobante", header: ["Tipo", {content: "selectFilter"}],
adjust: 'header', sort: 'string'},
{id: "estatus", header: ["Estatus", {content: "selectFilter"}],
adjust: "header", sort:"string"},
{id: 'total_mn', header: ['Total M.N.'], width: 150,
sort: 'int', format: webix.i18n.priceFormat, css: 'right'},
var grid_relacionados_cols = [
{id: 'index', header: '#', adjust: 'data', css: 'right'},
{id: "id", header:"ID", hidden:true},
{id: "serie", header: "Serie", adjust: "header", sort:"string"},
{id: 'folio', header: 'Folio', adjust: 'data', sort: 'int', css: 'right'},
{id: 'uuid', header: 'UUID', width: 250, sort: 'string'},
{id: "fecha", header: "Fecha y Hora", width: 150, sort: 'date'},
{id: "tipo_comprobante", header: "Tipo", adjust: 'header', sort: 'string'},
{id: "estatus", header: "Estatus", adjust: "header", sort:"string"},
{id: 'total_mn', header: ['Total M.N.'], width: 150,
sort: 'int', format: webix.i18n.priceFormat, css: 'right'},
var grid_cfdi_cliente = {
view: 'datatable',
id: 'grid_cfdi_cliente',
select: 'row',
autoConfig: false,
adjust: true,
height: 300,
resizeColumn: true,
headermenu: true,
drag: true,
columns: grid_cfdi_cliente_cols,
this.data.each(function(obj, i){
obj.index = i + 1
var grid_relacionados = {
view: 'datatable',
id: 'grid_relacionados',
select: 'row',
autoConfig: false,
adjust: true,
height: 200,
resizeColumn: true,
headermenu: true,
drag: true,
columns: grid_relacionados_cols,
this.data.each(function(obj, i){
obj.index = i + 1
var body_cfdi_relacionados = {rows: [
{cols: [
{view: 'label', id: 'lbl_cfdi_title', label: 'Cliente: ',
autowidth: true},
{view: 'label', id: 'lbl_cfdi_cliente', label: '', align: 'left'}]},
{cols: [
{view: 'richselect', id: 'lst_tipo_relacion', label: 'Tipo de Relación',
labelWidth: 140, required: true, options: []},
{view: 'checkbox', id: 'chk_relacionados_anticipo',
labelRight: 'Solo Anticipos', width: 200, disabled: true}]},
{minHeight: 10, maxHeight: 10},
{cols: [
{view: 'richselect', id: 'filter_cfdi_year', label: 'Año', width: 100,
labelAlign: 'center', labelPosition: 'top', options: []},
{view: 'richselect', id: 'filter_cfdi_month', label: 'Mes', width: 125,
labelAlign: 'center', labelPosition: 'top', options: months},
{view: 'text', id: 'filter_cfdi_folio', label: 'Folio', width: 125,
labelAlign: 'center', labelPosition: 'top'},
{view: 'text', id: 'filter_cfdi_uuid', label: 'UUID',
labelAlign: 'center', labelPosition: 'top'},
{view: 'icon', id: 'cmd_filter_relacionados', icon: 'filter'},
{minHeight: 10, maxHeight: 10},
{view: 'label', label: 'CFDI Relacionados'},
{minHeight: 10, maxHeight: 10},
{cols: [{},
{view: 'button', id: 'cmd_guardar_relacionados', label: 'Relacionar'},
{view: 'button', id: 'cmd_limpiar_relacionados', label: 'Limpiar'},
{minHeight: 15, maxHeight: 15},
var ui_invoice = {
init: function(){
view: 'window',
id: 'win_cfdi_relacionados',
autoheight: true,
width: 850,
modal: true,
position: 'center',
head: {view: 'toolbar',
elements: [
{view: 'label', label: 'CFDI Relacionados'},
{view: 'icon', icon: 'times-circle',
click: '$$("win_cfdi_relacionados").close()'},
body: body_cfdi_relacionados,
$$('cmd_guardar_relacionados').attachEvent('onItemClick', cmd_guardar_relacionados_click)
$$('cmd_limpiar_relacionados').attachEvent('onItemClick', cmd_limpiar_relacionados_click)
$$('cmd_filter_relacionados').attachEvent('onItemClick', cmd_filter_relacionados_click)
$$('lst_tipo_relacion').attachEvent('onChange', lst_tipo_relacion_change)
$$('filter_cfdi_month').attachEvent('onChange', filter_cfdi_month_change)
$$('filter_cfdi_month').attachEvent('onChange', filter_cfdi_month_change)
var body_cfdi_notes = {rows: [
{minHeight: 5, maxHeight: 5},
{view: 'textarea', id: 'invoice_notes', name: 'invoice_notes', height: 300,
