//~ Empresa Libre //~ Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Mauricio Baeza Servin (web@correolibre.net) //~ //~ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify //~ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //~ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or //~ (at your option) any later version. //~ //~ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //~ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //~ MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //~ GNU General Public License for more details. //~ //~ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //~ along with this program. If not, see . var PUBLICO = "Público en general"; var RFC_PUBLICO = "XAXX010101000"; var RFC_EXTRANJERO = "XEXX010101000"; var PAIS = "México"; var DECIMALES = 2; //~ var DECIMALES_PU = 4; var DECIMALES_TAX = 4; var CLAVE_ANTICIPOS = '84111506'; var CURRENCY_MN = 'MXN'; var db = new loki('data.db'); var table_config = db.addCollection('config') var table_taxes = db.addCollection('taxes') var table_pt = db.addCollection('productstaxes') var table_totals = db.addCollection('totals', {unique: ['tax']}) var table_series = db.addCollection('series') var table_usocfdi = db.addCollection('usocfdi') var table_relaciones = db.addCollection('relaciones') var table_waypayment = db.addCollection('waypayment') var msg = '' var months = [ {id: -1, value: 'Todos'}, {id: 1, value: 'Enero'}, {id: 2, value: 'Febrero'}, {id: 3, value: 'Marzo'}, {id: 4, value: 'Abril'}, {id: 5, value: 'Mayo'}, {id: 6, value: 'Junio'}, {id: 7, value: 'Julio'}, {id: 8, value: 'Agosto'}, {id: 9, value: 'Septiembre'}, {id: 10, value: 'Octubre'}, {id: 11, value: 'Noviembre'}, {id: 12, value: 'Diciembre'}, ] function get_icon(tipo){ icons = { xml: 'fa-file-code-o', pdf: 'fa-file-pdf-o', zip: 'fa-file-zip-o', email: 'fa-envelope-o', print: 'fa-print', table: 'fa-table', } return "" } function focus(name){ webix.UIManager.setFocus(name) } function select_all(name){ focus(name) $$(name).getInputNode().select() } function to_end(name){ focus(name) var txt = $$(name) var pos = txt.getValue().length var height = txt.getInputNode().scrollHeight webix.html.setSelectionRange(txt.getInputNode(), pos) txt.getInputNode().scrollTop = height } function showvar(values){ webix.message(JSON.stringify(values, null, 2)) } function showtype(values){ webix.message(typeof(values)) } function show(nombre, value){ if(value == '0'){ value = false } if(value){ $$(nombre).show() }else{ $$(nombre).hide() } } function enable(nombre, value){ if(value == '0'){ value = false } if(value){ $$(nombre).enable() }else{ $$(nombre).disable() } } function msg_error(msg){ if(!msg){ msg = 'Error al consultar' } webix.message({type: 'error', text: msg}) } function msg_ok(msg){ webix.message({type: 'success', text: msg}) } Number.prototype.round = function(decimals){ return Number((Math.round(this + "e" + decimals) + "e-" + decimals)) } String.prototype.is_number = function(){ return /^\d+$/.test(this) } String.prototype.to_float = function(){ return get_float(this) } String.prototype.to_float4 = function(){ return get_float4(this) } function get_float(value){ var f = parseFloat(value.replace('$', '').replace(',', '').trim()).round(DECIMALES) if(!f){ f = 0.00 } return f } function get_float4(value){ var f = parseFloat(value.replace('$', '').replace(',', '').trim()).round(DECIMALES_TAX) if(!f){ f = 0.00 } return f } var format_decimal_2 = webix.Number.numToStr({ groupSize: 3, decimalSize: 2, groupDelimiter: ",", decimalDelimiter: "." }) var format_decimal_4 = webix.Number.numToStr({ groupSize: 3, decimalSize: 4, groupDelimiter: ",", decimalDelimiter: "." }) function format_currency(value){ var fv = '' if(get_config('decimales_precios') == 4){ fv = '$ ' + format_decimal_4(value) }else{ fv = '$ ' + format_decimal_2(value) } return fv } function format_currency4(value){ return '$ ' + format_decimal_4(value) } webix.protoUI({ $cssName: "text", name: "currency", $init:function(){ this.attachEvent("onItemClick", function(){ this.$setValue(this.config.raw, true) this.getInputNode().select() }) this.attachEvent("onBlur", function(){ this.$setValue(this.config.value) }) }, $render:function(){ this.