placeholder: 'Captura las notas.'},
{minHeight: 5, maxHeight: 5},
{cols: [{}, {view: 'button', id: 'cmd_invoice_save_note', autowidth: true,
label: 'Guardar y Cerrar', type: 'iconButton', hotkey: 'Ctrl+enter'},
{minHeight: 5, maxHeight: 5},
var win_invoice_notes = {
init: function(){
view: 'window',
id: 'win_invoice_notes',
height: 400,
width: 500,
modal: true,
position: 'center',
head: 'Notas',
body: body_cfdi_notes,
$$('cmd_invoice_save_note').attachEvent('onItemClick', cmd_invoice_save_note_click)
var toolbar_invoices = [
{view: "button", id: "cmd_new_invoice", label: "Nueva", type: "iconButton",
autowidth: true, icon: "plus"},
{view: "button", id: "cmd_refacturar", label: "Refacturar", type: "iconButton",
autowidth: true, icon: "pencil"},
{view: 'button', id: 'cmd_admin_invoice_notes', label: 'Notas',
disabled: true, type: 'iconButton', autowidth: true, icon: 'commenting-o'},
{view: 'button', id: 'cmd_invoice_report_pdf', label: 'Reporte',
type: 'iconButton', autowidth: true, icon: 'file-pdf-o'},
{view: 'button', id: 'cmd_invoice_report_xls', label: 'Reporte',
type: 'iconButton', autowidth: true, icon: 'table'},
{view: "button", id: "cmd_delete_invoice", label: "Eliminar", type: "iconButton",
autowidth: true, icon: "minus"},
var toolbar_invoices_util = [
{view: 'button', id: 'cmd_invoice_timbrar', label: 'Timbrar',
type: 'iconButton', autowidth: true, icon: 'ticket'},
{view: 'button', id: 'cmd_invoice_sat', label: 'SAT',
type: 'iconButton', autowidth: true, icon: 'check-circle'},
{view: 'button', id: 'cmd_invoice_verify_sat', label: 'SAT',
type: 'iconButton', autowidth: true, icon: 'firefox'},
{view: 'button', id: 'cmd_invoice_cancelar', label: 'Cancelar',
type: 'iconButton', autowidth: true, icon: 'ban'},
var toolbar_invoices_generate = {view: 'toolbar', elements: [{},
{view: 'button', id: 'cmd_cfdi_notes', label: 'Notas',
type: 'iconButton', autowidth: true, icon: 'commenting-o'},
{view: 'button', id: 'cmd_cfdi_relacionados', label: 'CFDI Relacionados',
type: 'iconButton', autowidth: true, icon: 'file-o'},
{view: 'button', id: 'cmd_import_invoice', label: 'Importar',
type: 'iconButton', autowidth: true, icon: 'upload'},
{view: 'checkbox', id: 'chk_cfdi_anticipo', labelRight: 'Es Anticipo',
labelWidth: 0, width: 100, hidden: true},
{view: 'checkbox', id: 'chk_cfdi_donativo', labelRight: 'Es Donativo',
labelWidth: 0, width: 100, hidden: true},
var toolbar_invoices_filter = [
{view: 'richselect', id: 'filter_year', label: 'Año', labelAlign: 'right',
labelWidth: 50, width: 150, options: []},
{view: 'richselect', id: 'filter_month', label: 'Mes', labelAlign: 'right',
labelWidth: 50, width: 200, options: months},
{view: 'daterangepicker', id: 'filter_dates', label: 'Fechas',
labelAlign: 'right', width: 300},
{view: 'search', id: 'search_by', name: 'search_by', width: 200,
placeholder: 'Captura al menos cuatro letras'},
var grid_invoices_cols = [
{id: 'index', header: '#', adjust: 'data', css: 'right',
footer: {content: 'countRows', colspan: 3, css: 'right'}},
{id: "id", header:"ID", hidden:true},
{id: 'serie', header: ["Serie", {content: "selectFilter"}], adjust: "data",
sort: 'string', template: '{common.subrow()} #serie#'},
{id: 'folio', header: ['Folio', {content: 'numberFilter'}], adjust: 'data',
sort: 'int', css: 'right', footer: {text: 'Facturas', colspan: 3}},
{id: "uuid", header: ["UUID", {content: "textFilter"}], adjust: "data",
sort:"string", hidden:true},
{id: "fecha", header: ["Fecha y Hora"],
adjust: "data", sort: "string"},
{id: "tipo_comprobante", header: ["Tipo", {content: "selectFilter"}],
adjust: 'header', sort: 'string'},
{id: "estatus", header: ["Estatus", {content: "selectFilter"}],