$setValue(this.config.value) }, $setValue:function(value, raw){ this.config.raw = value if(!raw){ value = format_currency(value) } this.getInputNode().value = value } }, webix.ui.text) webix.protoUI({ $cssName: "text", name: "currency4", $init:function(){ this.attachEvent("onItemClick", function(){ this.$setValue(this.config.raw, true) this.getInputNode().select() }) this.attachEvent("onBlur", function(){ this.$setValue(this.config.value) }) }, $render:function(){ this.$setValue(this.config.value) }, $setValue:function(value, raw){ this.config.raw = value if(!raw){ value = format_currency4(value) } this.getInputNode().value = value } }, webix.ui.text) webix.ui.datafilter.countRows = webix.extend({ refresh:function(master, node, value){ node.firstChild.innerHTML = master.count(); } }, webix.ui.datafilter.summColumn); webix.ui.datafilter.summActive = webix.extend({ refresh:function(master, node, value){ node.firstChild.innerHTML = this.summGenerate(master); }, summGenerate:function(master){ var sum = 0 master.eachRow(function(id){ var row = master.getItem(id) if(row.estatus == 'Generado'){ var importe = row.total if(typeof importe === 'string'){ importe = row.total.to_float() } sum += importe } }) return webix.i18n.priceFormat(sum) } }, webix.ui.datafilter.summColumn); webix.ui.datafilter.summTimbrada = webix.extend({ refresh:function(master, node, value){ node.firstChild.innerHTML = this.summGenerate(master); }, summGenerate:function(master){ var sum = 0 master.eachRow(function(id){ var row = master.getItem(id) if(row.estatus == 'Timbrada'){ var importe = row.total_mn if(typeof importe === 'string'){ importe = row.total_mn.to_float() } sum += importe } }) return webix.i18n.priceFormat(sum) } }, webix.ui.datafilter.summColumn); function validate_rfc(value){ rfc = value.trim().toUpperCase(); if ( rfc == ""){ msg_error('El RFC no puede estar vacío') return false } var tipo_persona = $$('tipo_persona').getValue() var length = 13 var start = 4 if(tipo_persona==2){ length = 12 start = 2 } if (rfc.length != length){ msg_error('Longitud incorrecta del RFC') return false } if (tipo_persona < 3 && (rfc == RFC_PUBLICO || rfc == RFC_EXTRANJERO)){ msg_error('RFC incorrecto') return false } var part = rfc.slice(0, start); var re = new RegExp('[a-z&Ñ]{' + start + '}', 'i'); if (!part.match(re)){ msg_error('El RFC tiene caractéres inválidos al inicio') return false } part = rfc.slice(-3); re = new RegExp('[a-z0-9]{3}', 'i'); if (!part.match(re)){ msg_error('El RFC tiene caractéres inválidos al final') return false } part = rfc.slice(-9, -3); re = new RegExp('[0-9]{6}', 'i'); if (!part.match(re)){ msg_error('Fecha inválida') return false } var month = parseInt(part.slice(-4, -2)) if (month == 0 || month > 12 ){ msg_error('Fecha inválida') return false } var day = parseInt(part.slice(-2)) if (day == 0 || day > 31 ){ msg_error('Fecha inválida') return false } return true } function validar_rfc(value){ rfc = value.trim().toUpperCase(); if (rfc == ""){ msg_error('El RFC no puede estar vacío') return false } if (rfc.length < 12 || rfc.length > 13){ msg_error('Longitud incorrecta del RFC') return false } var length = rfc.length var start = 4 if(length==12){ start = 2 } var part = rfc.slice(0, start); var re = new RegExp('[a-z&Ñ]{' + start + '}', 'i'); if (!part.match(re)){ msg_error('El RFC tiene caractéres inválidos al inicio') return false } part = rfc.slice(-3); re = new RegExp('[a-z0-9]{3}', 'i'); if (!part.match(re)){ msg_error('El RFC tiene caractéres inválidos al final') return false } part = rfc.slice(-9, -3); re = new RegExp('[0-9]{6}', 'i'); if (!part.match(re)){ msg_error('Fecha inválida') return false } var month = parseInt(part.slice(-4, -2)) if (month == 0 || month > 12 ){ msg_error('Fecha inválida') return false } var day = parseInt(part.slice(-2)) if (day == 0 || day > 31 ){ msg_error('Fecha inválida') return false } return true } function validate_email(email){ var re = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/ return re.test(email) } function add_config(args){ var key = table_config.findOne({key: args.key}) if(key===null){ table_config.insert(args) }else{ key.value = args.value table_config.update(key) } } function get_config(value){ var key = table_config.findOne({key: value}) if(key===null){ return '' }else{ return key.value } } webix.DataDriver.plainjs = webix.extend({ arr2hash:function(data){ var hash = {}; for (var i=0; i