adjust: "data", sort:"string"},
{id: "paid", header: ["Pagada", {content: "selectFilter"}],
adjust: "data", sort:"string"},
{id: 'total', header: ['Total', {content: 'numberFilter'}],
width: 125, sort: 'int', format: webix.i18n.priceFormat, css: 'right',
hidden: true},
{id: 'currency', header: ['Moneda', {content: 'selectFilter'}],
adjust: 'data', sort: 'string', hidden: true},
{id: 'total_mn', header: ['Total M.N.', {content: 'numberFilter'}],
width: 150, sort: 'int', format: webix.i18n.priceFormat, css: 'right',
footer: {content: 'summTimbrada', css: 'right'}},
{id: 'cliente', header: ['Razón Social', {content: 'selectFilter'}],
fillspace: true, sort: 'string', footer: {text: '$ 0.00', colspan: 2}},
{id: 'xml', header: 'XML', adjust: 'data', template: get_icon('xml')},
{id: 'pdf', header: 'PDF', adjust: 'data', template: get_icon('pdf')},
{id: 'html', header: 'HTML', adjust: 'data', template: get_icon('html')},
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{id: 'zip', header: 'ZIP', adjust: 'data', template: get_icon('zip')},
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var sv_grid_invoices = {
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columns: [
{id: 'id_product', header: 'id_product', hidden: true},
{id: "clave", header:{text: 'Clave', css: 'center'}, width: 100,
adjust: 'data'},
{id: "clave_sat", hidden: true},
{id: "descripcion", header:{text: 'Descripción', css: 'center'},
fillspace: true},
{id: "pedimento", header: 'Pedimento', hidden: true},
{id: "id_student", header: 'ID_Alumno', hidden: true},
{id: 'student', header: 'Alumno', hidden: true, width: 150},
{id: "unidad", header:{text: 'Unidad', css: 'center'}, width: 100},
{id: 'cantidad', header: {text: 'Cantidad', css: 'center'}, width: 100,
format: webix.i18n.numberFormat, css: 'right'},
{id: "valor_unitario", header:{text: 'Valor Unitario', css: 'center'},
width: 100, format: webix.i18n.priceFormat, css: 'right'},
{id: 'descuento', header:{text: 'Descuento', css: 'center'},
width: 80, format: webix.i18n.priceFormat, css: 'right'},
{id: 'precio_final', hidden: true, header: 'precio_final', width: 80,
format: webix.i18n.priceFormat, css: 'right'},
{id: "importe", header:{text: 'Importe', css: 'center'}, width: 150,
format: webix.i18n.priceFormat, css: 'right'},
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css: 'table_sg',
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multiselect: true,
adjust: true,
footer: true,
resizeColumn: true,
headermenu: true,
columns: grid_invoices_cols,
if (item.estatus == 'Cancelada'){
item.$css = 'cancel'
this.data.each(function(obj, i){
obj.index = i + 1
var grid_details_cols = [
{id: 'id_product', header: 'id_product', hidden: true},
{id: 'delete', header: '', width: 30, css: 'delete'},
{id: "clave", header:{text: 'Clave', css: 'center'}, width: 100,
adjust: 'data'},
{id: "clave_sat", hidden: true},
{id: "descripcion", header:{text: 'Descripción', css: 'center'},
fillspace: true, editor: 'popup'},
{id: "pedimento", header: 'Pedimento', editor: 'text', hidden: true},
{id: "id_student", header: 'ID_Alumno', hidden: true},
{id: 'student', header: 'Alumno', hidden: true, width: 150},
{id: "unidad", header:{text: 'Unidad', css: 'center'}, width: 100,
editor: 'select', options: 'values/unidades'},
{id: 'cantidad', header: {text: 'Cantidad', css: 'center'}, width: 100,
format: webix.i18n.numberFormat, css: 'right', editor: 'text'},
{id: "valor_unitario", header:{text: 'Valor Unitario', css: 'center'},
width: 100, format: format_currency, css: 'right', editor: 'text'},
{id: 'descuento', header:{text: 'Descuento', css: 'center'},
width: 100, format: format_currency, css: 'right', editor: 'text'},
{id: 'precio_final', hidden: true, header: 'precio_final', width: 80,
format: webix.i18n.priceFormat, css: 'right'},
{id: "importe", header:{text: 'Importe', css: 'center'}, width: 150,
format: webix.i18n.priceFormat, css: 'right'},
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editable: true,
columns: grid_details_cols,
data: [],
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{id: 'id', header: 'ID', hidden: true},
{id: 'concepto', header: 'Concepto', width: 250,
footer: {text: 'TOTAL', css:'right_footer'}, css:'right'},
{id: 'importe', header: 'Importe', width: 150,
footer: {content: 'summColumn', css:'right_footer'},
format: webix.i18n.priceFormat, css:'right'},
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view: 'datatable',
id: 'grid_totals',
select: false,
width: 400,
header: false,
footer: true,
autoheight: true,
columns: grid_totals_cols,
data: [{id: 1, concepto: 'SubTotal', importe: 0}],
var suggest_partners = {
view: 'gridsuggest',
id: 'grid_clients_found',
name: 'grid_clients_found',
body: {
autoConfig: false,
scroll: true,
autoheight: false,
yCount: 15,
header: false,
columns: [
{id: 'id', hidden: true},
{id: 'nombre', adjust: 'data'},
{id: 'rfc', adjust: 'data'},
{id: 'forma_pago', hidden: true},
{id: 'uso_cfdi', hidden: true},
if (text.length > 2){
this.load('/values/client?name=' + text)
var suggest_products = {
view: 'gridsuggest',
id: 'grid_products_found',
name: 'grid_products_found',
body: {
autoConfig: false,
scroll: true,
autoheight: false,
yCount: 12,
header: true,
columns: [
{id: 'id', hidden: true},
{id: 'clave', header: 'Clave', adjust: 'data'},
{id: 'descripcion', header: 'Descripción', width: 500},
{id: 'unidad', header: 'Unidad', adjust: 'data'},
{id: 'valor_unitario', header: 'Valor Unitario', adjust: 'data',
format: webix.i18n.priceFormat}
if (text.length > 2){
this.load('/values/product?name=' + text)
var suggest_students = {
view: 'gridsuggest',
id: 'grid_students_found',
name: 'grid_students_found',
body: {
autoConfig: false,
header: false,
columns: [
{id: 'id', hidden: true},
{id: 'nombre', adjust: 'data'},
{id: 'paterno', adjust: 'data'},
{id: 'materno', adjust: 'data'},
{id: 'rfc', adjust: 'data'},
if (text.length > 2){
this.load('/values/student?name=' + text)
var body_comprobante = {rows: [{
cols: [
view: 'richselect',
id: 'lst_tipo_comprobante',
label: 'Tipo',
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value: 'I',
options: [
{id: 'I', value: 'Ingreso'},
{id: 'E', value: 'Egreso'},
{id: 'T', value: 'Traslado'}
view: 'richselect',
id: 'lst_serie',
label: 'Serie',
labelPosition: 'top',
options: [],
{view: 'text', id: 'txt_folio_custom', label: 'Folio: ', labelWidth: 50,
hidden: true, placeholder: 'Solo números'},
{view: 'richselect', id: 'lst_uso_cfdi', name: 'uso_cfdi', required: true,
labelPosition: 'top', label: 'Uso del CFDI', options: []},
var opt_metodo_pago = [
{id: 'PUE', value: 'Pago en una sola exhibición'},
{id: 'PPD', value: 'Pago en parcialidades o diferido'}
var body_opciones = {rows: [
{view: 'richselect', id: 'lst_metodo_pago', label: 'Método de Pago',
labelPosition: 'top', options: opt_metodo_pago, value: 'PUE',
required: true},
{view: 'richselect', id: 'lst_forma_pago', name: 'forma_pago',
label: 'Forma de Pago', labelPosition: 'top', required: true,
options: []},
{view: 'text', id: 'txt_condicion_pago', label: 'Condiciones de Pago',
labelPosition: 'top', suggest: []},
var body_moneda = {cols: [
{view: 'richselect', id: 'lst_moneda', label: 'Nombre',
labelPosition: 'top', required: true, options: []},
{view: 'text', type: 'text', id: 'txt_tipo_cambio', value: '1.00',
label: 'Tipo de Cambio', labelPosition: 'top', required: true,
invalidMessage: 'Captura un valor númerico', inputAlign: 'right',
readonly: true}
var body_divisas = {cols: [
{view: 'radio', id: 'opt_divisas', name: 'opt_divisas',
options: ['Ninguna', 'Compra', 'Venta']},
var body_regimen_fiscal = {
view: 'richselect',
id: 'lst_regimen_fiscal',
required: true,
options: []
var body_students = {rows:[
{view: 'search', id: 'search_student',
name: "search_student", label: "por Nombre o RFC",
labelPosition:'top', suggest: suggest_students,
placeholder:'Captura al menos tres letras'},
var controls_generate = [
{minHeight: 10, maxHeight: 10},
{minHeight: 10, maxHeight: 10},
{cols: [ {rows:[
{view: 'fieldset', label: 'Buscar Cliente', body: {rows: [
{cols: [
{view:"search", id:"search_client_id", name:"search_client_id",
label:"por Clave", labelPosition:'top', maxWidth:200,
placeholder:'Captura la clave'},
{view: 'search', id: 'search_client_name',
name: 'search_client_name', label: 'por Nombre o RFC',
labelPosition: 'top', suggest: suggest_partners,
placeholder: 'Captura al menos tres letras'},
{cols: [{
view: 'label', id: 'lbl_client_title',
name: "lbl_client_title", label: 'Seleccionado: ',
{view: 'label', id: 'lbl_client', name: 'lbl_client',
label: 'Ninguno'},
{view: 'fieldset', label: 'Buscar Producto', body: {rows: [
{cols: [
{view: "search", id: "search_product_id",
name: "search_product_id", label: "por Clave",
labelPosition:'top', maxWidth:200,
placeholder:'Presiona ENTER para buscar'},
{view: "search", id: "search_product_name",
name: "search_product_name", label: "por Descripción o Clave",
labelPosition:'top', suggest: suggest_products,
placeholder:'Captura al menos tres letras'},
{view: 'fieldset', id: 'fs_students', label: 'Buscar Alumno',
body: body_students},
{maxWidth: 10},
{maxWidth: 300, rows: [
{view: 'fieldset', label: 'Comprobante', body: body_comprobante},
{view: 'fieldset', label: 'Opciones de Pago', body: body_opciones},
{view: 'fieldset', id: 'fs_moneda', label: 'Moneda', body: body_moneda},
{view: 'fieldset', id: 'fs_divisas', label: 'Divisas - Tipo de Operación', body: body_divisas},
{view: 'fieldset', id: 'fs_regimen_fiscal', label: 'Regimen Fiscal',
body: body_regimen_fiscal},
{view: 'label', label: 'Detalle', height: 30, align: 'left'},
{minHeight: 15, maxHeight: 15},
{cols: [{}, grid_totals]},
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{view: "button", id: "cmd_timbrar", label: "Timbrar", icon: 'ticket',
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{view: "button", id: 'cmd_prefactura', label: "PreFactura",
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{rows: [
{template:"", type: "section" },
{margin: 10, cols: [{},
{view: 'button', id: 'cmd_close_invoice', label: 'Cancelar',
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{view: 'button', id: 'cmd_facturar_preinvoice', label: 'Facturar',
type: 'iconButton', autowidth: true, icon: 'pencil'},
{view: 'button', id: 'cmd_preinvoice_generate_delete', label: 'Facturar y Eliminar',
type: 'iconButton', autowidth: true, icon: 'pencil', hidden: true},
{view: "button", id: "cmd_delete_preinvoice", label: "Eliminar",
type: "iconButton", autowidth: true, icon: "minus"},
var toolbar_prefilter = [
{view: 'richselect', id: 'prefilter_year', label: 'Año', labelAlign: 'right',
labelWidth: 50, width: 150, options: []},
{view: 'richselect', id: 'prefilter_month', label: 'Mes', labelAlign: 'right',
labelWidth: 50, width: 200, options: months},
var grid_preinvoices_cols = [
{id: "id", header:"ID", hidden:true},
{id: "folio", header: ["Folio", {content: "numberFilter"}], adjust: "data",
sort:"int", css: "cell_right"},
{id: "fecha", header: ["Fecha y Hora"], adjust: "data", sort: "string",
footer: 'Total'},
{id: "tipo_comprobante", header: ["Tipo", {content: "selectFilter"}],
adjust: 'header', sort: 'string'},
{id: 'total_mn', header: ['Total M.N.'], width: 150, sort: 'int',
format: webix.i18n.priceFormat, css: 'right',
footer: {content: 'summColumn', css: 'right'}},
{id: "cliente", header: ["Razón Social", {content: "selectFilter"}],
fillspace:true, sort:"string"},
{id: 'pdf', header: 'PDF', adjust: 'data', template: get_icon('pdf')},
{id: 'email', header: '', adjust: 'data', template: get_icon('email')}
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columns: grid_preinvoices_cols
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{view: 'toolbar', elements: toolbar_prefilter},
var opt_tipo_proceso = [
{id: 'Ordinario', value: 'Ordinario'},
{id: 'Precampaña', value: 'Precampaña'},
{id: 'Campaña', value: 'Campaña'},
var opt_tipo_comite = [
{id: 'Ejecutivo Nacional', value: 'Ejecutivo Nacional'},
{id: 'Ejecutivo Estatal', value: 'Ejecutivo Estatal'},
{id: 'Directivo Estatal', value: 'Directivo Estatal'},
var controls_ine = [
{maxHeight: 15},
{cols: [{maxWidth: 15},
{view: 'checkbox', id: 'chk_cfdi_usar_ine', labelWidth: 0,
labelRight: 'Usar el complemento INE'},
{maxHeight: 10},
{cols: [{maxWidth: 15},
{view: 'richselect', id: 'lst_ine_tipo_proceso', labelWidth: 150,
label: 'Tipo de Proceso', options: opt_tipo_proceso,
value: 'Ordinario'},
{maxHeight: 10},
{cols: [{maxWidth: 15},
{view: 'richselect', id: 'lst_ine_tipo_comite', labelWidth: 150,
label: 'Tipo de Comite', options: opt_tipo_comite,
value: 'Ejecutivo Nacional'},
{maxHeight: 10},
{cols: [{maxWidth: 15},
{view: 'text', id: 'txt_ine_idcontabilidad', name: 'ine_idcontabilidad',
label: 'ID de Contabilidad: ', labelWidth: 150},
var grid_cols_leyendas_fiscales = [
{id: 'id', header: 'ID', hidden: true},
{id: 'texto_leyenda', header: 'Leyenda', fillspace: 2},
{id: 'norma', header: 'Norma', fillspace: 1},
{id: 'disposicion_fiscal', header: 'Disposición Fiscal', fillspace: 1},
var grid_leyendas_fiscales = {
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adjust: true,
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headermenu: true,
columns: grid_cols_leyendas_fiscales,
var controls_leyendas_fiscales = [
{maxHeight: 15},
{cols: [{maxWidth: 15},
{view: 'label', id: 'lbl_title', label: 'Selecciona las Leyendas Fiscales a integrar en esta factura'},
{maxHeight: 15},
var controls_invoices = [
view: 'tabview',
id: 'tv_invoice',
animate: true,
cells: [
{id: 'Generar', rows: controls_generate},
{id: 'PreFacturas', rows: controls_prefactura},
{id: 'INE', rows: controls_ine},
{id: 'Leyendas Fiscales', rows: controls_leyendas_fiscales},
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responsive: true,
cols: [{
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elements: controls_invoices,
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var app_invoices = {
id: "app_invoices",
{view: "template", id: "th_invoices", type: "header", template:"Administración de Facturas" },
var body_upload_invoice = {rows: [
{view: 'form', id: 'form_upload_invoice', rows: [
{cols: [{},
{view: 'uploader', id: 'up_invoice', autosend: false,
link: 'lst_upload_invoice', value: 'Seleccionar Archivo',
upload: '/files/invoiceods'}, {}]},
{cols: [
{view: 'list', id: 'lst_upload_invoice', name: 'lst_upload_invoice',
type: 'uploader', autoheight: true, borderless: true}]},
{cols: [{}, {view: 'button', id: 'cmd_upload_invoice',
label: 'Importar Factura'}, {}]},
var win_import_invoice = {
init: function(){
view: 'window',
id: 'win_import_invoice',
width: 400,
modal: true,
position: 'center',
head: 'Importar Factura de Plantilla',
body: body_upload_invoice,
$$('cmd_upload_invoice').attachEvent('onItemClick', cmd_upload_invoice_click)
$$('up_invoice').attachEvent('onUploadComplete', up_invoice_upload_complete)